A word of warning from the other side

I'm not one of you. I'm not one of them either. But I feel for you guys more, so I'm here with a warning.

Simply going through the motions wont fix you. Getting a girlfriend wont fix you. Being around "friends" wont fix you. There is something deeply flawed about each of us, and unless we fix it all of the things we covet will just turn to ash in our mouths.

I got what I'd been reaching for, and I still feel so fucking alone and so fucking sad. I wanted things, but what I really shouldve wanted was to fix myself.

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What you mean, without the /x/-tier faggotry, is a warning to robots not to hold friendships, relationships and a "normal" way life to such a high regard, because if you make it your only purpose in life for so long, you will then have nothing to live for once you get it. and then potentially end up in an even bigger hole that op is in now.

you'll be okay buddy don't worry about it too much

Not exactly. I just meant that without improvement of the self, relationships will bring you no happiness even if you manage to attain them.

>the other side
wasnt trying to be mystical, just meant that I was more normie than most folks here

i feel the exact same, holy fucking shit
i just couldn't put it into words but i know i'm simply not happy with this "normal" lifestyle and it drains me every single day

>Virgin pretends he's accomplished anything in hopes that no one else will try and they'll kill themselves like him


I hope so. Thank you man.

It brings me some comfort that I'm not alone, but I'm sorry that you feel this way. I hope we'll make it some day.

Op it sounds like you just had really shitty friends if being around them didn't fix you. Being a part of a good group of friends and doing funny shit is absolutely one of the best feelings in the world.

The only things I wanted were to experience teen love and/or love in college. That did not happen so I know there is no fixing things. I am just waiting to have the courage to die.

They're perfectly decent people in my opinion. I just dont connect with them in any cathartic or significant way.

Then find better friends and quite trying to be a mysterious faggot on my fucking board you sperg. Jesus. Maybe they don't connect with you because you're annoying to be around.

I met my gf when I was 15. We started dating when we were 16. I took her virginity and she took mine. We've had a good relationship for 6 years now.
I'm still lonely. Your sentiment is exactly what I'm trying to warn ya'll about.

Sorry. I was aiming for calm and collected, not wise.

>maybe they dont connect with me because I'm annoying
Probably part of it. I'd do anything to be different.

You don't even belong here. Why don't you go to reddit or something?

Man it sounds to me like your projecting your own issues onto others. You obviously have some problem with being a condescending prick who expects everyone else to make his life interesting. Boring people flock to boring people and interesting people flock to interesting people, no?

shit, I meant mysterious, not wise.

reddit doesnt have anything to say that I'm interested in. I'll let this thread die the second people stop responding to it.

I consider this posibility all the time. However, my interactions arent structured like:

>person starts conversation
>I think to myself "how stupid/boring, I wish they wouldnt talk to me"
>I mope about being lonely

It goes more like:
>person shares something with me/the group
>I acknowledge the fact that this thing is important to this person, and the fact that I dont find it interesting doesnt make this person lesser. It just makes us different
>I mope about being lonely

you have to be more interesting to other people than other people are interesting to you.

Then it becomes a battle of putting my ideas/interests out there vs. becoming too demanding/overbearing.

I have no concept of what people want to hear, because sometimes I do great and people are engaged and sometimes people clearly think I'm a fucking sperg

what kind of battle depends on your disposition. think of it more like a dance.

we'll make it out alive, op
also nice trips

I dunno what else to do.
I can't argue with you.
I just do what I gotta do and get small to no satisfaction.

Chill out dude, happiness wouldn't come easy or else we would never find reason to do anything. Instead of going for all that, try finding something you enjoy. Or just get a therapist and antidepressants cause u sound sad as fuck

I just wish that my sober self was just as full of life, confident and happy as my drinking self

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I know the feeling 2 well.

is this where I should just drink all the time? I feel like I'd get so much done in life if I was buzzed 24/7

it's only cool to drink 24/7 if you're a veteran

otherwise you should hide it

No try to quit if you can but that sounds hypocritical coming from an alcoholic.

Shit sucks man im addicted as fuck now.

only reason I won't do it is beacuse I drive around often and I don't wanna risk a DUI. How do you do it bro?

I drink when im home and avoid driving as much as I can.

My car broke down so I've been without transport for a month now, basically becoming a shut in drinking everclear.

Idk man its a slow form of suicide and I'm starting to become paranoid I did permanent damage.

wdym by permanent damage? you fuck your liver up?

Its been starting to get pain in that area but im not sure.

I should prob go get a physical some time next year.

Yeah, I've know that ever since I've been able to think straight, so about since I was like 6 or so.

Listen to OP, folks. It really does pay off to feel good about yourself, without the need of confirmation from others! It's all about what's right and what's wrong. About justifying your way of life. About making it last... forever.

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Appreciate it guys, best of luck