>be me
>make a joke
>but no laugh
every time. why?
Be me
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My diagnosis is qt smol girl. I would have guessed autistic boy but nobody would put up with autistic boys and their useless jokes.
Because you are a female brainlet.
Whenever I make someone laugh I feel like it's not genuine. The only person who finds me funny is my older brother
that doesn't mean that I can't be funny. I honestly think i'm really funny and clever sometimes, but no one else does lol
I never laugh at jokes because I am too slow.
Tell me a joke fembot. Use vocaroo so you can get the timing right, I want a good chuckle.
If you tell me one I will tell you one.
the data you get back tells a different story.
Nobody laughs, clearly you're not funny. At least your best effort is cute though.
Them is some true words and a harsh reality.
What type of humor do you use? Mine is usually self deprecating or overtly insulting for no reason
It's not that I "tell jokes" like one-liners and stuff, I just try to make funny observations or use my body in a funny way.
Like I'll pretend I'm scared of a halloween decoration in a store or something
So then you are not actually funny. Observational humor and sarcasm are the very bottom of the totem pole. You do sound cute though. That should be good enough.
Oof that's not funny at all
ok but like I've said things before that were witty or clever. I'm just trying to think. One time a dog ran by really fast and I made a motorcycle sound. It sounds retarded when I type it but it was funny I promise
Being funny is really only needed for insecure guys with little redeeming qualities.
It's an art-form perfected through desperation.
Most women wouldn't have to really go through it.
that doesn't really sound knee slapping funny though desu
Why on Earth would you think that's funny to somebody older than 7 years old?
Why do you care so much about being funny?
I don't know. I tried
Because I'm not really good at anything. I wish that I was one of those super witty people that can always crack a joke but I guess I'm not. I just want something to offer:/
depends on your crowd
if I think someone is trying to make an unfunny joke I tend to give them my best pity laugh
the worst is when the joke is so bad it's hard to even tell it's a joke
but if people are saying "aww" then you must be cuter than you are funny, which honestly isn't a bad trade off
watch a lot of stand up/classic comedy movies, read classic witty novels and try and learn from there? i'm sure you're not as bad as you're making yourself out to be if you're really trying but your example wasnt great
British comedies are the way to go.
>at work today
>innocently pick a wrong word which makes me sound comically brutal
>everyone laughs at my accidental joke
>worried I'm not qt anymore ;w;
Ahah, good stuff.
>it's a fembot episode
Too bad selfies aren't allowed, I'm curious what yall look like. Unless you're not really a girl (girl) then don't bother.
What does it mean when a guy says "Awww cute". I know it sounds retarded, but I have never really seen a guy use "aww" usually just stacies
it's probably just genuine
guys don't tend to layer what they say with a lot of subtext, and tend to react with how they really feel
It's like you're seven.
Because it wasn't that fucking funny
Either they're a basedboy, gay, or if you're a grill they're not into you and see you as a little sister.