Express your emotional state in one image or gif

Express your emotional state in one image or gif.

Tired but just woke up Edition.

Attached: 1532033222256.jpg (1024x768, 77K)

origami salami fast and furious seventeen jklh

Attached: 1543336448560.jpg (728x486, 29K)

I'm trying to stay positive while in a less than perfect position.

Attached: 1319565423568.jpg (396x691, 72K)

Is this really how I feel? Probably. I also just really like this image.

Attached: aswestareintotheabysssotheabyssstaresbackintous.gif (319x304, 1.39M)

This world is not for me yet I am in it.

Attached: 1543252226721.jpg (657x670, 62K)

All that trauma and mental illnessed I likely have don't let me function

Attached: zSvmcDUhNlg3wtxErejM53KOslJvLF.jpg (960x638, 245K)

This on repeat.

Attached: DraNMalU0AAURmh.jpg (474x924, 53K)

Worry worry worry

Attached: 1543319746344.jpg (720x656, 49K)

make it stoooooop
I can't take it anymore

Attached: 546846.jpg (184x184, 15K)

>Express your emotional state in one image or gif.

>Tired but just woke up Edition
still comfy in bed edition

Attached: 1542269124120.jpg (464x366, 37K)

Big mood right here

Attached: you will never have that.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

how did I lose on trial mode?

Attached: Death-Note-Gif-Light-Yagami-Kira-Scared-Eyes-The-Last-Episode.gif (400x222, 1.1M)

My feeling have an ouchie

sad cat hour
What do I do with my time I can't get myself to do anything productive aaaaaa

Attached: screem.jpg (1014x1024, 60K)

uff originalty or sometthing like that

Attached: 1523552692034.gif (250x300, 1017K)

My cat woke me up trying to eat my fingers.

Attached: cache2.jpg (1536x1152, 138K)

i can't go anywhere or do anything

Attached: 1535029808673.jpg (704x2422, 229K)


Attached: 1521030254398.jpg (250x249, 5K)

Source? Sums up me perfectly.

Welcome to the NHK

Attached: 1524424843098.png (499x561, 180K)

can't do shit. fuck balls ass nigger

Attached: pretty much.gif (500x281, 278K)

Really wish I could end it all, I really could

Attached: 1515115583955.jpg (480x360, 17K)

I have to dm soon and I have nothing prepared

Attached: funny-fold-out-gif-art-ben-avlis-21-5b4c82f535890__700.gif (486x486, 963K)

do you think that one day things will get better? People keep saying that they will but things have always been getting worse, like a rollercoaster going down with no visible end

Attached: B29CBA17BA544E2C9C47C1F1484289FB.jpg (1100x837, 118K)

In more ways than one, lonely and horny posting represents me

Attached: 1535610814352.jpg (480x522, 19K)


Attached: FEC670C7-4491-4E9A-9BFE-7019DFB3E6FF.png (1024x682, 77K)

I can't relax because if I let my guard down the shadow man will find a way to fuck me over again.

Attached: 1446100360456.gif (490x560, 1.99M)

Ill be fien

Attached: 1534435059659.gif (240x200, 359K)

im taking a depressed shite lol

Attached: 1543503540515s.jpg (250x243, 8K)

I have no idea what could make me feel better anymore. I think about it every day but I don't fucking know. I've tried everything that anyone has ever recommended.

Fuck here's the picture

Attached: 1543701017167.jpg (600x450, 32K)

honhonhon baugette eifel tower original

Attached: ubg9yi2atgxz.jpg (1280x875, 102K)


Attached: 1543753713152.jpg (750x667, 37K)

Hungry and slightly sad.

Attached: 1542084673488.jpg (370x370, 13K)

Getting Ready to knock niggas out

Attached: g6501189346.gif (250x150, 1.13M)