Your thoughts and feelings don't matter, only action does

Your thoughts and feelings don't matter, only action does.

If you truly wanted to leave your room, you'd have acted on it. If you truly wanted to be around other people, you'd have acted on it. If you truly wanted a gf, you'd have acted on it. If you want an honest evaluation of your life, look at your actions. They tell you who you really are. You're not a tortured soul who just wants to bring a little justice and kindness to the world, you're an escapism obsessed loner who wants nothing to do with humanity and there's nothing wrong with that.

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Action doesn't exist brainlet. Nice try attempting to LARP as a philosopher though.

stop stealing my smug reaction images!

You can't steal memes

Absolutely right, unironically based OP.
I stopped feeling bad when I realized that I actually chose this life to a very large extent. Did uncontrollable factors contribute to making that choice? Probably, but in the end I'm satisfied, and if I wanted to change, I would.

You're so close to the mark but what you still fail to realize is that every factor in every choice is uncontrollable, therefore stripping you of agency making it no longer a choice but an eventuality.

Can you know that for sure? There's no telling the actual degree of "freedom" we have when making choices. Saying it all comes down to uncontrollable factors is untestable.

By properly applying logic and everything that is available to me through observation of the natural world and it's laws. Yes, I am 99% certain. And the fact that it's impossible to test every factor doesn't dispute my claim it actually does quite the opposite, giving it credence. If you would like I can take the time to explain my reasoning though it would take a while and you can then see where you stand on the issue.

too obvious 0/10

>Can you know that for sure?

Yes. What thoughts are you going to have that you haven't thought of yet? Don't know? Oh whats that, you have to wait for some inaccessible subconscious to feed you your thoughts?

Your animal brain is the one even allowing you to thing certain thoughts. If you can't look into the future and know what thoughts you're going to have, you're ultimately just a biological automaton.

*think certain thoughts

There's no way to test materialism vs. dualism, though.

>not paying for meme lisence
Do you want to meme creators to starve? Pirating memes will only lead to conditions where nobody is making memes anymore. Why would they s.o. it for free

Just because something can't be visually tested doesn't mean that one can't have a higher percentage likelihood than the other through sheer logic and common sense alone brainlet. That's the same shit-tier argument used in religious debates.

And so what? Life is pointless anyways, you are just a cog to the system no matter who you are, bait harder faggot.

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (951x972, 104K)

>what is formal logic
You have no way of determining the likelihood of materialism through "sheer logic and common sense", dumb fuck, because your frame of reference makes you biased from the get-go, therefore all your observations will be anecdotal and worthless. You're operating under the assumption that you can "test" whether or not your conscious experience is fully generated by physical factors, when the tools you're going to use to perform said test will be entirely reliant on what you're trying to demonstrate. This is not how proofs work, and if you had graduated high school, you'd realize it's a pointless endeavor.
tl;dr: you're full of shit, stop trying to sound smart.

You must think really highly of yourself to think that while literally every other form of matter in the universe is subject to natural laws, you for some reason are "special". Everything in the universe has a cause and effect, every decision you make had a cause and therefore the actions you take in response to that cause are an effect. If your actions are caused instead of chosen then they are not choices, dunderfuck.

>being so obtuse you manage to actually miss the whole point of my post
Do I have to actually define what the words "physicality" and "proof" mean?
Every form of matter including us is subject to laws which we derived from the observation of nature and its quantification into standard models. In case it's still not obvious enough: the laws are only valid insofar as we consider them within the referential called "nature as it is perceived by the human brain". Basic, middle-school tier logic says that you cannot form any conclusions concerning something that lies outside of the frame of reference within which you're operating, which implies that any of your allegedly "logical disproofs" concerning mind-body duality are utterly meaningless since they're built upon a flawed assumption.
>cause and effect
As I said, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so stop pretending. Causality only makes sense if it's defined ontologically, which brings me back to what I said above.

>traumatic past experiences and constant rejection doesn't matter!
>jus beee yourself and try

lmao this is one of the normiest shit threads I've seen by far. kys OP for even using anime for your normietard bs.

That's not my point retard. No one's saying "jus be urself and try". I'm saying "if you sit home all day fantacising about being normal instead of acting on it then you don't actually want to be normal".

If you go out there and try and fail anyway, then that's something completely different from what I'm talking about. I'm speaking to the house bound NEET's who occasionally feel guilty, not the wannabe failed normies like you.

Saying that "You cant prove it because there are always variables that are untestable" is the same religious debate tier logic that is often used as a scapegoat by brainlets like you. I can easily see all the data that I have available to me and draw my conclusion in a meaningful way. And that's exactly what me and countless other people who are much smarter than both you and I have already done. Stop pretending like you're some profound thinker when in all actuality you're likely destined to kill yourself in the near future, cause and effect and all that.

>no substance

you have said nothing of value

And I can't believe you actually said "causality only makes sense if it's defined ontologically"
The fact that you actually base your arguments from purely metaphysical views just proves how retarded you are, fuck outta here with that literal elementary school retardation.

Lookie here, I dont care about your faggy libtarded philosophy words. All I'm saying is that, if you can't determine what thoughts you get to have in the first place, you fundamentally lose control of your actions at the level of the thought. There is a pinpointable level of control you have over your actions and it is precisely and inarguably at the level of thought origination.

>I can easily see all the data
Sure you can, retard. Centuries of continental philosophy can just be conveniently handwaved because you, an anonymous faggot on an imageboard for KHVs, say so.
>me and countless people
Drop the vague appeal to authority and provide meaningful examples for the point you're trying to make, dumbass.
Since your pea brain is incapable of nuanced thought you probably won't understand, but there exists such a thing as individuals who think dualism is valid, yet work on expanding the base of human knowledge. That is because knowing that some things are unknowable shouldn't stop anyone from attempting to categorize what we perceive into a workable system. I don't expect you to agree with this seeing as your view of science screams "I'm a CS undergrad who's never taken any high-level physics or math courses, but I assume that my extremely shallow understanding of science allows me to confidently make claims on the nature of existence".
>purely metaphysical views
Because we're arguing metaphysics, brainlet. As soon as you started talking about knowledge in the absolute and non-relative sense, you had to do away with epistemological certainty.
>I don't like complicated words and I am proud of being dumb
Never understood why shitters like you glorified ignorance and anti-intellectualism, it doesn't make you cool nor does it allow you to make a point.
>There is a pinpointable level of control you have over your actions and it is precisely and inarguably at the level of thought origination.
This is true in physical reality but does nothing to disprove or even question mind-body duality, nor is it in any way related with material monism at all.
You're all over the place and are making no sense

i know better than to read anything in this thread, especially from an anime avatar.

i hope you all die early.