What routine should one follow to unlock this mode?
What routine should one follow to unlock this mode?
You mean look-like-a-dyed-with-a-shirt-on mode?
Lift and don’t eat
1. Have dead parents
2. Be under 5’5
3. Have inheritance
4. Make sure to have ladders in each room to reach stuff
5. Make statements like Arnold had gyno and Bruce lee was a faggot
High volume PPL with heavy compounds
Low body fat + get a tan
Also good genetics
thats not tinychomp retard
>a manlet by any other name
eat a cock
Ottermode is low fat and medium muscle. Focus on that
Seriously this obsession with looking huge in a t-shirt is retarded
Only roiders feel that way (usually insecure manlets). They are the vocal minority.
Is that natty? Hot, no homo though
post shirt
Not huge, but like you actually fucking work out
With this body you’ll be looking for every excuse to take your shirt off
Only way to look big with a shirt on as a natty is to be a fat fuck
I'm guessing your bodyfat must be over 25%
Why do fatties always say this?
Not only is this the physique you get from being short, but being 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
>there are scrawny cunts on Jow Forums who don't look big in a shirt
Fatty cope
>There are twinks on fit who aren't looking to bloatmax their man tits
Why even lift?
Cope more manlet
This is the most attractive bod by mainstream standards
OP is not ottormode
>Rolls up sleeves
>Rolls up pant legs
He forgot to roll up the tongue on his shoe. He will never make it.
Keep coping dyel
Top tier genetics mode
For that fram OP is ottermode + 10 lb muscle - 5 lb bodyfat
what in the fuck?
You definitely dont have shirts that fit properly
this is the bloatlord/built-fat motto
>"hehe twink, I'm a REAL man and I look like I lift while wearing a shirt!"
>*gasps for air after climbing 10 stairs and never takes their shirt off at the beach*
looking big in a t shirt is ENTIRELY determined by your bone structure, unless you're on steroids or 26% BF+
If you have wide shoulders you will look "big" in a t shirt even at 11% bodyfat as a natural
his legs look skinny
Having certain muscles will make shirts fit better. Namely:
>Protruding nipples
is it gay if I save this ?
it's gay if you don't
i have problem where my nips come in too strong especially if cold. ive tried taping but very uncomfortable and hurts when i tear off. also i dont shave chest so it cause weird hair pattern
Get your nips surgically replaced with synthetics.
Own it like a Batman action figure from the 90’s.
no im extremely happy with small nipple size. big pepperoni nips are gross
okay but should i shave whole chest then?
Follow any decent program that you like for a while and eat healthy. Changes might be small, and body fat might not drop quick. If you stay consistent you'll get it eventually
>white shoes
into men
>little fucking twink faggots, get mogged by my 20 inch arms lmao do you even lift
That's built, not ottermode. Ottermode is looking like a high school drug dealer.
Eat clen and tren hard.
You gotta clean bulk with maybe a 250-300 calorie surplus every day
First have god tier genetics. Then train hard for 2 years.
This is so little volume wtf is that even 30 minutes in the gym?
this can't be it senpai. i mean how is it possible with such little
Pure whole milk diet.
Lift as heavy as you possibly can
This, but quantity exercise and good food macros matter a lot too. Also genetics. You can do everything right, and most people will not look like OP. Muscle insertions and bone structure are different for every individual.
But.... reaching your own potential....
It can be done BUT it will take a while, you'll have to have patience and dedication.
Lift some weights, do the research, most suggests compound lifts, supplemented by some isolation exercises. Low intensity sustained state cardio too. Doesnt have to be weights, calisthenics and sports work too, but tend to be less balanced and less quantifiable, but if its easier for you to stick with something that isnt weight lifting, go with that. Find a regime that works for you, and can be sustained, track your exercise so you can keep your activity level approximately the same...
Get a bodyweight scale, get a food scale. Use them together to figure out your maintenance level for food intake, given your average level of activity. This will vary depending on age, height, & metabolism mostly. Once you know your maintenance level...
Cut down to a body fat content below ~12% by reducing your food intake my ~100 calories (from fat or carbs or both), every couple weeks, until you are at about 500 calories below maintenence level. Keep up your workout regime, and don't starve yourself, it makes you lose muscle way faster than fat. If you mix up your macros a little it can keep your body guessing and help you lose more fat without cutting your calories much more. Like if you have been sparing fat in favor of carbs, switch it up. Fat should always constitute 20% of your intake, you need it to survive, so don't do anything extreme.
Once you are lean enough, start increasing your lifts and slowly increase your calories in the same gradual way you reduced them. This is a "clean" bulking routine, but you won't get huge without huge lifts and huge caloric intake, so adjust as necessary.
Easier to cut later if you cut first, before bulking, or so I've read.
Yeah focus less on your nips.
Gear helps.
If by gear you mean steroids....
Nah, just gloves and an ab roller.
Well spoken fellow manlet
Wear a tighter shirt.
Women prefer men above 6'
BOOM short guy already lost.
Short guys developed their intellect for the same reason fatties developed their sense of humor. To compensate.
Furthermore, charisma helps to dominate in social situations more than intellect.
100 pushup
100 sit ups
100 squats
10 km run
No a/c in the summer, no heat in the winter.
Not only is this the physique you get from being tall, but being 6'2-6'3 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the taller man always gives off. The taller man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. shorter men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.
>no heat in the winter
Enjoy your exploding water pipes and multi-thousand dollar repairs
He’s not wrong
He will look massive in a slim fit or tailored shirt due to the vtaper. Whatchaonaboot?
Manlet cope rofl