>your race
>your least favorite race
>why you do not like that race
>hate niggers
>because they are violent and stupid and they rape
>your race
>your least favorite race
>why you do not like that race
>hate niggers
>because they are violent and stupid and they rape
I don't like them because fuck you
>hate kikes because theyre too adept at manipulating gullible goys
they like to act superior when they are no better than niggers to the real master race
Because they are hypocrites and think they deserve something just for being black
>they bullied me in HS
because they are subhuman.
>any brown skins
>their skin is the color of my poo!
>your race
>your least favorite race
>why you do not like that race
Is there any reason to like those? They are a net loss to have around in every way.
>hate asians
>because they are the weakest race
>love niggers
>because they are alpha and have the biggest cocks
>Your race
White. Aryan.
>Your least favourite race
Jews and Explosive niggers.
>Why you do not like that race
No way to summarize it in short. Basically "they control the world and want to destroy white culture". Also they're all beyond the definition of unfuckable. I would literally rather fuck a horse, hell even a male horse, than a Jewish/Middle Eastern woman.
My race is human and my religion is love you gay faggot
can we stop calling asians a race? it's literally more than half the world
> chinese
> filipinos
> degenerates and they identify as east asian which is gross
>hate somalis (somali women)
>annoying as fuck and walk super slow
I don't dislike any other races, I'm not even fucking joking, it's just that every single somali woman I've encountered is annoying to no end
>because I'm not immature
i'm your poo
fucking retard arabs are a subspecies of the white race
They are the untermensch of this earth and deserve death. They are all either fucking retards or evil.
only an immature person would convince themselves that they have no racial bias
Racial bias is not the same as having a least favorite race.
>Says black rape much
>is a chink
cold heartless insects. I believe they think they are above others due to their intelligence, also ugly as fuck
>anything darker than pic related
you probably havent come across many filipino people
>asians are ugly
Brainless walking talking bombs ready to kill everyone who doesnt approve of their retarded religion
They're fucking paedophile degenerates who ruin western civilization with weeb trash and they're bigger racists then the fucking nazis and think nanking was justified.
I wish every Japanese who is proud to be japanese a slow and painful death.
>australian aboriginies
>can't get over how they look like hairless ewoks
I don't understand the appeal of this anime character in particular.
i like every race as they like me but whites often call us slavshit and that's a no-no >:(
Some obnoxious asshat started avatarfagging with her and now people just post her to fuck with him, I believe.
nanjing was justified, think for one second please about the fact that you're defending CHINKS
we need one million nanjings
>All but Japanese
>Pathological weebism
>white looking mutt
>because I live among them
>asian(far east)
>hates chinese
I just really, really hate their arrogant attitude and their language
>obnoxious to hear
>bullies neighboring countries
>They act like all far east asians should speak their imbecile language
Niggers understand that they are non-human, but gooks - oh fuck, they pretend to be normal due to skin color and demand to be equal or better than europeans, even in Europe.
My hate for niggers is rational, my hate for gooks is primal
>they are the jews foot soldiers
>tfw hatred of black men and homosexuality turns into insatiable lust for them
>No one
Wtf how the fuck do you hate a race or ethnicity.
>Jews and Chinks
>your race
Northern European white
>your least favorite race
Blacks in general, but not all but
Somalians without exception.
>why you do not like that race
They're very dumb and they blame others for their own stupidity also they're entitled cunts.
I do like Asians, like the Japanese, but not the bug people from China.
White people are a mixed bag though. We're intelligent enough to get fit done, and violent enough to back up our words with action. Generally when whites are violent it's in an organized group and it's premeditated.
I don't care
Education, culture, parents, friends quality > Dna of ethnic group.
When you think about it deeper you shall see truth.
>Because we're bottom of the barrel shits and deserve to be nuked
This. Titoduriro
WHITOIDS...they are the root of evil, causing troubles all over the globe.
Also Whitoid ass sniffers, who think highly of them.
I am also laughing at Spics and South Americans who blame the Chinese to be soulless, meanwhile the homocide rate tells everything.
Must be shit when drug lords rule your life and crime is an everyday thing, ahahaha.
>mental gymnastics to pat yourself at the back
>no integrity whatsoever
yep you're a shitty whitoid alright
>half mongol, half slav, le 56% XDD
>tie between gypsies and arabs
>gypsies because they are brought up as thieving, shamelessly lying filth; arabs because they are pretentious and entitled despite being dumb as a sack of bricks. they are also a danger to society
>laughing at Spics and South Americans who blame the Chinese to be soulless
Ive never heard spics say that.
t. Spic
>hate Niggers, specifically women
>They never shut the fuck up or keep their voices down
>bad experience with every single one i've ever met online
That and cuz they're like niggers with oil money
He's a nigger lover. He likes big black cocks up his gook ass. He is the one pretending to be me.
>your race
half black/white so mutt
>your least favorite race
>why you do not like that race
i know from close how shit blacks are
also aestethics
>have an anime girl