Ask an above average intelligence but mentally ill cisgender female who cheats on her boyfriend regularly anything

Ask an above average intelligence but mentally ill cisgender female who cheats on her boyfriend regularly anything
pic not related

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Why do you do it and with how many different guys. Also what kind of guys.

you should kill yourself, but as a question

why do u cheat on him?
Don't you think cheating makes you unable to truly love?

I don't much care, just post more pussy.

Almost anime girl/10 pussy. If only it didn't look like raw chicken upon closer inspection...

How do you make it so he doesn't find out?

post your nudes or larp

There's like. 3 cm. 3 cm at the most, of stuff separating the poop hole from the baby hole. Dwell on that for a min.

Hey you should go kill yourself. Fuck you you cheating scum. All this man has done is love you and probably provide for you. Thanks for being a slut and a whore.

He deserves it for letting himself being cucked. Being in a relationship with a girl is de facto cuckoldry.

Women want high test fuck machines. It's biological for them to be attracted to a guy that goes around fucking everything.

Why do you even fucking bother posting

Yeah OP is a biological dude tho

I hope everything goes wrong in your life you cheating whore, hope you piss the wrong people off, I really want you to suffer

what mental illness?
do you ever think about how one day nobody will want your used up cooze because you arent otherwise attractive anymore?
do you ever think about how this sort of behavior will ensure that in the end you are utterly alone and actively ignored by everyone everywhere all the time?
what STDs do you have?
how many STIs do you have currently?
how is your relationship with your father?
just kidding i dont give a fuck and i think youre a larper
either way, i really wish you would set yourself on fire

do you care about how this would make him feel
do u think about yur real bf after sex
do u feel guilty
do u understand that there is a reality behind all the women hate that goes on here beyond the surface level incel stuff

Ah, you're what /b/ calls a beta, right?

Why cheat if you're in a relationship though?

>Being in a relationship with a girl is de facto cuckoldry.

Ok hold on incel, how do you expect to not get cucked if you don't even get into a relationship? How can you say that watching Chad and Stacy doesn't make you a cuck because you don't want a relationship? How does being on a relationship entail cuckoldry? Maybe that's just your experience, has it happened too much to you?

>how do you expect to not get cucked if you don't even get into a relationship?
By not getting into a relationship.

>How can you say that watching Chad and Stacy doesn't make you a cuck
You don't watch them.

>being on a relationship entail cuckoldry?
How does playing russian roulette entail getting killed?

>has it happened too much to you?

Op isnt even posting. Kys op you faggot.

>cisgender female who cheats on her boyfriend regularly anything.
do yo ever feel guilty when you are having sex with the bf?

Well, you know the drill roastie.

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Do you enjoy being the reason that incels exist?

Assuming I was dating a girl like you, do you think it would be appropriate to build a dungeon and permanently lock you away in it for your own good and to prevent you from cheating?

do you let the cuck come inside of you?