Why do normies love coffee so much?

Why do normies love coffee so much?

It tastes like bitter fermented shit and has unhealthy amounts of caffeine and sugar. You'd be better off drinking soda or tea funnily enough. Yet normies spend millions each year on this crap just to drink something that tastes like expired medicine and posture in a coffee shop.

Attached: cof.jpg (372x450, 34K)

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There is literally no sugar in coffee

It's good for your liver.

he's talking about how people normally order coffee, lots of cream and sugar

Because they add shit like sugar, cream, and ice cream in it. It's literally a dessert drink for them.

yeah imagine putting sugar in your coffee like a normalfag

>dumps 4 packets of cream and artificial sugar

also specialty coffee like fraps and shit has a ridiculous amount of sugar and calories

I need it to have any willpower to get up every day.
You're the normie here you energetic faggot.

Normies typically order something that looks like this.

Attached: Starbucks.png (1412x603, 234K)

Amerilards can't conceive the idea of coffee without anything added to it.

I just add a bunch of sugar some milk or creamer and brew it myself, i also ice it sometimes, hot black fags can go fuck themselves, without milk it's just bean water, but its like a nice chocolatey flavor with milk and sugar. Its fucking amazing, your question might As well be why do normies like alcohol. Its because its addictive and if anything coffee is better. Its especially good when its cold

I wonder this sometimes. Everyone just conforms to what society has made normal.

I like a cup of black coffee, but usually just have a caffiene pill before exercising
I don't drink coffee too regularly
Am American, and that does seem to be the case with NuAmericans more often than not
That looks terrible and too sweet
>66 grams of sugar

Wait what? I don't usually drink coffee, usually tea, I only rarely drink completely coffee on the rare occasion on days where I absolutely need energy and it's only black coffee, but never would I describe the taste as "bitter fermented shit". Have you ever actually had fermented food or drink? It is nothing like coffee. Well, now you're saying there's tons of sugar in it, which probably means you drank some weird chemical starbucks shit, which makes more sense. Black coffee is good though actually, no sugar, and boosts your metabolism. I'd say it's good for you in moderation as anything else. Coffee with added shit that isn't natural and is unhealthy? Bad. Stay away from that garbage.

i drink 5 cups of black coffee a day. It's literally the only thing that keeps me going.

Normies don't even like coffee, they like coffee flavored sugar milk

The general rule is if they are fat then they order the stupid starbucks milkshake things, if they aren't fat they usually drink coffee black or with a little bit of cream/sugar to balance it out.

I got addicted to it by mistake. I started taking caffeine pills and then attempted to quit by drinking coffee and I am a weak willed faggot so now I drink coffee.

Because I prepare it correctly dumb nigger. I hand grind my beans and either Chemex them or Aeropress them and drink it black, and I buy fucking good tasting beans. don't fucking call that jewbucks vomit shit coffee. IT's absolute fucking trash and anybody with a palette that hasn't been ruined by MUH MCDONALD'S TACO BELL PROCESSED FOODS will tell you it's shit. Jesus fuck. everybody who likes Starbucks or puts sweetener in their coffee should buy a circular saw and cut their filthy retard neck open

lmao okay npc

Starbucks coffee is ass, their special drinks like fraps are good but as a dessert

lmao brainlet

I don't spend a rarted amount of money on beans you fucktard. You can buy quality shit for the sake price you can buy a burnt ass fucked up shitbucks blend.

Attached: 1543542249248s.jpg (103x125, 2K)


coffee is one of the only reliable sources of pleasure in my life. grind good ass beans just before you brew and make strong pour over. i drink it black, it tastes like strawberries.

as an added bonus, coffee certainly keeps you from getting cirrhosis and cavities.

