I can't find a job and it fucking sucks

I can't find a job and it fucking sucks

>Master's Degree
>Two internships in my field
>All jobs say they require a minimum of 5 years experience
>Don't want to take another unpaid internship

Fuck this gay earth.

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what field?

you must be retarded if you can't find an entry level job with those qualifications.

What major did you study in school user?

Are you making sure to apply to these jobs regardless of you not having the 'required' experience?

Buy my book when I finish writing it. Its called Omega to Alpha

Intelligence Analysis

Worst thing is there's a barrier to entry in the form of security clearances.

International Affairs, China Studies, Chinese Language

Yes, absolutely. I will apply to anything regardless of whether or not I meet their basic requirements.

wat are you're unpaid internships? what field? .. let's make this work, user.

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Well, back to school it is for you then.

Or a vegan fastfood shack.

First one was for a tech start-up as a Communications Coordinator.

Current one is as a Counterterrorism Intelligence Analyst.

I'd like to go back to school. I have zero student loan debt. Part of me knows that going for a PhD before getting a job isn't ideal though.

If this doesn't work out I'm just going to go to some remote hillbilly village and become a logger or something, or kill myself, or both.

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That's an interesting field. I'm quite surprised with your qualifications that you having found a job. How long have you been searching for?

Typo, haven't

I initially was looking for 6 months. Multiple federal agencies have accepted my applications but I either got disqualified because the hiring agency made an error (I didn't meet the residency requirement and they told me otherwise), or they gave me an offer and said it would take a long time to start the background check process. I'm still waiting on the latter ones...

So then I found my most recent unpaid internship opportunity. I wasn't doing anything else so I took it. Now it's coming to an end and it's been at least 10 months since I graduated.

Have you thought about applying your analyst skills to other fields? Like for a marketing company?

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Sounds like you have it rough. I hope it goes better for you in the near future.

I've applied to private sector, business analyst, op-research analyst, risk management, insider threat analyst (etc.) positions as well.

Applying online just means that you're not going to hear back from at least 60% of all companies, from what I can tell.

So I'm thinking about going to attend career fairs instead to talk to recruiters in person.

Thanks, I think things will be alright in the long run. I just don't like wasting my prime years doing nothing but job searching. It's going to stunt my career growth if I don't get started soon. I find myself thrown into the pit with all the other lost-generation millennials still feeling the aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis.

Yes, also try asking around the family. Maybe someone knows a guy who knows a guy. Or talk to people in that field at the university you studied at, such as former professors.

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it never works because in the follow up call they'll just say that they strictly need someone with that amount of exp because their product is important and bla bla

>unpaid internships

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They are very much the standard in europe.