Can we please have one of these

Can we please have one of these
It's almost holiday season, let's make some friends

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Other urls found in this thread:

Add me up if you feel like it. Username is "Jarodak". I play just about everything.

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wh would want to have faggots in their friendlist?

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i almost forgot about these threads lmao

holy shit dude your profile makes you seem like a massive faggot loser

anyone here play vermintide 2 and are you decent? you dont have to be a solo-capable god, just dont do dumb shit and i can help you
been looking to have a raiding party of brothers for some time, too many dumbasses in qp

>Says while posting on r9k

>tfw wasted lots of money on steam games
>don't even play on pc anymore unless it's some hentai game or some game which needs a keyboard

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ill cut off ur femdick faggot

does anyone want to actually make a new friend? I'm too scared to post my profile

Just put it on private

You (or anyone) up for group fapping and vidya after?

Bet you just changed your name, profile pic and description for this, gl bud

I like playing mediocre half life mods. Would anyone like to join me?

I also enjoy playing autism sims

Any flight sims?

Add me TeFlon180

Jeffery #roadtodepression

hit me up for shitty memes and not actually playing video games because I have exams coming up

Anyone play tf2? Tf2 is the only reason I log into my steam half of the time

Yes I do love that game add me play sometime

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never tried them, any suggestions?

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DreyMD#4047 I'll buy someone a new game if its co

Post your steam, bro

Add mee c:

I play pretty much anything senpai DeadlyMouse#144685 I like Dark Souls but have tons of games

Add me please bored.. WinterMax#6082 anyone can add me I'm not into lewd heads up though

is it a link or??

It is

Any horny robots want to game and masturbate?
is it this?

Yes I want to suck mega weiner very very epic style

>That profile pic
>Not into lewd
Come bully me please

Any fellow robots add me to play games xMiggyBear#1830 I doubt anyone will not sure if thread is dead I like FPS and Terraria up for what ever

Not him what was his profile pic did you add him and is he lewd?

>immigrant living in the UK

If you are 18+ I'll even TOP you katastrophe#11568

PC NEET here IGN Mousy Moose will show dick if you want

My game name is White Raven I'm looking for friends and discord that is comfy

whys everyone on here so fuckin gay
i just wanna play some vidya
do people actually ad each other in these kinds of threads?
people seem to just go and bash each others profiles

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No one's added me Wintermax#6082 I even said no leads you guys are all faggots

I ain't on either rn but I can accept on both when on. Looking for comfy af Discord server, the last one I was in fell through as quickly as it began. The guy who started didnt seem too confident

im sorry, what do you like to play?
If you guys play Dirt3 lemme know, It's been years since I haven't touched it :(

Hi. I have no friends and rarely talk to people. Please help me!

I now play more games on Bnet than steam so if someone is down for that it would be cool.

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I will add you if you are willing to fap on discord together

if someone wants to play some cs or ring of elisyum im always free

I'm up for anything senpai as long as people are friendly

are you a cute trap?

Don't add this retard. A waste of time.

No but I have a 7 inch penis

thanks for the warning fellow redditor :D


Yos_boi#4248 if you want to chat or game PM me a lewd so I know it's someone from r9k

>I'm up for anything senpai as long as people are friendly
oh come on, you dont have any preferences?

Any traps or sexual robots on looking for a gayming friend

I don't discord, just add me and yes im +18

Literally anything I got 100 steam gift money so I could buy some multiplayer games and gift

Yes yes hello

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My IGN is Apram hit me up

Add me you little faggot fucks STL_FL3X

PM me baconeggs

Add me up lads, we can play some csgo, hoi4, h&g etc..

i prefer more casual games, you ever play sven? it's like a multiplayer version of hl1, and you can play custom mods and maps and stuff kinda like gmod, plus it's free

send me some gay shit pls

I'm into group fapping and lewd and traps and ofc also games Toxicwire#6512 also a sissy sub

ill add a few of you, i'm alone 24/7 and need some friends

what do you like to play, weeb?

What's your IGN I can show you my bussy and dick

With my penis user

a shit ton of visual novels (mostly because they're cheap and I can play them without people), starcraft 2 (same with this one), dota 2, stick fighting games, mostly popular games
nowadays I'm playing a lot of Diablo 3 % CS:GO

Added u gamer my name is poopiegamer32

My name on steam is FrostyB with the woden artwork I run a gab

Guido mista, url is polakkiller1, I'm not a polish n word dw, status is like 3years old so don't bully me for that

BlazeXM, name is unique uwu
I've been getting into csgo recently and I usually play rust. I have a ton of other games though so uwu.

add if you wanna play shitty fighting games

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add if you like old pc fps

Hello fellow suffering based life forms

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You a commie?

Im retardedso yes
>one of my steam friends has a friend who has a friend who is a friend of you
huh, interesting

>friends with chaotic
can't be that bad I guess

>copypasta as the bio
i like you

Which ones we talking here? Quake? Unreal? maybe SWAT 4???

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i play a fuckton of half life and doom, but im super down for others, ive been meaning to play quake

Idk I added him but it seems like a huge red flag
Especially cuz two of his most played games are etg and nt

Hm, not bad stuff. The original Half-Life is fantastic, and Doom is one of my all time favorite games. Have you gone through all of the classic iWADs yet?

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I think he accepts anyone who isn't complete shit nowadays.

>waiting for imminent cebruz post

I do like me some nice pastas. Could even call me a connoisseur on some days.

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