Looking to get some proper gym shoes since I've been going enough now to warrant using them. My friends tell me converse are good and I see plenty of people wearing them so I'm leaning towards them, only thing is I'd like to start doing more cardio stuff (e.g running) at some point and I think they would be bad for that kind of stuff. Am I wrong? Any other shoe recs? Also general gymwear thread I guess?
If you try to wear the same shoes for lifting and running you will break your ankles.
Even if they're designed for both?
converse are the ultimate gymcel footwear
i dont think theres such a shoe except maybe Vibrams
You absolutely can run in flat-soled shoes that would be more appropriate for weight lifting, its just hard on your ankles
"breaking your ankles" is just user exaggerating but it would make using proper running form a lot more important
use generic converse and save the $20 for dinner
I have a pair of those vibram five finger toe shoe shits. I like them. They just look so fucking weird. Probably gonna replace them with a more normal looking minimalist shoe once these die
>"breaking your ankles" is just user exaggerating but it would make using proper running form a lot more important
does it matter less when using shoes "made" for running lie sandshoes etc? also are they good for lifting? i heard flat was the only real way to go
i dont know what exactly you mean by sandshoes but if theyre designed for running they may not be good for lifting
is the sole flat?
no they're not, i have some old ones (don't use them for lifting though) so that's why i was just checking, so you think any flat soled shoes are fine?
generally speaking yes
chucks are a good choice but theres cheaper options out there
If you're willing to spend some, get weightlifting shoes for the most movements in the gym and some indoor soccer shoes for deadlifts or row-like movements.
i can speak from experience that hybrid shoes, will give in once you start squatting heavy. even the 100$+ ones.
Just bought myself a pair of chucks and honestly they are definitely faves. Went through two pairs of Nike SBs anf theyre good too bad either. Make sure you get the original chucks as the newer ones might have more sole padding
Also op, these are obviously not running shoes. Snake diet leaf recommends barefoot or those funky shoes with seperate toes but honestly and comfy runner with a moderately padded sole works too. If your ankles roll inward when you walk tho go see a podiatrist/get orthotic inserts for your shoes. Dont worry about this for you gym shoes.
Buy some chucks to lift in and you'll never regret your purchase. Run in something else though, I keep a pair of chucks for weightlifting and a pair of Asics for the rare occasion that I'm running.
I use my ASICS for running and lifting and feel comfortable doing both
leaving humanity behind
i run in skate shoes, idgaf
not wanting that extra bounce when deadlifting
Heeled weightlifting shoes are great for anything that isn't deadlifts. Highly recommend if budget isn't an issue. You want something flat with as little sole as possible for deadlifts. Wrestling shoes are also a top tier choice.
Converse for squats and deadlifts
For running you should go to a place where they fit you for a good pair of running sneakers like brooks or something
Get a pair of hi top vans instead so you don't look like a clown
When I was on the running team at ny job, we were trained by a pro marathoneer, the guy was a bible of running and he would make us run barefeet on cement to ingrain proper trainning form in us (since real proper trainning form is witouth your ankles). So in the end, running with flat shoes is nearly the same and would just force you to use proper running form.
Came here to post this. Sambas are the aesthetic alternative to chucks
Why do converse have that weird inward curve right below the big toe? It ruins an otherwise decent shoe.