Someone tell me about cuddling

Someone tell me about cuddling

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You'll never know that feel

It's easier when she has short hair

its magical, she's sleeping peacefully in your arms while the crickets are chirping outside and time seems frozen, i'd give my soul to experience it just one more time

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Better than sex in my opinion.

Sex feels like masturbating with someone else's vagina but cuddling afterwards feels like being as close as it gets with the someone you love

Buuut on the other hand you realise that this intimate moment is the closest you get to her. Ywn know what's going on inside her all you can do is show her how much you love her

one of those things where I wish I didn't know what it was like since I'll never get it again

jesus dude that hits so close to home

My sister asked me what I know about sex and I told her not much so she sat me down in my room and we had the sex talk. She showed me some sex ed videos and a sex tape and she told me it was okay if I get aroused from the video and if I had an erection I shouldn't try to hide it. We talked about masturbation, safe sex, and she showed me to put on a condom. We talked about any misconceptions or myths I had about sex.

Girls are really soft and they smell nice.

Its better than sex, but there are downsides
>hard to find comfortable place for the arm that isn't around the girl
>worrying for the health of your dick due to the constant boner you have from her ass rubbing against your crotch
>hair in your mouth
>have to compromise between comfy position and being able to see the TV if you decide to cuddle while watching a movie
I wish I had someone to cuddle though. The upsides are way better than the downsides
>smell of her hair
>holding a comfy, warm and soft girl in your arms
>having her turn over to face so you can look at each other and kiss
>running your fingers through her hair
>resting your head on her chest and listening to her heartbeat

This guy knows whats up.

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>the opinion of a virgin or a bitch with a tiny dick

What does the size of one's penis have to do with this?

>Sex feels like masturbating with someone else's vagina
As opposed to masturbating with your own vagina?

>just one more time
Fuck off

I have never cuddled with a girl .

Its warm and gives a nice internal feeling for a minute or two then you roll over to face the blank wall in a fetal position because despite having everything you ever wanted in your arms its still not going to make you happy

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That fucking hurts but is probably right.

Someone tell me what other human flesh feels like. Feeling your own skin is probably not the same, what do humans feel like?

Really soft and warm. Naked cuddling is best cuddling

You do it once and you think "man this is really nice". Then you never get another opportunity because you fucked it all up.
Then as the months go by you become more and more obsessive over just touching another human being, preferably female, again.
Then you download grindr after a night of binge drinking amd some twink is sucking your half-flaccid and numb dick.
Then you kick him out because what the fuck are you doing man holy shit get it together.
Then you just become numb and embittered once again and shut off all contact with people.
Deactivate all forms of dating apps and social media and just live your life working, sleeping, and eating.

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So basically, don't even bother falling down the rabbit hole in the first place?

D-Did she atleast ask you what was wrong?

Yea of course she did. Now tell me what should a person say back that helps the situation?

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would it be awkward to pay a hooker to cuddle with me?

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