Not that anyone gives a fuck, but it's my birthday today. Happy birthday me

Not that anyone gives a fuck, but it's my birthday today. Happy birthday me...

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you made it another year without dying, congrats mate

happy birthday to you
you live in a zoo
you look like a monkey
and you smell like one too

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Happy birthday user! I hope it's superb.

Happy birthday user I hope you get cake

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Happy birthday, user! Have a extra comfy one.

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happy original bday user!

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Happy birthday user, hope you aren't old or anything.

Happy Birthday user

Original btw

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happy birthday user! may this year be your best yet :)

Korpi means "swamp" in Finnish.

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Yo user what's up man , how are you doing on this lovely fucking day , it is your birthday , thank you very much for being who you are , happy birthday dude. Enjoy your day , have a blast, fuck some bitches , boys I dont care!

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user i truly wish you a happy birthday , how old are you btw?

Happy Birthday from the UK!

could you send me a vocaroo saying "happy birthday user, have a good one"
it'd mean a lot to me

same here. happy birthday user.

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Hey, it's my birthday too buddy. Though I'm in one of those countries that's a day ahead so it's the 4th here. I think it should still count though. Happy Birthday friend, drink one for me and I'll drink one for you later.

happy birthday m8
attention seeking faggot

Be an hero, dood

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Happy birthday from Poland user!

I want to cuddle Corgi femanaon.

24 and haven't achieved anything except $50,000 in student loans

Get a research grant to study the reindeer castration techniques of the Skolt Saami. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Happy birthday to you too then!

Happy birtday user!!
Hope you have a good time with friends or family

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It's my birthday as well, I'm 25.

Happy birthday fren
Original hpybdat

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Happy birthday second fren

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Happy birthday from Norway.

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