I hate Gods. Gods are assholes, fuck Gods
I hate Gods. Gods are assholes, fuck Gods
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There is no god but God
There is only one God and He will not be mocked. Be careful what you say because you may answer for it on the day of Judgement.
theres a lot of gods and the judeo-christian god is the gayest and least cool
You fucking dare belittle Mother Universe? You worship false gods. Mother is the only true light.
Your blaspheming may be forgiven at some point, so long as you don't cross the line of blaspheming the holy spirit. Be careful.
There is nothing more blasphemous than belittling Mother.
>Worshipping a female
If God wanted me to do or not do things then he'd tell me himself instead of having his batshit insane emissaries do it for him. His word might be worth something since he would be that guy from the book but their word means as much to me as dirt under a moose's ass.
how rude :O
based other gods.
She's the only one that'll save us after the realities around us fall apart. You mock your own Savior.
Does saying this make you feel powerful? Becuase you just come across as a cringey melodramatic faggot.
My Savior is Christ, the Redeemer, not some weirdo discord pagan tranny goddess
God came in the flesh 2000+ years ago and founded a church and his followers wrote all about it, there's a book and everything. I recommend you check it out. It's not all about jumping through hoops to do the right thing, although as you come to know God you will probably want to do the right thing on your own anyway.
Your false "God" is merely a misinterpretation of Mother's gift of life to our mortal vessels. She gifted us the light that allows us to enjoy the world Her love brought us. She speaks to me and I know Her to be the one true diety of this existence. You've shunned and disobeyed Her but she is so kind to us, you need only recognize Her. None of your "holy" scriptures are true, and Mother is true and kind. She doesn't dabble in silly games like your false God.
>God came in the flesh 2000+ years ago and founded a church and his followers wrote all about it, there's a book and everything.
I consider that fake until it's proven. The book exists but some random noblemen, clergy and miscellaneous policy makers could've scrapped it together over the years for all I know.
>but there's unflattering stuff in it
That means it's true? nah. I've lied and said I shat my pants to get out of an annoying situation before. Maybe they just thought it made their religion cooler to have parts about Yahweh summoning bears to attack children or have random fuckos talk about dashing infants against rocks, I don't know, that's their MO. Again, if God wanted my attention and praise he'd talk to me and we'd work something out, he wouldn't have his batshit emissaries condescend at me and politely shove a book in my face with a cute story tied to it. Nothin' divine about that.
All yall religious cucks can suck a dick. No mormon acting shit here, all yalls gods have wanted to kill a shit ton of people
>I consider that fake until it's proven. The book exists but some random noblemen, clergy and miscellaneous policy makers could've scrapped it together over the years for all I know.
The book (specifically I mean the New Testament) is comprised mostly of letters sent to the various churches. So the churches already existed at this point. Why? Because they were started by Jesus, they taught the doctrines he taught, etc. The apostles knowingly went to their deaths claiming Jesus died and was resurrected and they were the ones that were there, they would know if it really happened or not. So they knowingly died for something they knew was bullshit? Not plausible. There is lots of evidence for Christianity but you have to seek it with an open mind and I can't convince you of anything over an imageboard. Look into it more if you really want to know.
i'm straighter and cooler than you mudskin.
>all these christcucks
you do realize your entire religion was just cobbled up by a conman Paul then later exaggerated and edited for public control purpose by the romans. christianity is a shit invasive religion designed for making you slaves.
your automatic spellchecker changed 'Mods' to 'Gods'. Just an FYI.
None of that is plausible, Paul convinced the rest of the church that his visions were true, including the apostles that knew Christ in the flesh and even Jesus' own brother James. So what he was teaching was not some far-out thing completely different from what those taught by Jesus had already known. It was consitent, and if it hadn't been the rest of the church would've rejected it. Also Christianity would be a terrible mechanism for state control over people because it teaches that we ought to obey God rather than men when the two are in conflict. Why do you think so many early Christians were fed to lions and burned alive? They refused to declare that the emperor was God.
>So they knowingly died for something they knew was bullshit
The control they would have over the local populace wouldn't be bullshit, it would be very real and very valuable.
hate all these christfags. if they feared God they shouldnt be on this board.
>The book (specifically I mean the New Testament) is comprised mostly of letters sent to the various churches. So the churches already existed at this point. Why? Because they were started by Jesus, they taught the doctrines he taught, etc.
Jesus couldn't physically visit any of the places Paul sent letters to.
It just illustrates that even in 30-60AD, people believed shit that they never saw.
I meant Jesus started the church as a whole, the apostles spread it far and wide. Obviously Jesus didn't personally go out and set up every individual church.
Yea, some random dudes in robes spread an epic meme.
And the hilarious thing is that people believed them.
Jow Forums is a Christian website, newfriend. Frig off back to plebbit if you want to have your Neil Degrasse Tyson Richard Dawkins spaghetti monster circlejerk.
>first gospels written 30 years after jesus' death
>plot hole and timeline inconsistencies
>just so happen to paint him as the perfect messiah paul can use and profit from
lmao okay
All those "Gods" in history were all made in the image of man. That's why they suck dick.
Yahweh is not made by men. Men are to learn from his perfection, not make him closer or more relatable to our being.
All those "Gods" were made with little higher values as they were made for men only by men, molded by their incompetent minds. You can see it in the way the Gods are so fragile, breaking promises, having as much flaws as men, etc.
Yahweh upholds his promised, is not confined to one place but is everywhere and anywhere and sees all. He loves eternally and forgives forever until he finally has his son in human form return to purge the earth of it's wickedness. Amen.
Fuck off God, I'll skewer you on my spear
>first gospels written 30 years after jesus' death
and the oral tradition of the faithful kept it alive, not a good argument because as catholics know written gospels are far more likely to be corrupted than one passed orally
>plot hole and timeline inconsistencies
if you mean the different gospels having different events then that makes sense because they were all written to emphasize certain aspects of the life of jesus christ. Matthew was for jews, John was written by the John and the Johannine community to emphasize what they believed to be the metaphysical implications of Christ. And so on. The Bible is kind of a hodge-podge collection of papers and there are other books that had wide usage, but did not end up in it.
>just so happen to paint him as the perfect messiah paul can use and profit from
as opposed to imperfect? And how did portraying him as 'perfect' help Paul do anything? You do know that he had to leave the synagogue and risk martydom at the hands of his former colleagues. This is not trying to 'prove' christianity, just some strange arguments. There are better arguments against Christianity, such as what I said before that written gospels are easier to corrupt and misinterpret by some authority than the oral traditions of the faithful. Also the usual arguments centering on evil can be effective against interpretations of christianity.
>Posts an overweight fat neet dwemer fuck
>Also posts anime girls with no tits or ass
The most unlikeable type of poster.
ITT: youtu.be
Uh, yes? Problem? Jesus regularly quoted and endorsed the Old Testament and referred to the OT God (YHWH) as his father.
>oral tradition
lmao you can't even get a story straight in a 5 minute telephone game much less 30 years
>admits they were predatory texts to exploit people expectations of a messiah
just like all the unsubstantiated fairy tales in it. there was no census in that era but all that had to be fabricated to align with messianic signs
paul wanted a religion so he made one up. romans embellished it even further. men literally voted which ones were the word of god. it's a sham religion to placate the masses with hodgepodge paganism.
There isn't even convincing evidence for the historical jesus.
ITT: True robots trigger normie newfriends with the gospel
Before this thread gets even more autistic I'd like to explain a few things.
Yahweh = "I am that I am."
The Old Testament Religion was centered around worship of Yahweh, the use of burnt offerings for sacrifices (holocaust) and the physical kingdom of the Tribes of Israel (All jews today having their origin in the Tribe of Judah despite now being an extremely mixed people). "God" is a label Christians attribute to Yahweh who has no name.
Judaism, which was created after the Bar Kokhba Revolt, was a rebellion not only against Christ, but the Virgin Mary and the prophets of the Old Testament and thus has no real connection to the Mosaic Law other than the fact they were descendants of Judah that no longer have any claim on the land of Judah due to the genealogical records being destroyed in 70 A.D. when the jews launched their first revolt.
Also if you can't get pussy just listen to Roosh V ffs and stop complaining lmfao
who the fuck is mother? is this some feminist propaganda?
>men literally voted which ones were the word of god
t. has no clue why the ecumenical councils were held
Pontus Pilate wrote a letter to Tiberius Caesar describing Jesus Christ. Albeit there's speculation that the letter was forged although whether or not that's true is up for debate.
Me - "There's no convincing evidence of the historical jesus"
You- *Provides unconvincing evidence*
Well you've got me there.