Republicans are unironically evil authoritarians who do everything from deny climate change to deny women the right to abortion
How can anyone vote red in good conscience?
Republicans are unironically evil authoritarians who do everything from deny climate change to deny women the right to abortion
How can anyone vote red in good conscience?
Just to piss off faggots like you
people who vote red dont care about that shit, i.e. it doesn't conflict with their conscience, as what is in good conscience is entirely subjective.
because people who vote blue interrupt and ruin my day
because they arent evil authoritarians who deny women the right to abortion while denying climate change. women can still get abortions
>what is in good conscience is entirely subjective.
liberals and conservatives have different moral compasses. they think you're an evil, baby killing degenerate.
Almost no one denies the climate is changing. Republicans are skeptical of the extent that humans influence this, given the historical records of past climate change cycles which seems to indicate it is a natural process with more to do with the sun than humanity. No one has the right to commit an abortion, since it is the murder of a living human being. Many women are pro-life, so it's not anti-woman thing.
>orange man bad
Why why is there so much bait here
That doesn't mean it's subjective. Just that people disagree.
I'll pray for those Democrats who've turned away from God's light.
Unfuck yourself pussy.
Anyone who votes right is just a dumb cuck who think sucking the rich elite chad dick makes them chads when they fucking hate you lower plebs
Since you brought up climate change explain how the car restrictions have such a little impact on the climate? Oh wait, you have no clue about any of it and fall for the democratic feel good movement and cute photos they take.
Abortion is murder and it's fine to make it illegal.
Being skeptical of climate change claims is not authoritarian.
This is bait.
I vote red because blue basically shits on people like me all day. I don deny climate change but I don really care about it either. I am pro abortion but I dont give a shit about womens rights
I respect turkeys more than women, and I am a liberal
You're a little off base there. Republicans are just economic libertarians, the alt right are the authoritarians of the right. They're the social authoritarians. Democrats are the libertarians of the left, the social libertarians; and socialists are the authoritarians of the left, the economic authoritarians.
>tfw no mcgovern mcpresident for the mcunited mcstates of mcamerica
Kansas is a pretty good example that economic libertarianism doesn't work imo
Ellsberg glows in the dark, Nixon never controlled the plumbers, Gerald Ford was the CIA's best friend in Congress.
Just dress nicer, like that midge who punched a girl. He looks pretty sharp in the pictures I have seen.
I hate you lower pleb too, so fucking what?
How could people vote democrat, democrats are destroying the western family, raping the constitution and sucking the country because of welfare programs.
Do you see the point
If I had a pet turkey I'd name is Joseph Goebbels
he looks pathetic and ready to take my steaming shit to his face
Why do you keep posting these threads? JANNIE PLEASE
>destroying the western family
corporations did that and the right is also guilty of this
>raping the constitution
just a piece of paper. can be changed accordingly for actual progress. racist rightfucks don't even believe people are equal. where you constitutional boner there?
>welfare programs
you do realize the biggest beneficiary of these programs are primarily white? I'm all for making it harder for privileged white people though
>secrecy of the ballot / black ballot
Because the republicans don't want to kill me for stating facts.
>mfw when middle class conservatives say the left has never helped them while anti-citizen pro-corporation right is better
>that feel when you sabotage every democratic candidate's campaign but McGovern's because you know you can curb stomp his pinko ass
>racist rightfucks don't even believe people are equal.
What retard believes people are equal?
>"because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water quality standards"
>"some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air"
>EPA was created in 1970
Not sure that's how I'd describe Nixon
The only reason anyone votes democrat is because they're either a non-white parasite fuck who wants more gibsmedats, or they're a white race traitor cuck who thinks that non-white parasite fucks deserve more gibsmedats.
Nobody believes they are literally equal as in ==
Just that they deserve equal considerations, rights, and opportunities
You love to play dumb when it suits you
Thanks for the pic fren
>Democrats want gibsmedats
>Red states take the majority of federal welfare, which is all funded by surplus blue stats
Slit your throat conservacuck
Asians make more money than whites though
>Just that they deserve equal considerations, rights, and opportunities
I think the Blackstonean rights of life, liberty, and property are the only things we can universalize. Nobody deserves equal considerations or opportunities. Those are blank checks.
Do you believe in the free market?
>they deserve equal considerations, rights, and opportunities
remind me again why we have affirmative action and shit
Remind me again why minorities are imprisoned more for drug crimes than whites proportional to their usage rates?
Not really. The right should realize the pernicious influence of business interests in advancing the social issues of the left.
becuz historical oppression (btw doesnt apply for chinese LOL)
because white males literally barred non-whites from education and employment
because they have prior convictions, so it's only logical.
Answer my question now.
white men are cucks i mean look at all of history. They live to suck chad dick. What better way to sip chad cum than to vote for the party of chads. I mean seriously step back and take a look.
Because that's not really true. When you look at self-reporting that excludes prisoners, mental patients, and the homeless racial groups use drugs at about the same rate. When you look at drug testing they don't.
>we only want the right kind of people
How exactly is this bad?
Also what form of minority are the other people supposed to be, it lacks any stereotypical features and they're all uncolored so they look white too.
And that excuses any extra gifts dropped into their lap how, lefty?
>literally barred non-whites from education and employment
They had their own schools.
thats what social justice is
making sure the people that got wronged historically have extra gifts now so everyone is equal!
So we can all be equal.
Okay, where is the gibs for white serfdom then?
>asking to touch an innocent animal that will later be used for food and likely was only touched by its handlers vs asking to touch a roastie who has been touched by countless men in various places and is only in it for your fat stacks of cash
>Durrrrr many of the states with disproportionately high nigger and wetback populations receive disproportionate levels of federal gibsmedats, in spite of their MAJORITY WHITE POPULATIONS voting right
>And meanwhile (((blue states))) continue to racebait and poverty pimp with reckless abandon
Not the lefty guy, but Manorial Feudalism actually made Western Europe the powerhouse that it is/was. Bans on cousin marriage, nepotism, and other forms of corruption boosted IQ and social order. See the Hajnal Line.
>that will later be used for food
Isn't that the pardon turkey? He's safe for life, no?
Asians are overpaid af because they're Asians and they're massively overrepresented in quota-based redundant superfluous white collar coastal office jobs.
Sorry, white people aren't historically oppressed. All white people - yes even immigrants - benefit from racism, therefore they don't get any special gifts. They have too many as it is.
Mainly blacks, texas is one of the makers and they've got a lot of hispanics
Fuck off, merely living among whites as second class citizens and parasitically prospering from white culture and technology is more than they deserved
The fact you can blindly claim that displays the tribalist nature of the left and why I no longer ascosiate with it. Its a level of retarded that takes a lot of dedication and nothing I could say would undermine most of who remains in support of the left.
Ill just say, look at the deception of the left and their 100s of smear campaigns against their opponents. All of which fail to be prove true, just baseless shallow subterfuge with no greater goal than victory. Trump collusion 22 is here, oh look a Judge is being selected oh looks like a democrat politician has waited untill just before his nomination to accuse him of rape. Yep, nothing but coincidence, why dont you just believe women without evidence and let the left win, bigot?
Leave your party and try to reforge the left from whatever you can salvage from it. The modern left has done nothing but appeal to leeches (notably NOT the majority working class like they claim) and the bourgouise.
Theres a reason people become more right leaning with age. Its because responsibility and the value of merit are anathema to the left now. Its because the values of the right are more true and the people who hold them are typically the ones the left decide are to be the source of income for their redistributive plans for those who already live much better than the common man 100 years ago. The further you educate yourself into the reasoning and values of the right the more you will abandon your prior values. The same is not true of the right educating themselves of the left. Typically they distance themselves further when they learn more about leftist policies.
this comment sure does echo...
>Durrrrr many of the states with disproportionately high nigger and wetback populations
Like California?
Yellow privilege am I right
Wrong. Asians are in fact underpaid they have to work harder to get paid equally to whites. Not to mention all the social attacks against them and bamboo ceiling. They are barred from managerial positions despite having higher expertise.
>That's right fellow white people, we ALL need to recognize our internalised racism!
Non-falsifiable claims are the bedrock of bogus grievance politics.
It's only murder if the baby is developed enough.
Hispanics again and asians, it's the blacks that are the problem
lmao there's is literally an oxford study that confirms this. fuck off. whites are also threatened by asians who display dominant traits so they go out of their way to portray them negatively.
When the is that though
>asians who display dominant traits
So there's no asians to be afraid of then?
Oh yes a study that you didn't feel the need to cite, name, or link to when you made your first claim. Evidence isn't your strong suit. Stick to riling people up.
Whites have been systematically oppressed by asians for too long
Why the fuck do they insist on using "hispanic" instead of mestizo? They wouldn't have to put "non hispanic" to literally every category besides hispanic if they did that.
ah the typical whitey cope. don't worry I'm gonna laugh when you neck yourself after realizing this is the Asian century
>Asian century
Oh, you're that same dude who keeps posting those dumb threads and image macros. Good luck pal.
>this is the asian century
i'll take you seriously when there's no more bug repellent
Ok then, I guess your little unsourced graphic in is bullshit because there's no fucking way spics or niggers form a supermajority and yet their states still regularly swing right. Your little kike ass is lying about one or more aspects of your narrative. Maybe, whites STILL form a majority in spite of how certain non-white races are represented in certain areas at rates higher than their national averages. Also fuck you, Texas is literally the one exception to the principle that whites make and non-whites take lol, you're not fucking slick.
Maybe it rolls off of the tongue better
Thats not welfare for one, its federal spending. Why would a state with lower state taxes not tap into federal funds which are available to it, that are taxed from their citizens anyway? Its irrelevant of a statistic because it fails to mention how any of the money is spent or any other detail really. Or that blue states get their money from red voters in the first place, both when giving federally and at the state level.
So in short you failed to btfo the conservitards by misunderstanding your own information, minorities and blue voters are the ones who benefit from actual welfare still, and you posted a statistic that seems intentionally leaving out information to mislead, a favorite of the left. Like >The number of school shootings in the u.s are greater than anywhere in europe!
>What about the rate of shootings per population
>Well its about average then, but that doesent matter!
Ignoring the middle and near east because you mean Mongoloid instead of Asian:
>best korea is sadly going to get assimilated by the south
>japs are dying out by their own choice
>south east asia is still as irrelevant as ever
>china is still fucked demographically and is still some dystopian shit
It isn't going to happen dude.
Well the turkey belongs to people
Hey look! More lefty faggots that projecting!
Why lefties, faggots, & women think this way.
Well I can't argue with that. Mestizo does not sound fun. Still, if you're going to make a map based on RACE then you have to use mestizo, mulatto, and all the other words the spanish cane up with for the specific purpose of classifying race. It's even more retarded when they lump in the brazilians with the hispanics because they don't actually care about terms.
Also california and the other multiracial states? Also you're right whites still form a majority in the south even with other races represented at above the national average and that's what the grpahiv says, don't know where you're getting the idea that i think they're all black and vote republican
>western propaganda
lmao usa is fucking terrified of china hence all the propaganda
europe has lower birth rates than japan but this isn't reported because whiteys like their asexual asians narrative
SEA is on the cusp of development and ripe for Asian coalition
Korea being divided is a western imperialist ploy to keep Asian disunited
i've seen fishing simulators with better bait than you
This is how lefties project their ignorance.
what is with blacks and being lowkey woke?
This thread is brought to you by your local rabbi.
Clearly he's just trying to spread the message that the current Jews are fake jews and the real Israelites wuz black.
>europe has lower birth rates than japan
And? Just because a trend is slightly less negative doesn't mean it isn't negative. Japan has to fix that if it wants any further growth.
>SEA for Asia coalition
Do they actually want that? Or will this be GEACPS again?
>uniting korea
Dude south korea fucking sucks, this is a bad deal for Norks. They're still going to be wageslaves only now they'll lose autonomy.
China still has some 40 million more men than women so that is at the very least 40 million men doomed to be incels.
>adhering to your stereotype to in an attempt to lie & deceive is being woke
Found the jew.
You can always find jews behind that too.
2 things.
A) since he was an obama campaign worker it's possible he's doing it as a false flag but got caught.
B) the other races are in general, pretty racist.
>"Korea being divided is a western imperialist ploy to keep Asian disunited"
>S. Korea stayed seperate thanks to west, grew prosperous under capitalism
>Vietnam got united, had vast majority of its citizens in agriculture and was dirt poor until it started privatizing shit
Also not sure they need any help being disunited, they all fucking hate each other, everyone things japan should apologize more fore nanking and the korea occupation and they all hate china