If you were reborn, which sex and race combination would you rather be reborn as?

If you were reborn, which sex and race combination would you rather be reborn as?

If its white male, that proves white Men are the most privileged group on Earth.

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why would anyone want to be a defective white male dicklet with recessive genes bound for extinction

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I want to be a qt Japanese girl so I can get gangbanged by pent up virgins in the high school locker room

white male with top tier genes obviously so I could start slamming pussy right at the start of puberty, I hate being a virgin nerd

White female because wymin have it so much easier, being able to flirt for everything.

What are you now? user pls explain

White or Asian Female, probably the easiest way to live.

Priviliges are earned by being better, so what's your point? I'd personally choose Japanese (not southern or natives like ainu etc) male or female. Followed by white r1a blonde haired and blue eyed European female.

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I am a blackbot

white eastern europoor, 173cm and very underweight

rejected by peers and never spoke to a girl

currently neet and considering suicide every day

But user have you seen the blacked meme. Youre slaying and you dont even know it.

Literally why

For every drop dead gorgeous jap you see there's a million others that are painfully unattractive, and even your average member of every other race but black can have some amiable features, asians get dicked because they are 99% dominant genes so you either have the bone structure of a god and drown in pussy/dick or eat shit

Two replies now Im confused

Definitely white male. Women seem to rely on others to be happy so choosing male is easy. Choosing white because white men are overall considered the most attractive and also white societies are better to live in. But maybe I just made this choice because I am a white male and I'm happy with who I am.

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Highest average IQ in the world alongside european jews at 105, ancient still standing nation with immeasurable culture, homogenous and innocent where everyone around you is like you, no fear or hate brought on by diversity, never feeling like there are better races or better lands or more ideal lands because you're already at the pinnacle. Being Japanese is like being raised with millions of brothers and sisters, in a country that isn't third world but at the top. Most people, especially in NA, will never know this feel. This inclusiveness. It's what we all want, and they have. And personally I think Japanese women are the most beautiful, and I've seen all the average ones.

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You're a deluded weeb. Japanese society is awful, there's a reason they have extremely high suicide rates and are slowly dying out.

Japan is a really dysfunctional society user.

If you account for just white's alone, most of Europe and NA is dying out just as much with each generation breeding less and less. Immigration is being brought in to "fix" it and show false numbers, which is something the Japanese won't do. Also, Japan had only 1 more suicide per 100,000 people in 2016 than America. It's not that far apart and you have to consider the culture. Suicide not due to depression but due to dignity has been a part of their culture for centuries. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if most suicides were by the undesirables that I mentioned like the natives or islanders, the browner ones. Or maybe the korean-japanese.

This is an outside view, but what most people who believe this don't realize is that Japan is a society, where as most other countries aren't.

Noooooooo thats not very nice at all.

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I would choose to be a white male with chad tier genetics.

-Currently brown female. Although I am not sure If I am considered brown. I am Turkish and my skin isn't really tan. But I'm not sure If I am considered white either. I guess I am a fucked up le 56% face with balkan and middle eastern genetics.

Do you live in the US or Turkey? Why do you want to be a white male With chad tier genetics

I'm already the perfect combination. I'm a half latino half white male, got the latino facial features but white skin and a nice face shape. Only thing is I wish I was taller than 5'10.

Poast brown armpit pls

I want to be a Mongolian warrior circa the life time of Genghis the great Khan

Post thigh pics bls brown goddess

Asian femaIe, obviously

>got the latino facial features
I hope by this you mean "got the white Spanish facial features that some Latin Americans have" because most latinos have fucking awfully constructed faces

yeah that's what I meant. my latina mom is brazilian/portgusese but she is white.

Parents sent me off to boarding school in some European country when I was 13. So neither. I want be male because being female is boring. There is literally no perks to being a female. Man are born with innate abilities that no matter how much woman try to emulate they will never attain. Thats why while men were doing all the cool shit throughout history women, were just laying there ready to be fucked and sucked by the very same men. Also If get to be a man, why not be a Chad.

half asian female with big boobs so i can play with them

I am a yellowish beige color. Sorry to disappoint you. But I do get a brown tint in the summer.

White female tbqhwyf

As a twinkish white guy, I just wanna be a ruggard white guy.
Or 80's Keke Rosberg.

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i will take whatever armpit colour you have, especially if it's hairy

Sad I hope you overcome your twinkishness

Top tier genetics white chad or Stacy white female so I can be a pretty pussy slaying lesbian

Thanks user. I live in hope that I can man up.

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Whatre you now?

>blonde haired and blue eyed European female.
What kind of idiot wants to be refugee rape bait? Is that your fetish?

Thats his plan

Probably like half Italian half Japanese 5'3 girl

Based kara boga
White woman or Asian woman living in a first world country if I could somehow control that

It's the best non-Japanese choice. Women have safety and easy living, a beautiful high intelligence (by genetics) female is at the top of the game. Also when I say European I mean race, not particularly location. Could be American.

I'm white but wanna be a giga nigga

I know this is bait, but this is retarded sentiment is genuinely repeated on leddit all the time as if it's some super impressive argument for privilege. In reality the vast majority of people wouldn't change their gender/ethnicity. Ask 100 black chicks if they would change into white males given the chance and let me know how many say yes.

white man with colored eyes and hair

100% Asian female

I'm a white man and I'd want to be a white woman to live life with literally no worries. I'd go to college paid for by my parents for some useless degree, all while being a roastie. Then after college I'd marry some STEM beta and be a housewife for him. I'd never have to wageslave for my entire life and I could cuck and emotionally manipulate people and get away with it.

I wish I was a white trash band member in the 70s so I could of heroin overdose after years of fucking groupies, drug abuse and nice ass concerts.

I Giorno Giovanna, have a dream
original jojoke

I'm and would become giganigga man just to pull trapfags like this heads off like a barbie doll.

I'm not a trapfag though, just sick of wageslaving and want to live life on easy mode.

asian female in normal part of canada