Fembots, why are all women so incredibly stupid and can't form logical arguments...

Fembots, why are all women so incredibly stupid and can't form logical arguments? Having a serious conversation with them is like talking to a retarded handicapped child.

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Women aren't stupid. Incels like you only believe that they're stupid because you can't insult them in any other way. Keep calling us whores and stupid. You're the only stupid ones here

But you are stupid. You can't use logic when you argue and when you try to debate someone you sound like a triggered child on the verge of tears. Why do you try to discuss things when men when you're biologically inferior and objectively too stupid to be on their level?

> Incels like you only
Women are literally not able to argue without name calling like 5 year old kids. It's exactly like talking to a child. They don't argue, they just sperg out like little retards.

I think it generally comes down to the mass majority of women being emotion driven.

t. real life girl

Honestly, most of the arguments I had on this website when I mention my gender ended up with name calling.
I normally avoid even mentioning my gender, and a lot of robots agree with me or treat me respectfully anyway.

I think most of the time you're just prejudiced against women.

It's astounding that being "emotion driven" can make an entire gender consisting of billions so fucking retarded. You can tell they're always butthurt during an argument because they're dumb as shit.

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something something oestrogen something something

Oh well, what can you do

it's the opposite though, the normies have collapsed into gibbering about incels being stupid across the board since they can't win arguments

Wrong, denying that women are dumber than men and have worse logical skills and common sense is delusional. Nothing is equal in life, each individual, group, race, gender will have differences. You don't have controversial opinions and you explain your points calmly, that's why people don't attack you. If you really had to get into a heated argument where both sides are completely opposed, you wouldn't be able to keep up.

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>be fembot
>try going to classes
>suddenly notice OP
>so fat he's stuck in the doorway
>still need to go to my classes
>try to think of a shortcut
>cant think of anything
>no pokeflute at hand
>basically forced to talk to this fat fucking retard
>"H-h-hi stacy"
>almost puke
>the smell of rotten chicken tendies is too much
>barely hold it in
>"Hi user, could you please le-"
>"Say stacy, what do you think about the jewish question in europe?"
>"Well user I think that's kinda irre-"
>"T-t-t-t-this is important to the white race and future generations of k-k-k-ids, you cant just shove it off as irrelevant"
>"user please i just need to go to my clas-"
>"I asked for your opinion BITCH"
>"I dont have time for this user"
>watch as he turns red in anger
>suddenly 6'5 Chad walks past
>He pushes the massive landwhale and the fat fuck finally gets unstuck from the door
>run to my classes and set reminder to self to next time bring pokeflute

>t. gets upset when called a nigger
All girls do is shit things up, why can't you stay in your moderated male banning female spaces? Oh wait, because you don't even like each other.

Even there I'm sure less retarded fembots realize most other women are imbeciles and don't want to discuss things with them. All their ideas are based on fee fees.
t. ugly fat triggered roastie gets mad that she can't argue again

I'm not denying that men and women have differences, on average.
I'm saying that you can't assume I'm worse off than you at discussing things on a logical point of view just because I have a vagina, that I don't hold controversial opinions, or that I'm incapable of expressing my point of views calmly.
While statistically, as a man, you're more likely to have certain features (including being less emotional, and more likely to have an outlier IQ, holding controversial opinions, or whatever really - I'm happy to concede that), you can't dismiss my points with "boo you whore stupid emotional woman", which is what people on this board do 95% of the time.

I never had problems having arguments, even heated ones. When I argue with normal people they don't dismiss my arguments calling me names - they actually have something to say about the point I'm making, instead of attacking me personally basing the attacks off my gender.

I don't get offended when I get called a nigger, I don't get offended for almost anything.
I just don't think that calling me a dumb roastie whore is a great way to dismiss an argument I am making.

Because they don't need to be logical to pass on their genes.


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>I'm saying that you can't assume I'm worse off than you at discussing things on a logical point of view just because I have a vagina.
Yes I can. Women are too stupid to argue unless they're an extreme outlier. However, I can choose to change my mind and give you a chance despite the fact that you're a woman and initially dismissing you if I decide you're not stupid. Assuming women are stupid is very instinctive and it's logical to think this way because it will be almost all of your experiences. Being stupid isn't an insult, it's just a fact of life and a comparison of intelligence. I'm more stupid than a fraction of the world, and they can choose not to have a conversation with us peons because they might feel it's a waste of time.

t. negative IQ downsyndrome retard thinks everyone wants to join in on his shitty debate club

>getting mad at a bait post
Literally fucking seething.

t. seething triggered roastie
Your opinions don't matter because you're a double digit subhuman

Arthur Schopenhauer explained this.

>Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted - in a word, are big children all their lives, something intermediate between the child and the man, who is a man in the strict sense of the word. Consider how a young girl will toy day after day with a child, dance with it and sing to it; and then consider what a man, with the very best intentions in the world, could do in her place.

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get blacked, kid

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>t. ugly fat triggered roastie gets mad that she can't argue again
she literally was talking about pokemon and snorlax in the way you fucking dumb fuck

Why would I read something beginning with "fembot" you dumb fuck?

Well, you can assume, but you'd also be wrong in my personal case.
I'm fairly sure I'm smarter than you at least IQ wise, and more adequate than you at having a logical discussion based off worthiness of argument, since I judge the merit of the argument and not who is expressing it (which is something you're apparently incapable of).
Going at life assuming things about individuals basing them off prejudices you have is a fairly dumb attitude, you should rethink that.

Also having conversations with people who are not as intelligent as you is often very enriching.

Why should I care about your personal case when you're one person out of an entire gender? That already makes you a retard with no common sense. No one online knows who you are or your IQ yet you expect them to give you a chance based on a small chance you have an outlier one? Absolute retard.

I expect people to judge my arguments by their merit, and not by the fact that, while I express them, I am sitting on my pussy.
If your only way of dismissing a point I make is "REEEEE ROASTIE" I feel like you're not judging my arguments for their merit, but just the fact that I'm a woman.

>while I express them, I am sitting on my pussy.
sit your pussy on my penis please :3

>while I express them, I am sitting on my pussy.
sit your pussy on my penis pIease :3

i asked first go away

Why should that be a concern to you now?
How would I know you're a woman if you supposedly claim to not reveal your gender? Next time don't bring it up if you don't want someone else to bring it up. I don't call someone stupid simply for being a roastie, I can them stupid for being stupid and I attribute it to being a woman because women tend to be stupid. And they make it obvious they're women because they argue like children.

Shut the fuck up disgusting ugly incel. No woman would ever want a desperate reject like you.

I'm not a virgin lmao stay mad :3

>Why should that be a concern to you now?
Because I'm arguing that men on this site are often prejudiced against women and readily dismiss an argument a woman makes just because she's one.

>How would I know you're a woman if you supposedly claim to not reveal your gender?
In my first post I said I sometimes do reveal my gender, and that majorly changes the attitude of people in the thread.
I don't do it if I'm arguing something that doesn't have anything to do with my personal experience, but if I have to talk about something I experienced myself I don't feel like going out of my way to use neutral pronouns.
I don't mind my gender to be brought up, I don't like when people dismiss my arguments insulting me with my gender.

> they make it obvious they're women because they argue like children.
Most people on this website argue like children.

For example:
Presumably you:
>Women are literally not able to argue without name calling like 5 year old kids. It's exactly like talking to a child. They don't argue, they just sperg out like little retards.

Also you:
>Absolute retard.

l'm not a virgin lmao stay mad :3

Alright just a desperate thirsty reject, stay disgusting and ugly, beta male

Why are you copying me D:

Nope, handsome white guy in graduate school for mathematics, many women like me LOL
stay mad :3

Nope, handsome white gay in graduate school for mathematics, many boys like me LOL
stay mad :3

D:< stop copying me user! youre not a mathematician!!

>depraved ape mimics my insults
Umm.. Sweetie. I just dropped in this thread to say that I'm one of the few males with enough testosterone and authority to tell people to stfu here. It's not attractive when you do it and I would stab you in the stomache. Don't you ever pretend to act like a man again you dumb little worthless bloody bitch.

I've been thinking how to explain my position to women. How does this sound?

>You think men and women are just as capable as one another?
>Think about your own experiences. Has there ever been a case where you were in a group of both men/women and a woman was the most knowledgeable, most motivated, most commanding and most competent? Personally, I've never experienced this and I doubt most people ever have. You can argue that there are intelligent women and that many women outperform men but it's almost infeasible you will be in an environment where a competent woman is superior to that competitive minority of men.


Femwhores have reached a new low.

The funniest part is she just went on a tangent about not judging people for who they are but rather what their argument is, and then she goes on to make an insult against me assuming that I'm a "beta" or an "incel" just because I'm shit posting on Jow Forums :DD LOL
Talk about Dunning-Kruger and hypocrisy!!

>Because I'm arguing that men on this site are often prejudiced against women and readily dismiss an argument a woman makes just because she's one.
You're a retard because you're incredibly stupid and you failed to grasp my point. I don't care at all what you experience, you absolute retard. The fact is, women argue like children. I don't care what your personal experience is or how much of a special snowflake you are. Are you proving that no women are stupid or that most women aren't stupid? No.

>In my first post I said I sometimes do reveal my gender, and that majorly changes the attitude of people in the thread.
Then don't. It's really not my problem how you get treated and bringing it up with me makes you a stupid fuck. I'm one singular person and I have no interest in your needs, I'm not Hiro, I'm not the mod team, not a janitor i'm not a feminist leader. Don't bring it up with me or with us, if you want nicer opinions go to reddit and enjoy the censorship and respectful attitudes towards women. You knew what you were getting into choosing to hang around this board, and asking it to change for you makes you an absolute blithering retard once again.

>Most people on this website argue like children.
Oh, are you saying a negative observation can't be made because it's against your gender? Boohoo you little baby.

Now let me attack your premise:
>Don't dismiss women as stupid because they MIGHT not be stupid even though they are usually stupid

That's asking me to do something illogical because there's a small chance I'm wrong. What do I get out of it? Nothing, it saves me time to not converse with women. From most of our experiences they're too stupid to be worthy of our time. The fact you want to have a conversation with people who don't acknowledge you as equal makes you a moron too. That's why.. instead of whining about board culture, go to reddit.

I'm sorry user, I was gonna make a funny response but I have no idea what you're talking about.

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>Are you proving that no women are stupid or that most women aren't stupid?
I never wanted to argue that. Most people, in general, are kind of dumb. I'm okay with the premise that more women are stupid than men are, depending on what your standards for stupid are.

>You knew what you were getting into choosing to hang around this board, and asking it to change for you makes you an absolute blithering retard once again.
I'm not asking for change.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of accusing women of attacking people personally and having an emotional way of arguing when you literally argue based off emotions and attack people personally, like most people on this board do.
If women are stupid for doing those things, so are you frankly.

>That's asking me to do something illogical because there's a small chance I'm wrong.
It is absolutely illogical to judge a person because of their belonging to a group. Even if they're statistically more likely to be something, it doesn't mean they are. When you are dealing with an individual, basing them off a prejudice is kind of dumb.

My point is this one:
If I propose an argument, and you don't try to dismiss the argument but attack me on a personal level (basing your attack on a prejudice) you're the only one not being capable of arguing logically.

You pointlessly included Jews in your post. Only reason to include them was to defend them.

That wasn't me (me being ).
I rarely insult people on Jow Forums.

Oh, I apologize for my error kind ma'am.
i dont get why some people get so mad about Jow Forums shitposts like that though, especially on behalf of other people... isn't that the point of an anonymous image board?

>I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of accusing women of attacking people personally and having an emotional way of arguing when you literally argue based off emotions and attack people personally, like most people on this board do.
If women are stupid for doing those things, so are you frankly.
You're missing my point again. Noticing patterns have nothing to do with emotions. You're an actual retard.

>It is absolutely illogical to judge a person because of their belonging to a group
Holy shit do you have down syndrome dude? I already told you in plain english before: I can choose to give them a chance if I want to despite having an opinion on their group. Reread this over and over again so you don't forget, I know you have no reading comprehension skills.

> Even if they're statistically more likely to be something, it doesn't mean they are
>she wants me to ignore logic because of outliers and hurt feefees

>When you are dealing with an individual, basing them off a prejudice is kind of dumb.
Applying your opinions and self righteousness onto others and expecting it out of them, as well as thinking your beliefs are absolute, make you a retard.

>If I propose an argument, and you don't try to dismiss the argument but attack me on a personal level (basing your attack on a prejudice) you're the only one not being capable of arguing logically.
Did I ever attack you simply for being a woman? Pretty sure I didn't, retard. In fact, let me reiterate. I don't call someone stupid for being a woman, but for being an idiot. Women tend to be stupid more than men and that's all. Once again you failed to grasp such a critical point and now you're rambling about nonsense that has nothing to do with me personally.

Youre totally right.
>and im a woman so i can say what i want
Womens brain just dont have those cross connections that makes it easy for them to form logical arguments

Resorting to name calling is an extremely childish and emotional way to argue.

>Noticing patterns have nothing to do with emotions.
Noticing patterns has nothing to do with emotions, applying them indiscriminately does.
Good for you if you don't, you didn't give me that impression this far.

>Applying your opinions and self righteousness onto others and expecting it out of them, as well as thinking your beliefs are absolute, make you a retard.
It's not a moral concept, it's not something I believe - it's simply illogical to expect people to be in a certain way just because they show certain characteristics. It's illogical to think all women are stupid and treating them like such just because you noticed that women tend to be more emotional than men.

>has nothing to do with me personally.
Maybe you don't personally do it (but I doubt, since you opened a thread saying that all women are stupid and it makes no sense to argue with them), but it doesn't mean that it isn't something most people on this site do.
I just said it's a general tendency I've noticed on here.

hi im mathematician user :3
you are completely right and your argument is better than his, and he is the one that comes across as very angry itt desu
just thought as a third party id drop my view on the situation

Thanks user, very kind.

I expect higher quality shitpost from r9k tho. But yes, shitposting is nice.

>Resorting to name calling is an extremely childish and emotional way to argue.
But you did it back no? So stop acting so self righteous.

>applying them indiscriminately does.
But I didn't dumb fuck. I'm having a conversation with you right now and already told you over and over, I am willing to give a woman a chance to have a discussion with.

>it's simply illogical to expect people to be in a certain way just because they show certain characteristics
And I suppose thinking a wild lion might claw my face out is illogical.
>y-you can't compare animals and humans, humans are complex
But if I avoided black neighborhoods I'd generally be more safe. Why is that? Yeah but too bad your point is moot because I already told you: I would give someone a chance anyway. Read it again once more. I'd give someone a chance anyway regardless of gender or race. You're going to continue arguing pretending I didn't say that again aren't you?

>Maybe you don't personally do it (but I doubt, since you opened a thread saying that all women are stupid and it makes no sense to argue with them)
>She says that while I'm having a conversation with her right now
Are you actually retarded dude? Can I tell you once more, I never insulted you for "supposedly" having female genitals. You'll forget that again right?

>but it doesn't mean that it isn't something most people on this site do.
I just said it's a general tendency I've noticed on here.
And I couldn't care less what people generally do so you have no reason to bring it up with me, someone who doesn't know you and doesn't have any interest in you having a good or bad time on this board. Like I said, if it's "problematic" for you then use another site.

hi im not mathematician user :3
you are completely wrong and your argument is worse than his, and he is the one that comes across as hardly angry itt desu
just thought as a third party id drop my view on the situation

can i have headpats and be called a goodboy? :3

D:< seriously dude who are you ? identity theft is a crime man

I don't know user, i had to include something random fat neckbeards talk about, it seems to be the hot topic among them these days

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can i have headpats and be caIIed a goodboy? :3

Sounds like you can't form a logical argument either.

You're literally posting how you describe women.

>But you did it back no?
I never called you names.

>You're going to continue arguing pretending I didn't say that again aren't you?
I already said that you might not apply them indiscriminately, but probably being a man who feels the need to open a thread about "why are all women so incredibly stupid and can't form logical arguments?" doesn't give me that impression.

>And I couldn't care less what people generally do so you have no reason to bring it up with me
You literally opened a thread asking "Fembots", I'm one.
I'm giving you my opinion on the issue. I think a lot of people who use this board are prejudiced against women.
You asked me for my opinion and now you're telling me "kek don't care".

>doesn't give me that impression
Why does your impression matter user?
>You literally opened a thread asking "Fembots", I'm one.
But I posed a question: why does your gender tend to be so stupid? I'm not asking how I can make your time here more pleasant right?
>You asked me for my opinion
did I ask your opinion on that in particular? Are you stupid?
>I think a lot of people who use this board are prejudiced against women.
But you know what you're getting into when you use male oriented image boards.

You didn't ask for my opinion in particular, you asked for women's opinion. I gave you mine because I'm a woman.

I'm saying that we're not particularly stupid (perhaps a little more stupid, but not that incredibly so). A lot of people on here just won't consider us on an intellectual level or for the merit of the points we make, and attack us personally based off our gender without considering anything we have to say.
If you think women are stupid because you're prejudiced. If every time a woman tries to talk to you, your brain goes REEEE STUPID ROASTIE then probably you will never have a nice conversation with a woman.
That's my experience. It's not a problem, again. I'm not asking for any change, you can go around thinking all women are stupid roasties for all I care.

>You didn't ask for my opinion in particular, you asked for women's opinion
Whoa I think you're misunderstanding again because of your poor reading comprehension. This isn't an issue of you giving an opinion, it's you giving an opinion on something I didn't ask about. I don't know how you've been here this long and STILL failed to comprehend that I have no interest in your critique of board culture.

>If every time a woman tries to talk to you, your brain goes REEEE STUPID ROASTIE then probably you will never have a nice conversation with a woman.
You really are a retard aren't you? It feels like I'm talking to a brick wall. Listen to me once more: I am having a conversation with you right now
And how many times did I tell you that's not what happened? I'm tired of going in circles explaining the exact same thing to you. You're an imbecile you can't absorb what I'm saying AT ALL. Do you just intentionally skim through it and ignore everything then say what you want?

Literally doing exactly what op said you would

Again, I don't care about the board culture. I wouldn't be on here if I was bothered by the board culture.

You're not having a nice conversation with me - you're calling me names, insulting me, telling me you don't care about my opinion, etc.

To the femanon ITT:

You keep insisting women are worth talking to and should be given a chance and yet you:
>failed to grasp my point multiple times
>made me talk in circles with you and repeat myself
>when I say something you completely ignore it and pretend I still act in a way you conceive robots to (ree at women ONLY for being women)
>have poor reading comprehension skills
>can't understand I don't care about your experiences and repeatedly keep telling me about them

It really is talking to a brick wall. If you consider yourself "intelligent for a femanon what do you my impression of women is right now? I don't think highly of them for their intelligence. when I argue with you, it looks like you're not focused and not paying attention.

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>You're not having a nice conversation with me - you're calling me names, insulting me
And having a conversation doesn't necessarily mean it's civil. You said earlier I call out fembots for calling people names. That's wrong femanon. You misunderstood, names are okay. Because bantering is expected online. However, it's when you have no content other than name calling.

>telling me you don't care about my opinion
Oh I do fucking care about your opinion you imbecile, just the one I asked you about. I don't want to know anything else about your experiences on here, I made that very clear god please don't make me repeat myself anymore.

You don't understand the impossible situation women are put in, them winning arguments with truth on this board would actually be losing since the truth isn't in their favor, they have to do whatever they can to try and distract and obfuscate.

Femanon, based on your prose, you try to present yourself as educated and intelligent. So I assume you're educated, correct? Despite your education, why is your reading comprehension so poor? Most of your points are baseless misunderstandings. You often completely ignore my points despite me saying it in plain english for you. Example - you keep saying I ree just at the fact you're a woman when I've been telling you otherwise all thread. When I say something dissenting it's just as if you pretended I didn't. That's pretty dishonest of you. You just believe what you want to instead of what I'm telling you. Because of that, you made me talk in circles with you pointlessly. if you just used common sense you wouldn't be so stupid and wasted both of our time.

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Fembot, you've completely and utterly wasted my time. I hope you understand in the future why men dismiss women as stupid and unworthy of conversing with. Even the one who think they're intelligent are only as smart as the most basic men. I was always readily available to want to be proven wrong, it would take more than one woman to change my mind though. But sadly, it's very difficult to encounter a woman who isn't stupid. I have never met a single intelligent one. Hope you understand that I was open minded enough to give you a try.

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I stated my opinion in one of the first posts.
Women are not particularly more stupid than men. They are more emotional because of their socialisation and their hormones (like men are more competitive and violent). They're less likely to hold controversial opinions for the same reason.
Those are just statistical realities and general patterns. Treating all women like they're stupid isn't a particularly productive or logical attitude.

I already said that I based my opinion on you being a person who thinks all women are stupid indiscriminately based off the fact that you started a thread calling all women stupid.
I said multiple times that you might not be that way:
>Maybe you don't personally do it
>I already said that you might not apply them indiscriminately
And when I said "you REEEE at women" I meant you in a general sense, and not you specifically, addressing an issue I believe is a little broader than you and common to a lot of men.

>Women are not particularly more stupid than men.
You are free to your opinion on that.
>Treating all women like they're stupid isn't a particularly productive or logical attitude.
It's difficult to not instinctively think that. Most are, like you who made me talk in circles. How should you discuss things more efficiently? Don't repeat the same things so much, be concise. Have proper reading comprehension and pay attention. That's all I'm asking.
>I meant you in a general sense, and not you specifically
Lady, I'm not the ambassador of r9k. I don't speak on behalf of them, I take no responsibility for what they say. Bringing it up to me is absolutely irrelevant and pointless. Don't keep repeating yourself, don't keep asking me to repeat myself. Enough is enough. if you want to keep discussing, say something that isn't just a repeat of what I already countered for the millionth time. How many times do I have to say they (r9k) has nothing to do with me as an individual until you finally process that?

>You are free to your opinion on that.
They aren't, by all objective measures. They don't have a lower IQ. Their IQ tends to be less diverse: they're not as smart, but not as stupid as men.

>I don't speak on behalf of them, I take no responsibility for what they say.
I never asked you to do any of this, or even criticised the board culture.
I brought it up because I think the prejudice you have (and you admit to have) is the same prejudice that makes it hard for me to have a conversation when my gender comes into the conversation.
No need to discuss about this further, tho.

Angry thot spotted

>They aren't, by all objective measures. They don't have a lower IQ.
You can do your own research on that. I don't really care what you believe and I don't want to divert this conversation further anymore into a lengthy debate on just which studies are valid or aren't to you.
>I never asked you to do any of this, or even criticised the board culture.
Then stop repeating the same thing.
>that makes it hard for me to have a conversation when my gender comes into the conversation
I already had a very long pointless conversation with you, not really caring about your gender honestly. Your failure to absorb what I'm saying was what annoyed me, nothing else about your identity. Also, I'll say for the last time. I didn't want to know about how you're treated online and bringing it up with me has no benefit to you, I can't do anything about it and have no interest in you. Why not repeat something you can't comprehend for old time's sake?

>No need to discuss about this further, tho.
I agree.