Mires thread?

Mires thread?

I got my very first mire Jow Forums :)
>at work
>be sweeping
> female coworker leans over to other female coworker
> "ooh look at those muscles"
> i glance up and make eye contact
> she smiles
> i dont drop my spaghetti and smile back
> i turned away and grinned like a madman

Shit greentext i know but pls share ur first mires or recent mires in real good mood
Were all gonna make it brah

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Im proud of you user. Onward and upward

: )

It's started bro, congrats and godspeed

>rock up to work in gym singlet
>female coworker on couch immediately locking eyes with my pecs
>lay my bag down next to her and start chatting about working out and food as usual
>out of nowhere she leans over and squeezes my tricep as I'm getting something out of my bag
>massive smile on her face
>asks me how I got rock hard tris as she squeezes her own making a comical "flabby" motion
>tell her she needs to get into a public gym so she can see other fit chicks for inspiration
>she says "your my inspiration teehee"

My work on this planet is almost done

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>be at grocery
>waiting in line at the deli
>old woman and her husband are passing by
>old woman stops
>old woman puts hand on my chest
>old woman "do you play any sports?"
>tfw my first mire

>tfw i wanna fuck the brains out of an old woman that hasn't gotten good dick in years
has anyone done this?

>walk into kitchen
>dad says "goodmorning big guy"
>made it

>obtain hot af gf
>reguarly comments on me,loves my lats
>sucks my toes and eats my ass
>go out
>milf gets flirty and asks me to take her home n choke her
>her male friends get jelly
>go to gay bar
>handsome faggot tries kissing my neck and feelin me up
>Storms off when i say i have a gf

>for you

congrats user, I hope I'll be like you one day

Funny how women don't even think twice about touching your arms, i've had about 4 women touching my arms out of nowhere on nights out the last few weeks


>working as a janitor

Women love jack3d arms. Science.

You a nigger?

How long do I have to lift for to get my first mire bros?

it's a mating signal they give unconsciously

How does a former strong bro get jack3d arms?

in a non incest-y way

If you are serious about it and eating enough (provides d you start from skeleton mode) about a year
But theres big genetic component to it, like theres those 2 chink bros that look like literal kids next to me when they are objectively fitter
Or that one guy with good physique, lean as fuck, waist size of my thigh and wide back, but when he has clothes on you eouldnt even accuse him of lifting.

Im at least blessed with height and naturally wide back (cursed with autism and ugly face tho haha) so i get mired pretty often but the moment i open my mouth girls realzie im broken husk of a man

>be me
>at parent’s house
>mom’s birthday
>having a barbecue in backyard
>grilling some meats
>mom’s big titty milf friend is there
>she starts talking about how good I cook
>have conversation about food what I season the meat with
>says I’m very handsome and that I should come over to her place and cook for her
>she slips a piece of paper into my pocket with her number and tells me not to tell mom

Anons are gonna say this is a larp but this legit happened to me yesterday I’m so happy. Never give up on your dreams brahs.

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are you gonna smash?

Kill yourself fatass

Yeah this guy made it

do it

I'm dating an older woman, you won't be disappointed user.

Grats user

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I got pretty good physique and frame genetics off my dad even though he gave me the manlet spell.
Just got out of skele mode and been eating fuck loads / lifting consistently for about 2 months now, still looking DYEL though.
>but the moment i open my mouth girls realzie im broken husk of a man
Iktf fren, except not just girls it's everyone I come into contact with. I believe in you user let's make it.

My gf of 2 years has a super hot friend, we'll call her Stacy. Recently I've gotten a little more swole and i think maybe Stacy has started to notice.

Example 1:
>Stacy recently went on holiday with my gf,
>everytime I call my gf while they were overseas, she'll yell out 'hi user' so I can hear it over the phone.
>When stacy came back from holiday with my gf i picked them up from the airport,
>she was commenting on how tanned they got.
>Stacy goes 'user, look at my tan, see the tan lines?'
>Pulls up her sleeve and shows me her shoulder
>stacy then took off her flip flops and showed me her toes for several seconds

Example 2:
>Stacy openly admitted to facebook stalking me

Example 3:
>The other day when me, Stacy, 2 other gf's school friends, my gf and I all went to lunch.
>Stacy was sitting opposite me to the left. I asked her a question directly a couple of times.
>She didn't look at me when i ask her a question directly.
>Instead she just looks opposite to the friend next to me and answers her and pretends I don't exist.
>But then later I made some shitty joke and she started giggling so hard when none of the other friends were laughing (they all heard it).

Example 4:
>talking with gf's friends in the park about which celebrities we think are hot
>i then proceed to say all the ones we just mentioned were ugly
>stacy asks me who i think is hot
>i just look at stacy awkwardly then turn to face my gf.

Example 5:
>prank my gf in front of stacy
>Stacy starts going 'OMG YOU'RE SOOOO MEAN'

Example 6:
>Insult stacy by basically asking if shes intelligent enough for me
>stacy laughs and calls me a funny one

Example 7:
>Stacy sometimes asks my gf if i'm coming to certain events. 'hey, is user coming?'

So this is pretty much all the interaction we've had recently. My gf and I are sort of on an on again off again relationship. If we break up i wanna pursue this.

Does she like me?

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this is such a wholesome thread
i love it

no one reply, maybe they'll stop with the pastas

based user, go get her

hey this is a positive thread fuck off

New fag
Nice dubs but you failed

if a girl tells you she stalked you on facebook because your her friends fb, does that mean shes interested? or not interested because shes admitted to it.

>>go to gay bar

Post stats

Post stats

>be me (who else would I be lol)
>little sister has friend over for some school project
>typical blonde Stacy grill probably 14 or 15 I don’t remember how old my sister is
>”wow user you’re arms are so big!” she says
>asks me to flex
>she pokes my rock hard bicep and giggles
>goes upstairs to sister’s room to do their dumb little school project
>sister tells few days later that Stacy thinks I’m super hot and wants us to get married

I obviously don’t want to be on the pedo list but it feels good know chicks admire you. When my sis told me that it made my day.

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this has only been going around for a month as far as I can tell, maybe even less

a week and a couple of days

Yea, I'd have rather overestimated it than underestimate it.

Well don't listen to the other user, I think you're great :)

otra vez, user?

I'm not that user, I was defending him

well you're great too :)

she is interested ofc brah

>Be me
>Come into a night shift with new haircut and freshly trimmed beard
>Qt coworker (with bf unfortunately) notices, "Looking good user! Your beard is clean af"
>y-you too
>Later on, trying to massage my sore shoulders and traps
>"Do you want some help?"
>pause bordering on autistic length
>She hops up and gets to work, feels amazing
>"my bf doesn't always like my massages lol"
>"Damn, he doesn't know how good he's got it"
>She reaches down to rub the very front of my shoulders, pressing her tits against my head
>pic related
>"Wow user, you have so many muscles! They just never end"
I think taken women are more comfortable miring openly, given that they don't have anything to prove and aren't as nervous that signals will be misconstrued.

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>tfw quit drinking so rarely go out
>went out with friends to beer festival
>in line for some grub
>group of qts in front of my group
>8.5/10 blonde sees me, eyes light up, taps her friend on the shoulder
>says "he's perfect" with a big smile
>couldn't think of anything to say so pretend i didnt hear them
A-alpha as fuck right boys?

>tfw I only get "mires" from bros because of how much I lift
>tfw I'm a fat fuck so my muscles don't show through all the fat
>tfw because my muscles don't show I get literally no mires from women
I'm losing the weight bros, some day I'll be mired by a woman.

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It's a place homosexuals go to in order to hook up and have anal sex.

>says "he's perfect"
They were gonna harvest your perfection user. It would have been like that movie "Get Out". You more than likely dodged a bullet with this one

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Happened before:

>Just got home from 5 hours cartrip
>Have to walk dog, tired af but this is a must
>So I'm walking around, listening to music, daydreaming in my own head and suddently see 2 neighbors with their dogs talking about stuff
>Known in the neighborhood as the "outrovert young man"
>At this time I've got a way to thick scarf, messy hair and a slobby "prilla"
(snus here in sweden and snuff in english I think, pic related)
>1 of them decides to continue the walk and left is this mom with her qt daughter who met my mom when she was over visiting
>I'm caught offguard
>Hard time making eye-contact
>Try to make casual conversation as they plow me with questions
>See that I'm tired and they look surpriced over how I act
>At this point I get self-concious because the snuff in my mouth is so fucking wet and disgusting, probably smeared on my teeth.
>Headphones awkwardly bent around my way too thick scarf
>They wrap up the conversation
>Walks the same way as I but infront of me for 100meters

Sorry for shit-tier greentext but wanted an anti-mire. Shit was painful and I'm normally a very likeable person with ease talking to random strangers but this was straight up torture.
Atleast the qt seemed we invested in maintaining eye-contact and smiled a lot, not because it matters since I've got a gf but social approval is one hell of a drug.

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I get mires all the time and even before I started lifting because 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.

>be fucking
>mmm, you have a nice back
noice. And this was a femanon without a penis, too


happy for you user


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Jow Forums how do I reject a girl? I’ve never been on the receiving end of feelings before and I don’t know how to deal with this. She is too overweight but obviously I cant tell her the truth of why not or our mutual friend would get bitchy at me

Has never been done

>am chad
>walk into bar in wicker park with friends last night
>within 20 seconds, a stacey directly approaches and introduces herself to me, giving major "fuck me" eyes
>flirty small talk, touching my arms, before wanders off as one of her friends pulls her away to do something
>one of her female friends says "go for it. she wants you so bad."

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5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of shitposting situations.
This is because of the "shameless shitposter" attitude the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "persistence", his "rudeness" and most usually through his barefaced temerity. Taller men can not be assed to deal with this, so they shake their head and move on in a "patronizing" and "resigned" way.

What part of Chicago you live in?

Gay bars are top fun. Super friendly, no aggro. Best place to find out where to get drugs in a new town too.

no but i want to too

Inside east room I presume

Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

I've never had a girl openly mire my muscles

Only my family. Feelsbad

Program for arm mass ?

>run into moms fried (close family friend who I haven't seen in a while
>mentions that she just saw my identical twin and I look way bigger than him
It's a good feel

Next time you're with her talk about another woman that you're into. Make something up if you have to.

Matt get off this board

>got dumped by gf
>commence hate fueled lifts
>ff a few months
>escaped skelly mode, time to post a pic
>show off babby gains
>ex likes it and a couple weeks later comments on it that I'm looking joocy
>ignore her
Glad I made her jelly and got to ignore her and developed a good habit too

>not responding with " yeah haha [her best friend] said the same thing lol"

>responding to your ex at all
Guaranteed you don't have casual sex

Childish and makes you seem resentful.

All my exes told me girls were mirin' me in the street or in store and that they were making other girls or their friends jealous.
When I was still going in night clubs, gay people also hitted on me, but I decline politely.

My best friend also remarked this.

One of my coworkers also hit on me, always calls me "sexy" or stuff like that, looking for excuses to rub my shoulders or my arms. But I have a gf so I stay away from that kind of stuff.

One of my former bosses that fired me years ago (she was like 40 but hot as hell) tried to add me 2 times on instagram a few months ago, if that counts.

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youre right, i dont because im not a fucking loser
accurate to me desu


can you stop reposting this
you've been at it for the last month

Tfw no noticeable mires
It lonely at the top boys

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No reply

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Gay bars are the fucking best if you bring your girlfriend, or a female friend.
I have never in my life gotten such a huge confidence boost from others.
My butt was grabbed at least 20 times while bar hopping during the DC pride parade.
Literal fags were telling my GF how lucky she is.
I have yet to come down from this high.

Got my first mire last weekend. Had a weekend get-together with some friends from uni and one qt who regularly works out said "have you been working out? You look good"
I felt good. Was thinking it would take longer for others to see.

She likes you user

I get mires all the time and even before I started lifting because 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way.

Nice pasta

I'm 1m84 (yeah I know, Europefag) and my gf usually dated shorter men and she clearly sees the difference, she feels way more safe when we're together.


It's as instinctive as 'mirin a pair of milk-giving mammaries, it's written into our genetic code.

Mine honestly aren't even that big, i've been doing full body workouts for a few months now. I use an underhand grip for bent over rows and do chinups so i can get more bicep involvement. I don't even isolate them but i've had good results

Feels gud man

The sleeves of the sweaters i'm wearing also fit my arm relatively tight. The fact that you can see the shape of the muscle through the clothing makes people think you're more muscular than you actually are

Are you retarded

Kek and retardpilled

Names not Matt, is he your twin who movs you?