How to deal with life?

>25 yo, still living with mom and no job.
>Just begun new colleage this september, but its going to last 3 years.
>I am scared for my future.
>Everything I want from my life is my own roof over my head, & stable income and maybe GF. I just want to fucking move out already. But I have never worked a job for a day in my life.

Wat do?

Attached: o.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just end it. Why even do anything

Dude, stop. You are talling me to kill myself.

>Everything I want from my life is my own roof over my head, & stable income and maybe GF.

Christ, dude. You could have just went straight into the workforce and made your way into retail/restaurant/hotel management and got that.

I'd like to think you're going for your degree so you can have higher standards for yourself.

Chances are that you wont finish your degree. I feel university is even harder to accomplish and sinish then just go to work. so just know taht it will be hard to stay on track no matter what you study.


I already have Bachelor in other field, and now I am doing another one.


Also what the fuck. Are you a brown person? Your spelling and grammar is horrendous.

>Your spelling and grammar is horrendous.
No, it is not you dumb fucktard.

Couldn't you just stop now and go into the workforce then?

>Also what the fuck.
Said the fucking cretin who did not even put ''?'' at the end of the question.


Same but 20 yo

Then you are just a kid.

za robote bys sie wzial kurwo leniwa xD

Wypierdalaj kurwo.

Myslalem ze nikt nie rozpozna Bartosika, ale smiecie z Karaczana nie spia.

t. LITERAL niggers
oh goodness porca paletta

Noes. We are Squating Slavs.

Attached: Polish hussar.jpg (999x1418, 222K)

troche szacunku do BARTOSIAKA kurwo
also powodzenia na nowych studiach z 19-latkami
jak pracodawca zobaczy takiego 28-letniego smiecia baz doswiadczenia to umrze ze smiechu uwierz mi
nara kurwo

Oh. You're alright then. Carry on

Salil Al Savarim

Attached: Islamitische-Staat-Geschiedenis-van-de-terreurbeweging.jpg (848x566, 21K)

This. One bachelor is not enough to get a good job?

Why the fuck are you doing another BA you god damn retard nigger? One should be enough to land you a fucking job.

Also, I'm sorry for the excessive use of expletives, that was uncalled for.

Get a shitty job to work while in school to get some experience and then as youre at school look for an internship or entry level job in your field and work your ass off through that until you can build a real career in that field

Sam umrzesz kurwo pierdolona. Dwadziescia osiem lat to jest jeszcze nic.

Acha, Bartosiak to pierdolony smiec, i cwaniaczek nabijajacy kabze dzieki sebiksom wykletym wierzacym ze spierdolenie tego narodu wynika tylko z 'hurr durr geopolityki'' a nie z charakteru narodowego. Jego teorie sa smieszne i o kant dupy potluc.

Wiekszosc ludzi tam jest po 30 stce wiec stul morde. Teraz studiuje calkiem sporo starszych osob.

chyba na uniwersytecie trzeciego wieku xD
also niezly cope

Just do what i did, move out. Im 18, homeless, and unemployed. But at least im happy.

Nie, wszedzie. Wypierdalaj

Hey man, i was in the same spot as you a couple of years ago. I was living at my parents, depressed, not motivated to do anything, just wanted to stay home playing games. Now im 26 yo and have worked for some years and i gotta say: it really is worth the stuggle when you finally get your shit together. You can't live a decent good life without working for it. It's not going to come to you for free, you have to make it yourself. You have to take your own responsibilities. You can't stay a child forever because one day when your parents are gone, and you have noone left to rely on, then that inevitable journey is only going to be alot harder.
Make a plan for yourself consisting of all your life goals, and then write down step by steps how or what you realistically need to do to make it happend. You could start with the goal that is closest for you to achieve, and then follow the steps you come up with strictly. It's not going to be easy, but remember that nothing worth doing in life is easy. Just accept you're gonna be uncomfortable, nervous and all that shit, but you need to endure it. It will get better and you will gain confidence. That's what i did.

Thank you for your advice, and sorry for luring in the retarded Polacks with my shitty OP pic.

Where do you sleep user?

you are polish? Then I take it back, kill yourself you piece of shit

do work on the side, don't worry about how much it pays, just get out there and be employed. At the very least it'll help you over your unemployable anxiety. Bus tables at a restaurant on weekends or something.

Might want to try the army, i mean the job is assured and you get retired far earlier than others, but then again i do not know how it is in your country.

As a 31 year old let me tell you this. No matter how hard you try you will fail. It is your destiny.
You might find a job but you will constantly be judged and treated like shit. Your coworkers will treat you like shit and reject you as if you were a cancer. It will be a living hell . You will change 3-4 different jobs and you will eventually stop trying and end up homeless one day.

You are not the user so shut the fuck up.

Fuck off. Its all load of shit.

A reminder

Open borders or affordable housing - your choice

he's right you coping loser

No, he is wrong you fucking moron.

True, honestly statistics show if your not a good student you would be better off going into a trade or something that does not require college.
>what are you going to college for OP?

To learn skills?

Most people who go to uni don't remember 90% of the shit they learned. All it is is to get your diploma to show how good of a worker you can be. Most of what you learn in uni is never going to applied to your job or anything realworld.
>you could also learn these skills fucking working the job.

>polskie studia

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Yes, now shut the fuck up.
Fucking horseshit.

sorry typie ale sprawiasz wrazenie strasznie powolnego xD
nie sadzisz ze to moze byc powodem twojego przegrywu?
Bo nie oszukujmy sie - jestes smieciem i nim pozostaniesz niezaleznie od tego ile razy bedziesz zaprzeczal

90% of what I learned in uni could have been learned at work. The 10% is what's important and that's the reason why I wear the trousers at the workplace.

Sory kurwo, ale sprawiasz wrazenie spierdoliny jebanej. Nie jestem zadnym smieciem jebana kurwo, I znam swoja wartosc. Wiec wypierdalaj, skurwialy cebulaczku. Zreszta to nie ja czytam Bartosiaka. Jebana kurwo, zabij sie.

No. University prepeares you for everything.

My worst fucking msitake was to attract sub-human poleshits to this thread.

I nie uzywaj kurwo jebana ''xd'' to to nie Karaczan. Skurwialy smieciu. Testo mial racje, Polaczki to jebane robactwo.

Wypierdalaj, smierdzacy lumpie. To nie jest twoje miejsce, skurwialy Polski smieciu. Jestes prawdopodobie 18 letnia kurwa ktora chuja wie o zyciu, wiec wypierdalaj.

typie ja jestem w twoim wieku i zarabiam 6k w korpo, pracuje od 2 lat
a tobie matka gacie pierze i to jeszcze przez 3 lata sie nie zmieni xD Przegrywie xD

A smoki byly w tej bajce kurwo? Chuja zarabiasz, jestes klamliwym skurwielem.

6k sie nie zarabia w korpo po latach, kurwo.

get your cdl and become a trucker, live in the truck, two birds, omen stone.

with a BA you can be a military officer. Try that

Thx for advice people, but right now this thread is about fighting off attack of trolling poles.


>implying you shouldn't kill yourself

Attached: painlessfastsuicide.jpg (1239x795, 378K)

no jak jest sie takim debilem i nieudacznikiem jak ty to sie tyle nie zarabia nigdy xD

Zamknij ryj kurwo. Nie jestem zadnym nieudacznikiem spierdolino. To ty jestes klamliwa kurwa.

Fuck off. You are a shithead troll.

>Nie jestem zadnym nieudacznikiem

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You are your own best judge, or more like you should be.

Also suicide is a legit option.
I recommend Carbon Monoxide.

Zamknij ryj kurwo. Idz spac.

Get out of your own head and take some action. None of these things are going to just fall into your lap and dreaming about it while doing nothing all the time only creates a dissonance in yourself between the imagined world you spend your time in and the reality you are faced with. Nothing happens all that once. Stop focusing on the idealized big picture becuase reality goes day by day. Start with a hobby or something. Art, music, writing, photography, coding, woodworking, anything at all that you can thrust yourself and your attentions into and do in the moment. That's how personal growth happens.

This pretty much.
26 with about 70k saved, making almost 55k/year in a steady, easy job. I still live with a parent though, I'm moving out in the new year. I could live here for a few more years because the old man needs my rent money but I need to buck up and be a fucking grown person living on my own.
To the OP and other permaNEETs, how did you never get a job? I started working at 16

I Am not a fucking PERMAneet. I will Get a Job eventually. But You are Full of shit.

Why did you never get a part time shit job in high school or something though?
And why do you think I'm full of shit? I worked at a food store in high school. I don't even have a degree either

Its the robot central on 4chin. Everyone bragging about their aconplishements is Full of shit.

You never had a job? What the fuck have you been doing with your life for the past 7 years?

You're right in that I'm not a ""real" robot but we've all got our issues bruv. You seem pretty hostile though and I suspect that's held you back in life.
You say you've got a Bachelor's already but you're complaining you can't find a job. I live in a wealthy Western country so our backgrounds and financial situations are different but you still haven't said why you've never had a job. Your parents were fine with you sitting at home all day? Who paid for your schooling?

What will you study at college?

Don't rush it and be nice to your mom.

I have 1 degree already and now doing Second one.

My parents knew the difficult situation on the Job market. I will find a Job soon, I Am sure.

fucking normie, fuck you piece of shit normie bastard

>tfw I'm in a similar situation to OP, except I'm 27 and can't afford to get any education/training
Just kill me already

Glad that worked out for you.
Not everyone is like you though.

Fpbp. It's going to happen eventually. Why put it off if you're hate your current situation?

my mommy sent me to a shrink when i had you exact question. he told me to sack up, take a fuckton of student loans and bounce the fuck up out this bitch. i did not heed his advice, obviously.

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No. Fight on bro.