MMA fags,
Should I do cardio and lift, or just lift? If I should do cardio too, what’s the best kind of cardio?
MMA fags,
Should I do cardio and lift, or just lift? If I should do cardio too, what’s the best kind of cardio?
Fighting is 90% cardio dipshit. You absolutely have to do cardio like crazy, try running
>should i be strong and fast or just fast
Figure it out
I’ve heard that lifting weights can be considered as cardio
Not to the level you need for fighting
What kind of cardio should I do?
Kill you'reself :^)
Well, you're definitely dumb enough to be a fighter
HIIT daily, faggot
Precision beats power, and timing beats speed.
Maybe something similar to the structure of an MMA fight, that could make some sense.
HIIT man (Highly intensive interpulse training), shit's the deal kid. I've trained MMA ever since I decided I wanted to do something with my life.
Go outside, and sprint the fastest you can down a crowded block, in the beginning people will wonder what you're doing since you WILL BE slow. But as time goes by you will get fast, real fast and then you might even catch a few mires.
If you got heartproblems, your journey ends here.
Take it to the next level
Be careful, it's a doggy dog world out there
Anymore advice?
I recommend Height Exigency Interpol Training
I love dogs.
Light workout for UFC champion Tyron Woodley.
I wouldnt even bother with cardio if youre above 5'10. Shorter men will always be better then you, and faster too. But also better in general because 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
Post your Jews elsewhere, retard.
Definitely lost of cardio with some lifts for strength. Unless you have tones of time to add hypertrophy as well, you wont look good doing this but it will condition you for MMA.
Best cardio is boxing or grappling, 2 in 1
I rarely cringe on Jow Forums believe it or not but this cunt is awful.