Could you really press this button?

Could you really press this button?

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The trick is not to think about it too much.

>tfw I read this right to left without thinking

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Make it so that I kill a person that I know Everytime I click the button. That way I get to truly live alone and be rich


I would press it for as long as possible and hopefully deal with all of humanity before killing myself. Not sure the logistics though.

86400 seconds in a day, 604800 seconds in a week. And theres like billions of humans. So I guess even if I sat there all day every day it wouldnt even be a dent. But if I have my whole life ahead of me id just stay in that room pressing that button until I die.

600k a week 2,400,000 a month, 28.8 million a year. It would take a couple years but you'd live to see the end.

No, I could never do it, honestly.

Are you retarded?
You would need over 240 years for that.

Press 6 million times

I'd hook it up to some makeshift button pressing machine and become a Saint.

Keep pressing it until it randomly kills myself

No, I wouldn't press that button, it'd be fucked up, also it's more likely that you kill someone you know or yourself by doing this than winning the lottery.

Well people dying literally every second, one RANDOM person from 7 billion to that count doesn't seem like anything, especially when chances are very slim that it will be someone you know. But knowing The Devil there will be a catch to it. Like he'll lie and it will turn out it's your oneitis, or your grandma or your mom in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

>also it's more likely that you kill someone you know or yourself by doing this than winning the lottery.
Lmfao what? It would almost definitely get someone from china or india the first like 3 times you push it.

>Lmfao what? It would almost definitely get someone from china or india the first like 3 times you push it.

Attached: 2018-12-03 13_23_01-Odds of winning $1 billion Mega Millions and Powerball_ 1 in 88 quadrillion - CB (786x248, 14K)

nice clickbait picture

Leave to the moralfag to be stupid. They're are 7 billion humans on earth. Your chance of winning the lottery is much higher

Yes but odds of winning a million are significantly higher. Maybe try thinking

>trusting the devil
Classic brainlet move.

You cunt heres your (you)

If you're pressing for a million and you know 20-30 people(yourself, immediate family, extended family, old friends etc.) then your chances of getting one of them killed is higher than winning the lottery.

If I shift the goalposts I win the argument, bet you didn't think about that.

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7,000,000,000+ to 1 chance that it'll kill someone I know.

I'd be pressing that shit until I was a billionaire.

No, button like that is completely inadequate. Make it a million people and only nonwhites and I don't even need those money in exchange.

You people scare me. Do other people's lives mean that little to you just because you don't know them personally?

Yes. Rest assured some fucker in India or China or whatever would press that button in an instant if it meant they get $10K and I die. Kill or be killed, my guy.
If nothing else I could probably donate some of the extra money and save more people than I actually killed.

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Do you really have unconditional love for all 7-8b people on the planet?

>Do other people's lives mean that little to you just because you don't know them personally?
Yes. Hell, most of the people I met personally can get fucked too, there are quite few exceptions to this.

>still falling for this in 2019

Random means random. Meaning Satan would outright be lying to your face if he told you a random person would die.

I guarantee an overwhelming majority of people except for maybe three or four people would kill me, specifically, if they could with this button. How charmed does your life have to be to think the world doesn't literally want you dead for the most petty reasons?

I didn't push the button but fuck you

I'd be able to live with myself.

Now this is what I like to see. You're not a real user if you don't want to kill the whole world. I would nuke everything right now if I could. I would even make sure to have one dedicated nuke for my crush's house, my family and myself. I want no one standing, everyone dead and everything demolished. It's all about the feeling of power having destroyed them all singlehandedly. I don't want to be the carrier of some mutated virus that ends up killing humanity or to be the cause of some mistake that ends up causing extinction. I want to know that I have personally done the killing. I would personally strangle every single person in this world with my bare hands just to see the light go out in their eyes. From the babies to the elderly, I would strange, stab and behead. I want that power, that feeling of power. I want to know I killed them, that I won. It's why I haven't killed myself yet, because if I die they win. I fucking hate the world so gosh darn dirty fucking much.

Fuck off and die.

It's not a contest user. We all want the same thing.

One button click equals to one dollar, would you still do it

I bet 80% of the people I see everyday on the street would kill me for the damn change in my pocket, as long they feel they would get away with it.

>press button
>some random nigger in africa dies
oh no

Logically I should, but no. I'm just killing someone's brother or sister for the price of a cup of coffee at that point. Not my style.

>Satan would outright be lying to your face
>Implying Satan wouldn't do that
>Implying Satan didn't mean random in the sense that it's just a random person in relation to him
>Implying your mom isn't just a random person to Satan.
>Implying your mom will live even if you reply to this post.

I think I can jury-rig one of those old stamp devices for $10-$15.

My social circle is so reduced that the chances of killing someone I know and care about are extremely minimal. There are my 3 friends, some guys from college who are alright, and my family from whom I give a fuck about around 30 or so. And maybe a few artists and musicians that would suck if they died. So in total AT MOST around a hundred people, which amounts to 0.00000123% of the worlds population.

Even pressing the button a hundred times is incredibly unlikely someone I care about might die.

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Noce edge dood

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>random means random
Nobody said the distribution was uniform :^)

>Even pressing the button a hundred times is incredibly unlikely someone I care about might die.
Look at it this way. They are going to die anyway some day. What's sooner than later? At least you'll get something out of it. Not like you will get any inheritance from your favorite musician or your best bud from school. Think of it as an inheritance.

>Well people dying literally every second, one RANDOM person from 7 billion to that count doesn't seem like anything, especially when chances are very slim that it will be someone you know. But knowing The Devil there will be a catch to it. Like he'll lie and it will turn out it's your oneitis, or your grandma or your mom in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.

>implying that true randomness exists

Well fuck that then, I'm not gonna risk losing the handful of people I actually do care about for a car.

Until I had RSI and then I'd switch to the other hand, yes.

>implying it doesn't
>implying pilot wave theory isn't fraught with problems
>implying that Bell's theorem doesn't mean that hidden variable interpretations are dead
True randomness might not exist in the macroscopic world, but it very much exists.

Id press it until I could be NEET for the next few lifetimes.

Counter question:
How much would you PAY for a button click when you can pick the target?

I think I scrounge up 12k

>press number 1
new guitar
>press number 2
a nice old muscle car
>press number 3
a girlfriend for free
>press number 4 5 6 up to 19
buying the acre of land to build what all my dreams have been
>press number 20, 21, 22
getting so lucky that im feeling like a jew
>press number 23, 24 25 up to 32
Im sorry user reading this, the devil has come for you.
>press number 33, 34, 35, 36
dead just gave the whore at my school a final goodbuy kiss
>press number 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
im starting to get rich, well a justed didnt flinch
>press 42, 43, 44, 45
nobody i cared about died, having the time of my life.

I'd consider killing myself to take out the person I hated most, if their lives weren't already in shambles.

3 fiddy give or take

Easy 100 presses

I would push the button ten times over.

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Oh shit, now we have someone asking the real questions. A real businessman entrepreneur.

Even despite having a good sum saved up I think I would go broke in an instant. Do I get a discount if I buy in bulk? I think I will need it to be like 10 bucks a press if I want to make it affordable.

Knowing Satan there will be a catch again I'll probably get blamed and locked up for the murders regardless.

I'd press it around a million times. Doesn't really bother me, people die every day and our population is exploding. Nobody would miss a million people.

thank you for the daily fact unironically

As long as it's millions of old douchebags like him

Linkola? A douchebag? He's worth a million millennial faggots like you.

4 people die each second
Literally who cares

No. I could not do that. There's no reason for me to make 10 grand. The only way I want to make money is by being an honest and genuine person with a good mentality, right now my mentality sucks and the only thing I'd do with the money is become an even worse alcoholic. I would explode the entirety of earth and kill every single person on it if I could in a single press of a button for free, but not kill a single person and bring needless grief to the earth for greed. I want to end everything in a purified manner with respect in a perfect zip, not torture my fellow humans. However, I would press the button to kill myself if it meant a better life for someone else who deserves it.

Me too. Too much manga.

I think less tha. 20% of the population is white world wide sp that's a cool million for me, user.

It's rich talk for someone at the end of their life is all, like if someone on their death bed said that.

Would press it 1000 times without a hint of remorse. Not even being edgy

If it killed me instead of some random person then absolutely

You don't need a button for that my dude.

By my calculations, assuming a constant rate of population growth (when not accounting for lives lost to the button) of 1.1% a year, and if you hit the button as fast as you can (I clocked myself in at 400/minute) every waking hour of every day it would take about 85 years to kill all of humanity. Although if you yourself can be killed by the button you'd most likely be dead within 32 years, leaving behind a population of 5.6 billion

do you have the sauce on that image file?

That's 250 years even at current population level not to even mention human population is growing at a rate of about 80 million a year.
Besides once god starts smiting people randomly again folks start to have lot more kids to compensate.

Say you know 70 people your chance of killing someone you know is one in hundred million or so. You could spin the wheel 100 000 times which is billion dollars and still not total tenth of a percent chance of killing someone you actually know.
As a Finn killing 100k people would only give about thousand dead Finns in the first place, which is not nearly enough to give some breathing room.

>Do other people's lives mean that little to you just because you don't know them personally?

151,600 people die every day.

That means even if I hit the button 1000 times, my action would still have a statistically insignificant impact on the number of people dying that day. It would also be nearly impossible to pick out who the people were who died as a result of my action - they'd be lost in the statistical noise.

>But you'd be causing some of those deaths though

I'd never really be sure. And I'd never know who. The connection here is much, more more tenuous and uncertain and unknown than, say, being a random bureaucrat during the Holocaust. At least then the causality chain is clear, and you could research it if you were really determined. The guilt here is so much more abstract than that; it's hard for it to really make an emotional impact.

>Linkola? A douchebag? He's worth a million millennial faggots like you.

Yes, he's a douchebag. If the ecological crisis is so severe that it requires mass death, he should start with himself. Or he should shut the fuck up.

Only $10,000? I mean that is a good amount, but shit that won't last you long.

Yeah obviously, they're people! Why should I not care about their well-being?

T_T Where is the love in this world?

But 1000 people dying unnecessarily would be a world news event. We are supposed to care about each other, come on!

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Oh jeez, I wonder what would happen if we put this user in a room with a deranged serial killer?

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Mathfags: How many button pushes would it require to kill myself, on average?

>a random person dies
>doesn't say it can't be you
>easy cash
what's even the catch?

Mathfag already has posted ITT.


how would i report this on my taxes?

>But 1000 people dying unnecessarily would be a world news event. We are supposed to care about each other, come on!
No it wouldn't. There's been natural disasters that have killed thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands and all you hear about it is a headline on a news network once or twice and that's it. Just look at Haiti, nobody even gives a shit anymore. What about more recent disasters like in Puerto Rico, nobody gives a shit.

Yes but 1000 randoms is at least 200 westerners, and thus a major event. Think the 2017 Las Vegas shooting times four.

If you press the button that could be anyone though. 1000 people dying in random places all over the world wouldn't matter. You'd have a few farmers in china and india, random poverty stricken children in africa and maybe 5-10 westerners

Probably a good 98% of the human race would hit the button until they were super rich. I would.

Jhfd xxv bni vs. Deyhnjkl

HAHAHAHAHA very good lmao

>5-10 westerners

Europe has 10% and North America has 5% of the world population. 15% of 1000 people is 150. And randomness in the selection ensures this number at the very least.

anyone who dies as a result of me pushing that button has done something at one point in their life to deserve it
i'd smash that button a thousand times over and feel good about having power and control for the first time in my life while laughing at all the sex havers who fucked me over to keep all the pussy under their monopoly and not share dying before my hand

people die everywhere all the time.

Okay who gives a shit. Also America and Canada aren't all of North America, there's lots of Mexicans and Caribbeans. And there's a lot of dirt poor slavs in Europe who are barely western. Even then 150 people who actually matter is nothing.

fucking satan making me give a (you)

Depends. By "random person", does it mean 1 of the 8 billion people we have, or a person of no significance? I'd not risk if it could be a person of significance.

wasn't this the plot to the movie? I'm pretty sure the twist is the random person who dies is the last person who pressed the button. They just keep killing people and passing the same money on.

nvm i found it, didn't get the plot exactly right but its called "The Box" for anyone curious.

Manlet detected

I remember watching that years ago, p shitty movie desu

the jewish trick is that the next person to press the button kills you