Fit are you some times "afraid" to start a fight ?...

Fit are you some times "afraid" to start a fight ? , not in a scence where you are afraid from the person but afraid from the extreme harm you can unintentionally inflict on them.

not talking about searching fight , but some times there are people that are either kinda want to try and test you , either talking crap some times as a joke or whatever , i almost certain you know this feeling so i wont bother explaning it too much.

what do you do in this situations? i dont know why but sometimes almost random people try to step on you , what do you do then? do you let it slide? (by sliding i mean not giving attention to what retards say) , or do you do something else?

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I do exactly what .gif related does. No one ever fucks with meh

Look at this narcissistic retard lmao

lol the gif was intended as a joke .

atleast you got it lol haha.

What implies I was talking about the gif?

because if you were not you are stupid for talking shit over the interenet ,that puts you in the bascet with the retards i described.

What is with Jow Forums and this autistic mix of teen angst and paranoid feelings about fighting? No seriously, everytime the subject is remotely related to martial arts/combat sports the discussion suddenly shifts to street fighting.

Oh I'm the one that's retarded? Not you, the one who thinks they're super dangerous and above everyone else? You're overconfident and have no idea how little your muscle can do. BLOAT ABOVE ALL, TWINKS KEEL OVER AND DIE IN MY PRESENCE. A TRUE BLOATLORD CAN ERASE CONCEPTS LIKE FORM AND STRENGTH.

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I’m not scared of fights, but I actively avoid them. I’m 6ft3, 85kg and have been wrestling for 5 years and Thai boxing for 7.

It’s not worth going to jail because you punch someone and their head smashes off the concrete and they die. I used to always be macho about fights so nowadays I will just walk away from fights.

I’m a lefty with a nasty roundhouse kick I never use cause I’m afraid of exploding someone’s liver

I was afraid of Rugby at school because I was afraid to hurt someone

Which was a joke because I was a skinny manlet at the time

I still am desu but I fear inflicting pain on others

On a scale of Tiger Woods to Rodney King, how nigger are you?

you're so big haha
85kg wow haha

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Before I learned how to fight, yes.

I absolutely wouldn't call myself an expert now, but when you're self-confident enough that you don't feel like you have something to prove you just want to avoid fights and go about your normal day.
Admittedly I don't live in a shit neighbourhood where everybody's looking to fight, but I've had a few people start talking shit and I've just walked off while being mindful of how close they get. It's never escalated.

I never said I was big. But it’s a fairly intimidating size still, mostly because of height.

Insulting someone while saying "bascet". You need to sharpen up brother.

I don't know you so I'm just talking based in my own experience.
First, you have to check out that you are not retarded with people (being a douche, talking shit yourself without noticing, etc...) you must be REALLY self-aware of what you say, do and think, and why you say it, do it, and think it.
If you are not being an asshole yourself without noticing and are acting with REAL good intentions, then the usual reason why people are dicks with you for no apparent reason is because of jealousy, envy or inferiority complex. They feel smaller than you so they need to do something about it and its usually saying some rude joke or something. A clear example of this is the DYEL that always gives you shit for lifting and trying.
So what you have to do is just feel sorry for them and let it slide. The only exception is when you feel that they have crossed the line, and in that case you have to defend yourself.

If you constantly think people are "testing" you, you either have shit friends or you are looking for a fight.

Nope, i fight all the time. I've made friendships by fighting and i've lost friends by fighting. Figthing is more than just inflicting damage upon someone, a method of communicating with someone on a more primal level if you will. Nothing speaks quite as well as your fists do.

OP, what you described are clear signs of a developing prefrontal cortex, aka "maturity". Males dont develop it until relatively late in life, after 25 y.o. You might even have some cortical folding!

I suggest you get on some test asap and get in a few fights, before the situation becomes irreversible and you become a massive faggot.

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>Fit are you some times "afraid" to start a fight ? , not in a scence where you are afraid from the person but afraid from the extreme harm you can unintentionally inflict on them.
Nah If I want to start a fight I want this mother fucker to bleed hard. and leave him fucking on the ground.

>not talking about searching fight , but some times there are people that are either kinda want to try and test you , either talking crap some times as a joke or whatever , i almost certain you know this feeling so i wont bother explaning it too much.
well it depends on the situation. If i see that it is someone who looks like he have no problem doing time , I will step back if he just talk shit,if he touh me its on baby. If its someone who just talk shit, i will just talk shit back to him or ignore him and walk off. you know its basicly controlling your ego in the end of the day.

>what do you do in this situations? i dont know why but sometimes almost random people try to step on you , what do you do then? do you let it slide? (by sliding i mean not giving attention to what retards say) , or do you do something else?
yeah It always depends on the situation for me because if I see that it is a trouble person who looks like having no problem doing time, i rather step back.

Im a humble person when it comes to this things. i lost fights in my life and I won fights in my life. sometimes you can avoid it. but I prefer to avoid the fight 70% of the time

sometimes you cant avoid it.
english is not first language

well i didnt express myself well
this guy describs it the best , some time people give crap to you for no apperent reason , for exmaple there was a guy where i worked thats allways interfere when i talk to woman , like the attention i get from females annoys him , but he cant show it so he comes over and throws stupid "jokes" or whatever.

this is also a small example of crap that needs to be delt with , of course "staying calm and mindful" is everything, the best fights are the ones avoided.

people here got the idea like i am walking with karate robe under my clothes and i am readdy to start beating a random guy that looked at me wrong...

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Do not feed into the other's ego and do not let yours be impacted by theirs. It's a matter of speak softly and carry a big stick. Most of those faggots are not trained fighters, so you do not need years of extensive martial arts training to deal with them if push came to shove. A punch solid enough to break their nose would send most of those dudes running off, but then you might have to deal with the dudes they were posturing for so you have to gauge the situation

>leave him fucking on the ground
who will he fuck on the ground? you?

People here lift to feel like they’re manly and not be scared (or at least it’s a common enough theme, not saying you or I do it, but you’ve seen it) but they still can’t handle confrontation even after lifting. So they go on about fights as it is the most simple way to exhibit confrontation physically. However since the entire place is full of people who have never fought, you get a bunch of nerds sperging out. It’s pretty much the kids who made up the fight club, but are too stupid, or arrogant to just go to a normal boxing/judo/muay thai/wrestling place.

fights aint nothin but trouble, even if u win people look at u weird after

Im 5'6. Tall gays test me all the time but just end up making themselves look stupid because 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.