>Wahlberg had just under 2 months to prepare for his role in Pain & Gain. Wahlberg says about the experience: I was 165 pounds for my last movie, but I had to walk on the set at 205. So, that's 40 pounds of muscle in 7 weeks.
How did he do it natty?
>Wahlberg had just under 2 months to prepare for his role in Pain & Gain. Wahlberg says about the experience: I was 165 pounds for my last movie, but I had to walk on the set at 205. So, that's 40 pounds of muscle in 7 weeks.
How did he do it natty?
Other urls found in this thread:
>40 pounds of muscle in 7 weeks
Literally not possible no matter what gear you’re on, what the fuck was he thinking when he said that
t. natty manlet
Found the geneniclet
Fuck off marky mark
Hey FUCK you BUDDY, it's possible for people like mark who aren't complete genetic failures. He even has great height, 5'8 is the ideal height for america
I don't think it's possible for him to even get to 205. Without just being fat
i always thought it was 5'11
No. It's america the power dynamic is different.
5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
muscle memory brahs besides he is pretty bulky in the movie
but also
HRT? Are you retarded? Please never speak on anything fitness related on my board ever again.
I'm gonna guess you're not tall
TRT whatever cunt, you're allowed to think for yourself idiot
>hollywood actors
>not on gear
Pick one senpai
>5'8 ideal height in America
It's not ideal anywhere on Earth nugga
>The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
I'm 5'10 myself but the fact that you have to use such vague concepts to make your argument makes it obvious that you're some 5'6 chink with an inferiority complex.
>was going to shitpost about asian waifus
>turns out 5’8 isn’t even a standard deviation above average in Japan and is below average in Korea
You can’t make this up
In canada if you are under 5'11 you are a faggot
Canadians are the real faggots,
Your lanklet mental deficiency is showing ;)
T. 5’11 Canadian
Jeff bezos is more powerfuler then the president and he's 5'6. Retard.
Jesus christ you don't know what either of those things mean lmao. If you think doing TRT can put on 40lbs of muscle you're dyel as fuck, but I already know that
That cant be too good for you
Being faggot is good either but you got it
My dream is to look like Batman begins
>Bezos cucked by socialists and can't even be in NYC
>Trump literally owns an entire fucking tower in prime NYC
>Bezos gets caught cheating and loses half his fortune to some nerdy bitch
>Trump fucks literally whoever and his hot model wives support him
>Bezos 5'6"
>Trump 6'3"
>Bezos buys a paper to whine about Trump
>Trump gives zero shits about fake news and builds the WALL
The Virgin Bezos vs The Chad Trump
6 months between Machinist and Batman Begins
Why do you support a filthy white man?. Impeachment coming soon kiddo
STOP FUCKING POSTING THIS. It's all over /b/ and Jow Forums too.
It's obvious you've never touched any gear.
Marky mark was on gear for that movie. And got that physique.
So how are you right and he isn't?
Or is it just a big cope from a skinnyfat dyel?
>hurrmrnur I will make them pay for the wall
>nothing happens
>hurmrnurmrmm if I become president, Clintons will be in jail
>nothing happens
>hurmrunrmrnurmrrmrm we need to tax everyone accordingly
>the ultrarich still don't get to pay more in taxes
Wow, really powerful guy.
post body incel or stfu
does pic related look like pure muscle to you? taking his sentence completely literal is beyond retarded but i dont expect anything else from you
What gear? nigga I want to know specifically what he used to gain 40 pounds in 7 weeks. I'm waiting.
I'm not his doctor, you gigantic fuckwad.
Best bet is that he at least had top tier dbol and anavar in his stack.
kek and based bluepilled retard
Donald "I suck Israel's circumcised cock" Trump
Why lie? Japan's average male height is 5"7.4', and koreas is 5"9'. Retard.