>Realize how much potential I've wasted
>Realize how much potential I am going to waste
Why did it have to be this way? Why was I born the outcast? Any other robots relate?
>Realize how much potential I've wasted
>Realize how much potential I am going to waste
Why did it have to be this way? Why was I born the outcast? Any other robots relate?
It was all predetermined. It's all part of the great overarching plan of the cosmos.
that's not true. we have freewill and control over our decisions
>have literally 0 potential
>still feel like im wasting something
That you would say that was predetermined.
Ive put my energy into the things I care most about, music mainly. Im not great but I put my heart and soul into it and hundreds or thousands of hours. I dont regret where I focused my potential. Nothing else seems worthwhile anyways.
Honestly the only thing I care about is school and passing my classes. All of my hobbies I eventually get bored of. Damn
no it wasn't. the sunrise is predetermined for tomorrow but I chose to say that just now
This reply too was predetermined. Every factor aligned precisely so that you would say that, as also happens with my reply. The culmination of billions of years of cause and effect, it's beautiful.
Id agree, origionally of course
>tfw only 18 & not cursed by beta genes and have time to try and turn my life around
>don't know anyone except for straight edge betas that only stuck around with me for this long because no one fucks with them when i'm around them
>I have no real doorway into the normie life because I never bothered to make any other friends while I was at school because I usually skipped to smoke weed in my brothers apartment
I'm just gonna disassociate from them and try and make friends at the nightclubs or something. Hopefully work my way up to being a pinga dealer.
The universe is not deterministic, merely probabilistic.
How sad that you are still in denial, user. But, this too must come to pass.
>everyone tells me how great I am
>life is great, nothing could go wrong
>one small setback and suddenly I'm failing like I never had before
>life is in shambles, I'm constantly avoiding reality
>realize how shitty I am after all these years, my reality shatters
>everyone is disappointed in me I can tell
Oh yeah I relate, OP. I'm currently drinking alone and playing video games. My grace period for college loans ends in less than a week and I have no plan. This is why you don't turn your kids into huge ego faggots even if they have potential.
I've found my thoughts growing hazy.
My memories are fading, oldest first.
The curse is doing its work upon me.
I am frightened...Terribly so...
If everything should fade...What will be left of me?
I beg of you... remember my name...
For I may not myself...
why does every zoomer and their grandmother uses beta unironically?
Is this what you are being taught in school nowadays?
>Everything is predetermined
Is this how you cope with your failures?
it's sad that you're trying to deny your own freedom of choice. you're a rational actor making decisions in the world but you're denying this?
Fuck yes, I relate.
I am 23.5.
Wasted 4 yrs by going to highschool. Wasted more fumbling in college changing my major and barely graduating at age 23 with an associates degree. An embarrassment.
What I should have done is... well there were 3 options but I'll just word it like this. I shpuld have graduated with this associate's before turning 18 so basically, I am 5 years behind in life.
Depressed as FUCK about this.
Free will is an illusion. Everything is basically just a Domino's effect
What's rational? Considering how a system like this works and coming to a conclusion, or clinging to the idea that you can continually manufacture "freedom" from some misplaced sense of control and identity. Just because you have the ability to select from 10 flavors of gum doesn't mean that you have infinite choice, or the ability to make more flavors of gum.
You have only 2000 characters to reply to me. Limited options, limited ability to make sense of it all. Prove that either myself or the other person you responded to are "rational actors" when our choices and possibilities are limited.
have a cry cunt
I don't think having a limited range of possibility denies free choice but I don't think our range of possibilities are limited to begin with. it's because everything is domino effect like says that our smallest choices will last until the end of time. you have control over these things and by denying this you're trying to deny your own cause and effect in the world.
Id mop the floor with your face fuckboy
Dont let someone catch you using that vocabulary outside
I would unironically kill you, mate. Time and place pussy, i'll book flights if I have to
By that logic your birth and my birth were part of the 'domino' effect you describe, and this is an argument for my position of determinism. But I go beyond determinism into superdeterminism. There is not only no accident but beyond that, not even a semblance of a choice. Your reactions to all information, your sense of self, identity, community, and personal relation with the world are again, all entirely byproducts of elements outside of your control. Even things like success and happiness. It's just system elements that have no real meaning.
you fucking suck at fighting you aint killing no one
that just sounds like a bunch of fucking non-sense. you're better off trying to talk to me about god and jesus.
wasting potential is awesome. its like giving the finger to nature
when we bump into each other fag
Even more, the idea of "control" makes as much sense as the idea of "should" or the idea of "whole". It represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the universe. You have to be thinking wrong in order to even use those words as anything more than place-holders for concepts beyond our comprehension. And that is exactly as it must be. People are going to think that you and I are full of shit, and nothing can be done to stop that.
Look who's backpedaling. You wanna bark up you better bite too you weak maggot. Time and place. If you dodge it one more time you're a fucking bitch cunt.
at your schools bus stop at 2 pm, we walk down a few streets
I don't consider there to be any potential in human beings. I look at human beings and what they do, how they live, and regardless of success or failures, to me it all just seems completely insane to live the way we do, to entertain the way we do, to feel anything at all except for loss from birth. I am empty and I don't care about or remember who I am, what I've done, where I'm going. I just skate idly by in the void because that's exactly what I choose to do. I don't want to live or die. I choose to be nobody. I am fine with that choice, because everything else is too insane for my taste and I never enjoyed my time here in this small taste of absurd hell.
That's what I thought cunt. Avoid this like you avoid everything else. Weak dog.
What the fuck does that even mean originalityyyyyyy
alright bump into me when you want a fight, ask around for my whereabouts ill be waiting, think im afraid of a dumb child?
and you'll be called for answer for that choice at the end of your life
Looks like you're scared cunt. You won't give a time and place.
>ask around for my whereabouts
hahaha no one knows you cunt
If you don't like the way things are, change. For some reason it's very human to wait for change to come to you,it takes a real force of effort to bring yourself to change. Realizing that is the first step.
I'm fine with that. What would I be answering to if I may ask? Some kind of deity? Or just to myself and my choices? If neither, I'd be interested, perhaps.
>that feel when retarded
Cant believe this shit is original oriol
22.5 HS dropout, havent even thought of uni/college since no point if i cant give a spec of shit about studying or learning. Life ahead will surely be a eventfull bum rush untill i cant be bothered to even scavenge rat carcasses on the streets.
>realize I've wasted all of my time up until now
>Assure myself that tomorrow will be a turning point in my life
>it never is
>Think that I'll probably never catch up to everyone who did something with their lives, so it's not worth trying at this point.
I just want some sort of motivation, but it never comes.
There is no "limited range of possibility", there is only one possibility.
>if I don't understand it, it's wrong
If your will is so free why didn't you choose to be a female?
I don't feel that at all, I have around twenty friends who are all going nowhere in life and have no girlfriend, their ages range from 20 to 34.
I think something is wrong with our generation because even the ones that seem to be making it aren't getting married or having kids.
I've only been invited to one of my friends weddings, the rest remain unwed.
When you want to improve yourself don't start with that "Tomorrow I'll stop being an incel faggot" thing, you get off your fat ass right the fuck now and do something productive, just get up and get something done. Just fuck it prove your dad wrong and just do it. If you don't you'll never break the chain.