Based on definitions and descriptions of the fathers of said leanings, this is how it literally is
Based on definitions and descriptions of the fathers of said leanings, this is how it literally is
go back to Jow Forums, this board isn't for you.
order > all
fuck libtards, fuck libertarians and muh free market, fuck leftist commies, strong leadership made empires and kingdoms, and only when they got strong/rich enough to start slacking off with excess money and wealth, hedonism and extra time did they start getting into retarded philosophical arguments which spawned different ideological struggles in republican houses, fuck you bitch, I'd serve loyal af under a strong leadership and I'd maintain order as well.
fuck you too OP, fucking fag, bitch ass nigga.
anime and entertainment is degenerate
I mean if you want to be under a totalitarian regime and unable to do anything but what the state tells you with little freedom or happiness while working your ass off 16/7 and die go right ahead.
Also fuck righties and conservapigs. There is no evil greater than u
>*doesn't exist*
fuck you commie, believe it or not you can believe in freedom without simultaneously believing you are entitled to the wealth of others. Taxation is theft and left libertarian is an oxymoron.
>left libertarian iz an oxymoron
It would be if the point of the left wasn't freedom and liberty and equality.
>mfw right libertarian allows those with capital to profit off the excess wage labor of the workers, reduce wages to the absolute minimum level possible, raise prices to the maximum possible all while spouting meme arguments such as "If you don't like it, you don't have to work here" or "if you work hard enough, one day you can have your own business".
right-libertarians are not capitalists, they are boot-lickers.
>the point of the left wasn't freedom and liberty and equality.
The first two are libertarian ideals. Do you even understand why there are two separate axes on the chart, or what the axes mean?
nice petrine cross xd,
Also leftists are inherently anti freedom, and liberty. Equality is not a determining factor of libertarianism and is a doomed concept based on the false premise that people deserve to be treated the same despite their life choices.
>waaah waaah i joined a voluntary contact but its exploitation
Why don't you just not work a job you hate?
>waaah that's a meme argument, how am i supposed to live without working minimum wage mccuck jobs?
Learn a trade or go live innawoods faggot.
As soon as everyone else stops confusing the two, I will as well.
The right keeps talking as if they are the same thing, I'm just following their example
>leftists are inherently anti freedom, and liberty
Tell that to fascism and monarchies, which are firmly righties.
Literally who on earth are you talking about? also
>other people are wrong so I'm going to deliberately be wrong too when it benefits me
yeah I can tell you're a leftist
>yeah I can tell you're a leftist
there you go, you just proved my point you fucking fascist
Fascism and monarchism are neither right or left. THEY ARE ON THE AUTHORITARIAN END OF THE LIBERTARIAN--AUTHORITARIAN SPECTRUM. GOD how are you people all this stupid?
>you people
I hope you like helicopters pal.
Fascism often promotes private property, pro life measures, and anti communist acts. Therefore even fascists are inherently more pro liberty than even the most moderate of leftists. If you believe in abortion and the abolition of private property you are literally more authoritarian than the most iron fisted fascist.
>>waaah waaah I joined a voluntary contact but its exploitation
It's called wagecucking for a reason. You don't have to be Stalin to get how cucked it is to work a job where someone else makes all the decisions of production and how the profits earned partially through your labor are used. It's why everyone glorifies working for yourself.
If you're, not your own boss, you're a cuck. A wagecuck.
then be your own boss. If you don't have anything to offer society then drop out of society. No one owes you anything you limp wristed faggot.
Of course not.
You're still a seething wagecuck though. Keep sucking off Elon Musk, or whatever it is you do.
i don't work for anyone, you're just mad society isn't willing to support your lazy ass for free. If you try to make us we will throw you from rotary aircraft.
>Why don't you just not work a job you hate?
right on queue. Look its not a voluntary contract, How can it be when the only options are to give up your labor for a portion of its value in wages or starve? There is no free will in this decision. You say learn a trade, but this is essentially the same as giving up your labor to another, just with a bit better wages. And go live in a woods? Is this the only solution capitalism can give to the working class, live by yourself in the middle of nowhere?
Also why does it have to get personal all of a sudden. This has nothing to do with you or myself, but a system built to make profit off the backs of others.
> leftists are inherently anti freedom, and liberty.
well for one there is the liberty of being able to keep your own labor and its value and use it as one wished without being forced to give it to another for less than its value or risk starvation.
Freedom because capitalism is statist. The state is the stick the capitalists use when people do not want to put up with it anymore.
>well for one there is the liberty of being able to keep your own labor and its value and use it as one wished without being forced to give it to another for less than its value or risk starvation.
>Freedom because capitalism is statist. The state is the stick the capitalists use when people do not want to put up with it anymore.
Anyone know any first world industrialized nations I move to that are libertarian?
>even fascists are inherently more pro liberty
>the so-called libertarian aligning with the fascist
everytime, this is why they are called RIGHT-libertarians.
why does one always have to "give" to society? Is society a human, if he always have to give to it, is it better than a human?
>be your own boss
you know not everyone can be the boss right? It is misleading to tell people, "Be your own boss" we have an established hierarchy, enforced by the libertarians themselves.
I can move to*
are you agreeing or disagreeing? I can't tell with anime posters.
Assuming "Left" and "Right" are about social values. Pretty sure they're supposed to refer to economic values, but common understanding of political terms is pretty fucked, so whatever.
Authoritarian Left
Authoritarian Right
Libertarian Left
Libertarian Right
At the very least Authoritarian Right should be Unity. Nationalism is like the definition of Authoritarian Right.
You can use your own labor you stupid bitch you just cant steal someone else's store to do it. If you have something valuable to give to society, you will make ends meet. If you don't well then society owes you nothing. Also don't pretend you are like me, i am nothing like you filthy communist scum. I'm not perfect but i try, unlike you anti freedom, anti God, anti humanity cock suckers. You are not worthy to lick the dirt off my boot you absolute waste of oxygen. Fuck off with "why does it have to get personal". It got personal when you suggested rounding up everyone with faith in something higher than themselves and working them to death in a camp. It got personal when you advocated for a genocidal ideology that destroyed nations and killed millions in the name of some old lazy fuck who never worked a day in his life named Marx. It got personal when you advocated for a morally abhorrent ideology based on envy and wrath. Go live in the woods.
You don't have to give anything to society retard, just don't expect anything in return. Not a hard concept for anyone who wasn't spoiled rotten as a kid.
Retarded righty as always
explain exactly where i am wrong, why is fascism not inherently more libertarian than moderate leftists? They sure do act more libertarian.
>why does one always have to "give" to society?
You don't have too...unless you expect something back from society. If you want nice roads, well built neighbourhoods, a properly funded police force, etc., you need to do your part to contribute to society.
>libertarian nation
Bit of an oxymoron. The state would have to deliberately keep itself powerless.
What do you even think "leftist" means? Because it sounds like you're just assigning to it every trait you don't like.
Libertarians can believe in bare essentials of government. You can't enforce property rights meaningfully if the state can't enforce them.
Anywhere from a social democrat to full blown communism, right of that is centrist until conservatism where you officially hit right wing.
Social democrats, communism, and every vile ideology in between are more statist than fascists. Prove me wrong.
But what do you think it actually means? Not the names of ideologies, but actual values.
Well sure, but it'd have to avoid gaining more power than absolutely necessary. That'd be like expecting a corporation to sell its product at the cheapest possible price to break even, instead of making as much money as it can. Unlikely.
>Nationalism is like the definition of Authoritarian Right.
the truest, most extreme, and most LARP-friendly definition of nationalism would fit the red square for the best - everything for the nation
Well left wing in itself is a broad term that describes many different ideologies, all of which are abhorrent. The softest of which promote a welfare capitalist state and the hardest promoting a redistribution of the means of production to the proletariat. The common glue holding this group together is a distrust/hatred of capitalism. Other common although not necessary or completely consistent traits are hatred of religion, a perceived unfair privileged held by white people, feminism, further identity politics (lgbtq and racial "equity") etc.
fascism is pure statism and the enforcement of their version of morality on everyone in a certain mostly arbitrary area of land. It is the ego projected projected on all by violence.
>property rights
Where does property come from? Its not like God just gave certain people a piece of paper to own some land. Its a made up idea to justify theft from a millennia ago.
>pro life measures
not libertarian at all. A libertarian would not look at this as an issue of morality, but would leave it to the individual to decide fro themselves. Being pro life ignores that and simply tries to push everyone towards a certain outcome.
>anti communist acts
not libertarian. Communists are not going to kill you.
>all 3 of the retard ideologies ganging up on the good one
why am i not surprised
>property rights
it is completely fair and justifiable for men to own land, claiming otherwise is pure envious bullshit.
>pro life measures
A fetus is a soon to be human, it has the right to not be fucking killed. Libertarians defend the defenseless and an ideal libertarian state would punish abortionists for being murders.
>anti communist acts
>not libertarian. Communists are not going to kill you.
yes they literally will, communists have a history of killing any political dissenters.
"freedom" would fall all the way at the bottom and down the middle, to the right in the purple if you had to pick a side. there's no freedom in being a slave to the commune, just as there is no freedom in being a slave to a corporation, or to the state.
Unironic Centrist here.
Can't have too much of one thing.
The kid still believes something as retarded as centrism LUL
Okay, sounds pretty reasonable actually. But how is any of that authoritarian/statist? Capitalism isn't the opposite of statism.
All anarchy systems are retarded if you're not stuck being a hunter gatherer.
>distrust/hatred of capitalism
Leftists don't capitalism, user. You can't hate a non-person. Its distrusted because of its effects on the vast majority of humanity; the workers. This includes social isolation, commodity fetishism, psychological trauma including but not limited to NEETism, needing anti-depressants, and perhaps even a portion of transgender ism. Not to mention that profit is made from the excess labor value of the worker, in simple terms, the worker's value is undercut by the threat of joblessness. The capitalist does not have this problem as they can live off of their capital.
Somehow thinks that killing a fetus is stripping someone of their rights but not forcing someone to care for that fetus for about 16 years
He's a taxation is theft guy.
>You can't hate a non-person
Nigga what
Killing a fetus is literally killing someone while forcing a parent to take care of their kids despite technically being authoritarian is the basic moral and humane thing to do. Comparing having to take care of your offspring to being killed because you were inconvenient is retarded.
I have already explained why capitalism=freedom like 1k times this thread a nigga gets weary.
Who is this fucking redditor that uses shit tier anime girls in every thread and instantly outs himself? They're not even good reaction images you fucking faggot, go back
>it is completely fair and justifiable for men to own land, claiming otherwise is pure envious bullshit.
how do you justify it? That they are somehow superior to others?
>A fetus is a soon to be human, it has the right to not be fucking killed. Libertarians defend the defenseless and an ideal libertarian state would punish abortionists for being murders.
this is a moral statement and not all will agree with you, as you say later on there will be dissenters. Will you punish them the same you way you say Communists will punish you?
>yes they literally will, communists have a history of killing any political dissenters.
then they are as statist in enforcing their morality as you seem to be. I'm sure in the communist point of view, those who advocate fro capitalism are literally murderers.
>Killing a fetus is literally killing someone while forcing a parent to take care of their kids despite technically being authoritarian is the basic moral and humane thing to do. Comparing having to take care of your offspring to being killed because you were inconvenient is retarded.
To say that you have to operate on with an axiom that says "fetuses are people" and unfortunately every single person (or at least 99.9% of people) that gets an abortion don't share that axiom with you. At that point, you are just stripping them of their rights for no reason. But even outside of that legalizing abortion creates better results long term. Abortion is something so hard that people who want to get abortion would get one even if it was illegal, and the kids that would be born from people that wanted to get an abortion, but could not, would be only a burden to society.
>how is any of that authoritarian/statist?
Unless I'm missing something, the post you linked has nothing to do with my question
>I have already explained why capitalism=freedom like 1k times this thread a nigga gets weary
Must have missed that too. How, exactly?
>To say that you have to operate on with an axiom that says "fetuses are people" and unfortunately every single person (or at least 99.9% of people) that gets an abortion don't share that axiom with you.
but these people do know that if they just don't kill it then it will turn into a human, that's why they are fucking killing it. Its like smashing an eagles eggs and claiming you didnt hurt the eagle population because "eggs arent eagles". You can play with technicalities all you want but your still a shit person.
>Abortion is something so hard that people who want to get abortion would get one even if it was illegal
fine, go kill yourself with a coat hanger, at least then one innocent person and one baby killer die instead of just the innocent.
>and the kids that would be born from people that wanted to get an abortion, but could not, would be only a burden to society.
they still deserve a chance.
>how do you justify it? That they are somehow superior to others?
No that the right to own and till land is essential to maintaining a healthy civilization and being agriculturally self sustaining.
>this is a moral statement and not all will agree with you, as you say later on there will be dissenters. Will you punish them the same you way you say Communists will punish you?
You can disagree and even voice your disagreements all you want, you just cant kill babies.
>then they are as statist in enforcing their morality as you seem to be. I'm sure in the communist point of view, those who advocate fro capitalism are literally murderers.
only fair point, i'm sure from the communist point of view they are the good guys liberating the workers from evil capitalists. I simply don't have the time to convert them. Every second spent converting a communist is a second where more and more babies are being killed and more and more people are killed in the name of Marxism.
1. I am gay.
2. I'm not a righty, but these days lefties are as loud as they are ignorant and that just causes me to hate on them more.
3. I already love in an oligarchy, more or less, and it's not as bad as you westerners make it out to be, I can do whatever the fuck I want, not that the oligarchy itself is decent, its trash but that doesn't mean others in the past were trash. Mine just sucks out of incompetence so it'd suck as a republic as well with the same people.
4. and I understand this point might differ from one person to another, I legit prefer the capitalist system for employment, atleast for my way of life, it benefits me more than your social mumbo jumbo, although, I do like social implements here and there, I think lots of European countries have a decent balance in that regard, but alas, they're cucked by 2018.
Where do you live user?
Also, please don't let people following an ideology affect your opinion of that ideology. That's how you get tribalism.
As opposed to what?
In communism where you don't get your food stipends if you don't work?
Leftists are simply totalitarians that want to control other people, they only seek to overthrow capitalism because they want to replace the capitalists. They want to be the new governmental bureaucrats deciding who gets what, who gets sent to the gulag and who gets sent to the best universities.
>Everyone who says they believe X actually has no values and just wants to control society
Mate, think about this. Distance yourself from it, think objectively. Do you really think it's impossible for someone to dislike capitalism without being a sociopathic tyrant who hates freedom and happiness?
Also, you seem to think communism the same thing as leftism. Believe it or not, most leftists don't like communism. Just like most right-wingers don't like Nazism. Because most people aren't extremists.
Just thinking. Wouldn't the Libertarian Right be the USA in the first half of the 1800s?
You get what you can get through sheer effort and fate, and every day is a roll of the existence dice.
If you can skin enough animals to trade for an ox and wagon you can attempt to go west to claim your own land.
If you aren't eaten by wolves or beheaded by the Comanche you can build a log cabin by your own effort and attempt to farm the soil.
If there's a drought or cold snap and your crops fail then you and whatever family you've cobbled together starve to death because too bad, asshole. Should have prayed harder.
>Believe it or not, most leftists don't like communism. Just like most right-wingers don't like Nazism.
Except that is a retarded comparison because while Communism is essentially the far left end of the political spectrum, Nazism is really not even anywhere close to the far right end. Nazism is literally just socialism that recognizes both the pitfalls of full communism and the fact that socialism will only work in a majority white country. If anything its moderately leftward on the left-right spectrum, although that kind of depends on which of its policies you ascribe to the authoritarian--libertarian spectrum and it could easily be classed as moderate right with a viewpoint shift.