Does Jow Forums self harm?
i really hate myself now it doesnt help I want to self harm now
Does Jow Forums self harm?
I cut myself for the first time tonight and I dont feel any better at all, would not recommend
Yeah, self harm sucks and leaves a bunch of scars you have to cover up unless you want everyone to think you're insane. Then there are those times where you cut way too deep and can't stop the bleeding. Just don't.
OP here I cut my legs with words I fear my family doesnt love me so I wrote words into my legs left is love and right is Ybu how fucking stupid am I should I just end it lads?
I like hacking at acne cysts with a scalpel but that's legit and doesn't count.
And I stopped after I figured out there's nothing in there.
i used to, but it doesnt bring me any comfort anymore so i stopped.
Just dont start with that shit
My left arm looks extremely fucked and i always have to hide that arm
I also managed to get some really annoying nerve damage cutting while drunk
did it for a while in lowest points
drugs are better at pain relief but fuck your mind. so its either fucking your body or mind, your call
Edgy matey, but youre a daggot
i skate, find it's easier to beat myself up slamming on the ground than it is to cut like a little bitch
I had an ex who used to burn himself with the end of the lighter. He did it so much and for so long that he couldn't feel anything in his arm. He used to have to cover his arm all the time, even in the summer.
It's fucked and not worth it.
Put your anger/sadness into something productive.
Imagine harming yourself instead of others.
just take a really hot shower and call it a night
Did anyone on r9k ever tried joining a monastery?
What's going on, OP? What could bring you to this point in your life?
i do it at lowest points. Sometimes punching or scratching, i only ever cut the thighs its not like anyone will see them.
>self harm
Emo faggotry needs to die, why havent you kill yourself yet fuckwitt?
damn i wish this were me
I did it about three weeks ago for the first time. I've since put in a cut every 3 or 4 days I think. It really relaxes me, like my thoughts finally stop racing around, from school to worrying to feeling unloved, and I can think of anything I want, and if I don't, my mind is blank. It's pure bliss to put everything aside and focus on whatever I want to focus on. Right now I'm even having difficulties putting this post together, my mind is just so full.
In fact it helps so much on a mental level that I also gain complete control over myself physically. Under this influence I ran my first run over 2km without stopping -- and I ran for 11km. Under this influence I got 80% on a test that required almost no knowledge but a hell of a lot of thinking (on 4 hours of sleep and 5 hours of going over the course overnight). With a cut I managed to do 4 pull-ups, arms straight, an absolute record over my previous 2 pull-ups (I'm skinny and never got into sports as a kid, don't judge).
Everyone already thinks I'm crazy so nothing to lose there. I don't go too far deep though so unless you really look for them up close you won't see scars. Or so I hope anyway.
Inb4 "cut deeper faggot"
lifting is self-harm except you also get strong so it's infinitely better
I think I'm a bit mental OP. I cut myself this weekend a lot and smeared the blood from my thighs onto my face and covered practically all of my face in my own blood, while i rocked on the floor crying/telling myself to kys for a few hours while having flashbacks of being sexually/physically abused. Ah. How was your weekend lads?
Self harm is stupid well physical self harm is it makes no sense unless you're going to end it all theres no reason to cause more pain then you already feel
Yeesh. That pic hit close to home...
I self harmed a few times, not gonna do it again though.