Save her from that jerk user
Everyday you spend wasting time is another day you give someone to fuck your future wife
that doesnt work on me, since im not sure if theres such a person
>save her from that jerk user
I deserve better.
but I will watch her shitty life unfold however, I'm a patient man.
>Save here user, before she becomes this
>Don't let him scare her for life with his abusive behavior.
>implying she hasn't been that already
buddy, bitch ain't even a virgin, kek
>future wife
not gonna happen
don't have the social skills
It's already too late. I wasn't born soon enough.
My future wife is not the type of girl to have premarital sex, nor is she the type to get married more than once. I'm not particularly worried, user.
>I wish i met you earlier, that last boyfriends were abusive
Those are the words that will hunt you
>future wife
>originally implying
>Don't let him degrade your angel
>You do it for love
>He did it for lust
Don't let him win user
>implying my girl wasn't a virgin when I met her
Didn't look for one though, she just happened to be one (strict religious mother but she loves me cause I'm a nice dude). To be fair, I don't mind it if girls had sex in commited relationships, I did too, but this is much more comfy.
She waited and waited but no one came to her life except lying jerks
>implying I'd ever get married to.a western 21st century woman
too risky. i concur.
virginity should be a requirement for you. it is the most important quality above all else. women are ez manipulated but once the v card is gone its gone forever
I know women are all sluts so I gave up on them. nah not going to save something that is program to like jerks.
Is that true? Gosh, that's unexpected.
I think I see how that could make sense, though.
Are you of eastern origin and have brown skin?
This. Any even slightly decent looking chick is gonna be a certified slut by the end of college and you literally can't dispute that.
My future wife will be a virgin or bust.
I've waited too long to settle for anyone less than myself.
Angels don't have premarital sex.
You have to go to the community colleges and get the ones who stayed at home. Take some BS first year classes just to meet them. They're cheap and easy. (the classes not the girls... well maybe the girls)
Low IQ. By definition, my future wife is a non-slut virgin, therefore no one could be fucking her no matter how long I wait.
I'm in the same boat but it's due to my people's culture rather than my choosing. Although if it was down to choice, I would pick this as well.