Was a life a mistake?

Was a life a mistake?

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yes with a slight addition of forced originality

They call it the iron butterfly

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would the universe technically exist if there was nothing sentient to notice it?

Only as much as tsunamis were a mistake. If you don't believe life was created by a sapient entity then it can't have been a mistake, it was just a thing that happened.

yes it would

It all seems so horrendously pointless, even looking back on it all. This small episode I had with bronchitis and gastritis gave me some insight, even if you were fortunate enough to survive childhood, something like that could easily kill someone living in medieval squalor. So either die young or die old, it makes no difference.

Attached: Memri Not Happy.jpg (1137x640, 77K)

>yes it would
substantiate your claims kike

lol the dude who drew OPs pic is a mickey-mouse sounding child predator who drew his own furryesque creatures that were a mix between a smurf and a shmork.
hes also a diaper fur.

here is an argument with his psycho GF, who is having a schizophrenic breakdown because of him.

Attached: dykIBSv.jpg (746x356, 76K)

Things exist if they are observed or not. If I put a coin into my piggy bank it doesn't magically dissapear from existance.

I asked santa for the same thing

When we move to electronic money it will and nothing will stop the jews when neither debt nor money is real

That has nothing to do with the argument.

Shit I'm sorry. Swedens moving to electronic money though the fucking cucks.

Source? I can't imagine a society abandoning physical money entirely any time soon.

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well isn't that just adorable, I'm sure >>Jow Forums cares very much about this. >>/x would also be quite interested in your magic trees that don't make any sound when nobody's around

It's not a big leap from paper notes desu.

time is a figment of human perception, it only exists from your point of view, without life there is no time, and without time there is nothing. without an observer who has perception of time, the universe would reach it's terminal state instantly. likely the heat death of the universe, or maybe an infinite number of oscillations (big bangs and big crunches).

>spot the pseude

why are npcs always intimidated by philosophical discussions?

or maybe matter made part of itself sentient because it became lonely and wished to entrap spirits into it's endless cycle of birth and death

Banks in Sweden won't carry cash anymore look it up. Phase 1 has begun

what part of your post was philosophy and not bad science?

and what's bad about it? its theoretical shit and there's no concrete proof for any of it. the ultimate fate of the universe is a subject for debate in the scientific community, as is the existence of time as something more than a human concept.

so you admit you just pulled it out of your arse and don't have a leg to stand on?

i only admit that i misused the word philosophical.
can you tell me what i pulled out of my ass in my first post though? you're just making accusations without any substance.

And yes, time does indeed exist without human perception, nothing would work if it didn't happen in order, which is all time is.
>but human perceptions of time vary
you don't say, I'm sure you're aware that human perceptions of literally everything vary. Percieving a light to be brighter after you leave a dark place does not imply that the intensity of light has increased.

>time is a figment of human perception
>it only exists from your point of view
>without life there is no time
>without time there is nothing
>without an observer the universe would reach its terminal state instantly
All pulled out of your anus. The actual reason I pointed you out as a pseude is your belief in the big crunch, which is a sure fire sign of a fake intellectual that has no idea what he's talking about.

there is no concrete evidence that time exists without human perception. the entirety of my post was my interpretation of this. your opinion on the matter holds no more weight than mine.
as for the big crunch, i didn't say that i believe in it, i simply stated it as a possibility.
you're projecting really hard.

>there is no concrete evidence that time exists without human perception.
what about all of prehistory?

There is an awful lot of evidence that tim exists without human perception. for a start your alarm clock would be useless if time didn't pass while you were asleep.

did you feel any of the last 14 billion years? or did your life begin merely decades ago?
the point is, you were not alive up to that moment, you were instantly "brought" to this specific time period, without consciousness there is no time.
but you don't perceive the time during which you are asleep, which is my main point, perception. things obviously still continue to happen, though seemingly in an instant.

>perception of time is the same thing as time
well of course perception of time wouldn't exist without people to percieve it lmao. But that's not what I was arguing against. Time exists if it is percieved or not. If you put a light really close to your eye it lis perceived as being brighter, but you haven't actually made it any brighter.

Philosophy is all well and dandy as long as it concerns itself with poorly understood concepts instead of trying to add a "so edgy existentialist and deep" spin on well-affirmed scientific facts.
Time is a measurable dimension. There was time before observers, of which we have countless proof throughout the observable universe as far back as 400,000 years after the Big Bang.
The idea that a physical quantity is not existing until there's an observer for it to exist is ridicolous and anthropocentric, and science has been moving away from anthropocentrism for hundreds of years now. All for you to post your faggoty "philosophy" on Jow Forums.

mine sure was

also if time didn't exist without perception then the opposite would happen. Nothing would change, not instantly reach its endgame