Are Asian women less roastie than White women?
Asian women
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its less of a loss when an asian woman race mixes than a White woman.
Judging by the fact this picture exists, probably not.
From my experience yes. Relax angry incels from Jow Forums. I have an outlier relationship but I mean. My observation is they tend to make better choices in life and are less reckless and irresponsible. They don't tend to get knocked up by accident. And they're not really as adventurous. Call that boring, I'm boring too, I'm practical and want a peaceful life.
based, redpilled, checked and original
The fact Japan has a huge sex culture and a porn industry to rival America's i'd say no
I'd say that's just because japanese men are beta. So both the men and women look for outlets they have to pay for.
Myself, i am more of an Anri guy, but Kaho is nice too.
anri is basically perfect
She is more perfect than perfect after she became pregnant. What did she have to quit, why? Why didn't she at least record 2 movies when pregnant?
Yeah but when you think about it Japan's porn industry is as big as big as America's and when you think about how many more people America has well let's just say that's a lot of japs getting fucked
>Caring about a 3d rostie
Beta orbiter
Man i feel sorry for that kid no telling who the father is
A big porn industry means nobody is getting fucked, and they're looking for outlets.
If japanese men were more manly proper relationships would be more regular there.
I would let all the men she ever fucked fuck me in the ass it it meant i could fuck her after it.
This is ultimate cuckoldry
I wouldn't let any other woman do that though. But Anri is godsend perfect.
There are a fuck ton of chink roasties, which is why its sweet to teach English there and what not, that being said i'd say most of them are a lot more conservative and would basically be marriage material by robot standards, probably cuz all the beatings they get as kids. but a smaller percentage of 1 billion chinks is still a ton of roasties for pickings.
>Are Asian women less roastie than White women?
isn't it obvious
Jesus, asians are so souless
Asian women are DEFINITELY less of a roastie than white women because of their femininity and shyness. In my opinion they're the most beautiful too and make the cutest music.
what does that really mean?
since souls don't exist
Blank stare, no emotions
that's just how their faces are. imo it makes them look reserved and graceful
Yes. This is the roastie scale in north america.
Black and white are around equal. Hispanic is a bit less roastie than white/black. Asian is least roastie normally. Mixed race/mutt is a wild card and can be super roastie or pure.