Why don't you just go and get a qt homeless girl if you want a gf?
She'll be happy to have a home and do w/e you want.
Why don't you just go and get a qt homeless girl if you want a gf?
>Take in homeless woman
>Get sex for like a month before she establishes legal residency
>Now get refused sex and she turns to a total bitch
>Have to go through a long, drawn-out legal process to get her out
>She probably intentionally destroys my house in the mean time
Yeah, gonna pass
a lot have mental health and drug issues
Even putting aside that they are hardly exemplars of hygiene or sanity:
They have a bf, no joke.
I know of two halfway passable young ones in my area. They go panhandling separately from their guy most times, since noone will give money to a couple as easy as to a lone girl.
But yep even they are already in RL with some toothless methhead with dreads.
>not just killing homeless women
they're bottom of the barrel roasties
Is this an actual fucking question? I had to call the police to remove one off my back porch not even a week ago. Homeless skanks are walking disease carriers and should be euthanised.
Who thinks this is true?
imagine the smell from that unwashed asshole
The over romanticised idea appeals to me greatly, but the reality would probably be very different.
hot fanfict, most definitely larp though
beta male fantasy
>at bus stop
>Some homeless girl who would have been pretty cute if she did live such a tough life approaches me
>Asks for money
>Tell her I only have $20 bills
>Any idea comes
>You uh...wanna earn a $20?
>She knows exactly what I'm getting at
>She reluctantly accepts
>Go behind a dumpster in the parking lot adjacent to where we were
>She doesn't seem too eager but blows me
>Pretty mediocre BJ but the degeneracy of it all was hot as fuck
I had a gf at the time who would put out whenever I wanted so I don't know why I did it
Because she would fall in love with me and never leave me
because she would rob me blind
You should have helped her out of the kindness of your hearth and not because you wanted to get your dick wet. Especially since you had a gf. Find her again, give her 20 dollars, but without any strings attached
Based and redpilled
Cringe and beta
God I wish that was me
I'd love to see a homeless qt fall in love with me
Beta is paying a homeless (!) women for sex
And girls could love a guy for himself instead of of choosing their mate for his status or the future prospects to mooch of.
Guess what, we tend to give the kindness back that we experience.
No that is sadly the very essence of alpha being, the sort of guy that is adored by women.
>being this much of a beta male
>being that much of 15 year old wannabe toughguy
You're only going to have a gf for a night at best, after which she'll be gone along with anything of value inside your house.
God u fucking crazy for sticking ur dick in homeless diseased skanks
>establishes legal residency
Lol whut?
Letting someone stay at your place for a lil bit doesn't give them residency does it?
struck a nerve, beta?
Goes more like this
>take in homeless woman
>have sex once
>get HIV, herpes, everything
>Wake up robbed of all your valuables
Why the fuck would I do that? Maybe for another bj
You're a little bitch. If someone's in your house and you want them out, fuck "legal residency", just physically remove them. It's that simple.
Definitely fanfic, if you invite some random stranger girl into your house 9/10 times she'd say no, even if she was homeless