How can I stop the brain fog, lads?
I can't concentrate on anything or read more than ten words at a time.
How can I stop the brain fog, lads?
Eat shit and stuff clit.
[Go to the doctor or psychiatrist]
doesn't work
I've tried, they keep turning me away
Then you should get a philosophy doctorate, no real knowledge required and you can scum people and do stupid shit for fame.
stop fapping so much originator
Let brain rot take over in place of brain fog you can't have problems thinking if you just never think to begin with.
but i don't originally
perfect, thank you originally, friend
It is because you don't use those brain cells so when you do go to read they get tired. Try reading more throughout the semester next time so when crunch time comes you will be able to read.
No problem if you can develop dementia you know you succeeded. I look forward to that stage.
have you tried nootropics, noopept in particular seems to work well, take 20mg ~ 30mg twice at day
This makes a lot of sense and I'm mad at myself now. Thanks, user. I'll try harder next semester.
I haven't, tell me more please?
certanly, nootropics are basically smart drugs Noopept as a nootropic, recommended dosage, side effects and clinical research. Noopept is is an ampakine nootropic similar in action to the racetam-class of compounds. ... Noopept prevents the release of excess glutamate in your brain. Glutamate is the brain's primary excitatory neurotransmitter.
Sounds too good to be true. Illegal, I'm assuming? (I'm UK based)
I just cheked and some website say its legal you would have to do your own research on that one, but i highly recommend nootropics, less toxic and less prone to get you dementia. Unlike psychotropic such as aderral and all that garbage
Huh, interesting.
Thank you, user. Genuinely very helpful, I'll have a little read around.
glad to help user good luck on your reading digest
>fasting and stimulants
if that doesn't work you may be a brainlet
Stop being stupid
Also, be smarter
Don't get too excited, nootropics in my experience are garbage. You're better off taking for example what that guy said, adderall, if you don't get the bad side effects. Since psychiatrists turn you away, try caffeine. You can either drink coffee or buy caffeine tablets from your local pharmacy. I usually take 100mg when I get brain fog, and it works well. Either that you can go to a psychiatrist for ADD, which you could easily pass for with brain fog.
Trust me Adderall is a meme. I had ADHD and I have to take 70 mg ir a for it to even work. I'm close to switching to Vyvanse or concerta
it's a possibility
oh shit, i didnt think of that
Hmm, okay. Did they not help at all?
I have a pretty high caffeine tolerance, which is an issue.
I'm seeing my doctor again tomorrow, so hopefully they'll be able to prescribe something to help.
ask him for modafinil instead it's better than trashderral
I've never actually taken adderall, but I have taken vyvanse for my ADD, and for me, it was the difference between night and day. I hope it works well for you.
They usually did nothing, yeah. A couple of them I forgot the name for, fucked with your liver and made your piss dark/smelly. Not to mention they're not nearly as documented as normal medication like adderall.
As far as I know, there's nothing for brain fog. I recommend saying you have attention problems and suggest you have ADD.
depression shrinks your brain, and you dont want to end up like a mental health gay