how about nice, comfy letter thread? i've got some stuff to get out and no doubt you do too.
try to include initials but having your privacy is okay too
How about nice, comfy letter thread? i've got some stuff to get out and no doubt you do too
How about a nice big cock down your throat you faggot
Dear OP
Youre pretty cute, and that is a nice cat pic, but these threads fucking suck.
Warmest regards,
what's wrong with these threads :( i don't think they bring harm
Dear user
While it may be true that these threads cause no harm, lately they have been lacking. Maybe today will be different, I suppose we just have to wait and see. Whatever happens, stay cute user.
All my love,
well thank you for your kindness, user
I appreciate the thought
I feel so bad for you, about all the creeps. I kinda understand what the feminists mean now.
I miss you alot, I still hope you get back sometime, but maybe this is supposed to be a lesson for me. C.
I feel kinda sick about havin ever talked to you fucks. S & N.
I wanna be upset about this but I'm pretty sure I'd end up doing the same in your situation anyways.
Probably have done the same to alot of people, so I probably deserve it.
Still dun like it that much. Other N.
Letter threads seem kinda useless, but I like to indulge in them anyways.
This may be my first time posting in one tho. OP.
im glad you were able to make a first post
you make your post yet, op?
not yet, im still thinking about how i want to say it. besides, im baking at the moment too
What'cha baking?
making some jam for gifts!
Do you make quality jam?
i think so, at least no one has said anything
I guess it is time to say goodbye, for good this time. I'll miss you, and I'm sorry for what I did. Please continue taking care of yourself.
am i too clingy? i feel too clingy.
who is this for? i feel clingy too
why do you feel clingy?
dear r
i really hate you
I'm not either of them.
I'm also a clingy robot though, so I'll guess that they're probably just really dependent on someone.
I know I often wish I could talk to some people every hour of the day.
i feel like i bother him too much. i like talking to him but i always message him while he's talking to his friends or playing games :(
What is your initial? Why are you leaving for good?
I'm sorry, I dunno what you can do there besides restrain yourself.
I know it's difficult, but that's about the only thing you can do.
does he message back? he might prefer talking to you?
what is the initial you are looking for
I asked first user.
C? If not nvm.
definitely do not restrain yourself please i like talking to you
Dear dad,
I wanna talk to you for the first time, but I'm afraid you'll reject me and leave me again.
You are a self righteous prick who believes he's smarter than he really is; It must be nice to always think you're right and justified in every word and action. In reality you are a small, insecure, and worst of all, horribly average person. Before I even knew how much I dislike you and before I realized how much of a piece of shit you actually are, I knew you weren't enough and that you never would be. I felt bad about it, and then you opened your mouth. A bit of advice: it is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. You always have to have the last word and you are just a fool I mistook for a friend.
Who's toying who?
You are most likely just playing with me.
Showing the card tricks to the one with bad cardhand.
But the other side of the coin is that I know who you are.
I did a trick you didn't expect or notice.
Forbidden deed maybe, but I don't play by any rules.
And hey, it looks like your rules suck anyways.
I don't even know why I'm playing.
Perhaps we aren't even playing anything real.
Just a game of pretend to see who's bluffing.
he does message back yeah, and i do apologise for being annoying but i still feel nagging. he's better than i deserve
are you a girl
i wish i had a girl that wanted to talk to me every hour of the day .
i am a girl, though i am sure you would get annoyed with me too
THE only girl to have ever taken an interest in me left me when someone better showed up. in her defense i got too attached way too soon.
i'm sorry it did not work out for you, user :( i am sure there will be another girl for you! you gotta keep patient
When I met you, I was at a really bad time in my life. I was of the opinion that the solution to my woes, that my salvation; was in finding someone to lean on. I wanted to confide in you, to share you my every misery and regret. My shames and my, though far and few in-between, successes. But I was too afraid; I had built up a facade and a wall around myself to shut away my secrets from you though you freely poured yours out to me. I always envied that loose tongue of yours, that carefree attitude that didn't care if I judged anything you had to say harshly because it was your belief at the time that I could never hurt you. But you were wrong about that, weren't you? The person you perceived me to be was the personality I wove intricately in order to deceive you into believe I was in some form redeemable, acceptable. "I don't care, so." that day, though only a year ago it feels like an eternity; you screamed and left with those words. That was your desperate lie to me. A lie so desperate and angry that at the time it was all I could do to believe it so I could just continue onward. But you see I just can't bring myself to let go of any of it. I'm sorry, but even if you want to pretend to not care I just can't do it even though I've tried all this time. I don't need your desperate lies anymore.
Maybe I am and maybe you are.
So, who needs to fuck more?
I don't know you very well, but our time together has meant a lot to me. You've rekindled a flame inside I thought had been extinguished long ago. Now that it's been stoked, it burns for you and won't cease no matter how much I wish it would. I'm likely being very naive and this probably means next to nothing to you, but I keep ignoring the truth to keep seeing you. I know your future is not with me, but I hope you know what you're doing. Don't let him hurt you the same way he has so many others. You know his crimes, and he remains unpunished for them. I can only pray he has changed for you, or that you come to your senses and move on. Maybe we're destined to fall into darkness at the end, only time will tell.
Life feels so weird right now. Someone who I considered a friend turned into an enemy. V got cheated on by J and now he's depressed. Sometimes I feel as if me and him are distant at times. Sometimes he annoys/angers me but I can't tell if maybe I'm just being too sensitive or have a big ego that I just don't want to admit to having. Not only that but I've been a lazy fuck this semester. Leaving projects to the morning it's due. Sometimes I wonder if I should've even gone to college. I mean I don't regret it. I've made some really good friends while being here. That reminds me of L. We've gotten much closer this year and we even live together now with JG. She's great honestly and I find her really cute and funny, it just sucks that she started going out with R at the end of last semester. It sucks cause I really started feeling some type of way about her this year and I'm too late. Then again if I asked her out last year it wouldn't have worked out anyways I suppose. I was different person then and I've grown though not by much. I still haven't fully matured and who knows maybe I'm just not ready for a relationship yet. Then again I wouldn't mind dipping my toes in to dating again. The only problem is I'm still into L so at this point I'd probably have to wait until the end of college to get over her. Who knows maybe I'll meet someone by then. It's just tough cause some nights I just wish I could hold her in my arms and just hug her while we both fall asleep. Well I guess that's whats been up with me lately. I just hope things get better for you in the future.
Yours truly,
Dear A,
It's been a few years since we first and last met, but it's a moment I will always remember. I was in a bad place mentally and spiritually, and when I first met you it was almost as if fate brought you to me. I have never in my life met somebody who reminded me so much of myself while still having such a mysterious aura. Though our friendship was short, you helped me out a lot that night. I sometimes stop and wonder what life would be like if we were still friends. I was really young and naive at the time and I regret throwing away a potentially great friendship. I still see you on occasion yet I never have the guts to provide a proper apology. Anyways, I hope all is well. I'm not the best at writing letters and I'm getting sleepy. If you are out there somewhere, you know where to contact me.
Dear M,
I need to have you, or at least have you to myself once, for an entire day.
You're a very thicc and yummy lady.
Oh yeah, A
Before I leave, check out the song Midnight Pretenders by Tomoko Aran! It's really great!
listening now, it's good so far.
Brenda, baby just give me a chance~
You have a very nice ass and a cute smile to match.
Glad you like it! I love city pop and Tomoko Aran is my favorite. I'd love to buy some of her stuff on vinyl someday. It's just a little pricey.
Thank you for blessing me with this song, also I saw a comment saying to play it at .75 speed.
Shit slaps :D
I met you on a Snapchat thread during one of the worst times of my life. You were the first person to show me unconditional love. I miss those pointless hours on skype, and all the late night turned early morning phone calls. I always felt so guilty about leading you on and ghosting you during the first half of our friendship. Despite that, you still forgave me and invested yourself in me. When I found out about you getting back together with your gf, I was fucking crushed, but I felt the need to forgive you, the same way you forgave me.
I still dont understand why you couldnt tell me the truth about why you couldnt come to Chicago, even after all the planning we did. I dont understand why you could never explain what happened to us in 2016. Yet, even after you came back the second time, I still loved you.
I miss you so much, A. And I hope everything is going well for you. Shoot me a message on Skype. Maybe we can get drunk and play hearthstone again. You are no longer blocked on Snapchat.
Love you always you faggot,
i don't like people buying gifts for me so you don't have to worry about that. i just wish the best for you
I was talking about buying it for myself! -___-
haha wow, i misunderstood. would you like me to help pay for it? in the spirit of christmas.
Hmmm... Tomoko Aran chopped and screwed... Sounds flame, homie!
That's a very kind offer of you. I don't turn down offers, but I would have to return the favor. In the spirit of Christmas, of course!
may i add you on discord? of course, i am likely not your A but it is nice to think someone would care about me like that.
A is your first initial? Interesting!! What's your discord??
Bump bump bump bump bump bumpity bump
I cant believe you actually like me. You're so beautiful its shocking. I want to hold hands so bad.
ma'am im a guy probably the type of guy you are talking to ...its not annoying its cute desu ...but would be better if it was face to face gets kinda hard to replay when you are doing something else ether playing or trying o msg to alot of people at once ... try to do more ftf talking than msges...PeaceaAndLove! ~G
Just keeping this mf thread relevant
Dear R
you're toxic. fuck you
hamburger guy,
i'm not fucking gay. stop hitting on me. you make my hamburger and that's it. i would go somewhere else but this is the only burger joint for miles and you know that. seriously just fucking stop. if you did anything to my burger i will find out and i will make you regret it until the day you fucking die.
I wonder if you ever meant it when you said you loved me. I know we were just dumb kids in high school but we used to talk so much about the future and I really thought we had a chance at making it work. I wanted so much to just end it after you broke up with me but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I tried to stick around and be a good friend to you and everyone else since I thought you guys still needed me.
That's why I ghosted out, too. I felt like you and the others didn't need me anymore.
You probably wouldn't even care and I bet you'd be disgusted by the direction I've decided to take in life. But I think about you every time I start to lose hope in myself. We may have completely different outlooks, but we match each other in our idealism. I know it's impossible, but I wish I could show you to see things the way I see them.
I wish I could see your big goofy smile one more time after I make some dumb joke.
Whether you would still want me to or not, I'll always keep that pocketknife you gave me. You told me then that I was the person who made you want to stop hurting yourself. You said I was your guardian angel, the one who would protect you from yourself, and you wanted me to hold onto that knife to keep it away from you. Maybe you don't even remember saying that, huh? Maybe you never meant it at all.
Either way, it reminds me that even someone as insignificant as me can help someone else's life for the better.
I'll always love you, even if you hate me now. Or even if you never did love me at all.
Boop boop hoodoop
Missed the initial in the letter, its A.
Hambuger guy isnt hitting on you. Hes making a burg.
I really like you. It makes me really happy you chat with you like now. I get lonely when your in bed, and i laze around and then sleep myself. You are winning more then my trust. It kind of hurts. For over a year i loved B. Hes finally gone completely and i'm a little bitch about it. But you come in, in the most unconventual way, and made me happy. I want to do that same. Maybe i should redpill you on tanks like B did. I really like tanks. Maybe youd catch onto the hook and join in and we can be hobby tankies. Id love that. But i like you more then tanks, so even if you dont catch the bait its okay.
You caused my abandonment issues. I was looking for you this whole time because you left me.