After the BLACKED craze. I predict in the next 10 years or 2028. The next kino fetish shall be pic related...

After the BLACKED craze. I predict in the next 10 years or 2028. The next kino fetish shall be pic related. All blackbots love the asian interracial
Asian chicks will replace white girls
correlates to the fall in value of the white woman

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>giving this shit this much thought and importance
Is this what staying inside 24/7 for decades do to a person?

okay. bring it. im pretty sure i have this same picture somewhere.

female niggers are so ugly

jav is niche enough as is, blacked jav is literally a niche within a niche.

About a third of all JAV is jap woman / black man though.

You are completely right OP. Im black and my whole life revolves around getting a qt asian gf

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>source: His dirty nigger asshole

You guys so desperately want to have something to compete with huh? Too bad the only championships you'd win is the most scarred, ugly and lazy slave ones.

>being this mad at niggers for wanting a non-nigger female

>bbc savages ruining tiny asian pussy

literally been my fetish for years get on my fucking level

anyone know what kind of sunglasses this gentleman is wearing? i'm in the market for a new pair and i like that style alot. thanks!

I'm not mad at blacks for wanting non-black women. I don't have anything to do with what other people want for their lives, sexually or not.

What pisses me off is this """BLACKED""" faggotry being pushed around, as if black men are actually grabbing porn by the balls and taking it over, with every porn actress going for them.

You do realize """BLACKED""" porn is very fetish-oriented right? Like that video of a girl fucking a pig, or of tiny girls dressed like school students, or those weird JAV videos where the girl eats her own vomit?
Blacks are literally treated like animals in porn, and you retards come here acting like black men are "desired".

I live in one of the worst shithole contries in the world, in South America. The only black male-white female couple I have ever seen (in which the guy was actually one of the only black men worth anything here - an engineer) the woman cheated on him with a lesbian and left him for her.

If you want to post porn around, do it. I don't care when I see white on white, asian on white, latino on white or any sort of porn. But black porn always has this retarded connotation with you guys, as if you're special. Fuck off.

see, this is why niggered is posted constantlt, for responses like this. a goldmine of salt

Asian women belong to to the superior mongol race, dont you dare touch them you filthy nigger or I will boil you alive

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Mongols are awesome.

I want to come to mongolia, user. Any tips?

prolly RayBanz

oakley pit boss? or maybe some generic polariod clone.

Itll be fisting. Im surprised the people that hate blacked porn havent made a huge push towards fisting.

Jesus Christ pls no. I don't want be surrounded by ugly nigger people in the future.

Don't worry, porn of this kind is extremely niche and a black man will have to be extremely goodlooking or really rich for a non-mentally ill nip girl to want to date.

>black men and asian women least likely to have fucked families
Why is this, robots?

because it doesnt exist in the first place

t. black woman or white incel

>About a third of all JAV is jap woman / black man though
Are you literally pulling this out of your ass? The most popular JAV actresses have like 1-3 videos with blacks. Out of like 300 hundred. There are also vids with midgets and 80y old people. Are those 1/3 as well?

Forgot my image asiabot

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what is this nigger kikery.

The problem with BMWW is not black men's fault it's white women
As you can see brothers don't have a problem with a loving asian or black wife
White women are either going for thug type blacks or they aren't the type of women that value marriage

I agree with this honestly. White women will find the well-to-do blacks boring after a while and dont want the social ostracizing/mixed kids so they'll just cheat on him or divorce. Thug blacks dont marry in the first place.

The only Black/white LTRs I see are when the girl is literally too fat to get other men at all.

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I see your men of culture
What we have to do is devalue the white woman to make her work harder and become more loyal , obedient like that Asian and black women

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to all the chinks in the world JAV is the standard, American porn is niche

*laughs diabolically*

So blackedJAV would Be a niche within the standard
Much like how blacked is treated

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*laughs retardedly*

im sorry but is that the best you got to show a masculine asian man

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Hate seeing niggers fuck white women wtf anons

Based and retarded
Looks like you not only shidded but farded

I support more of this, blasians are masterrace.

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>I live in one of the worst shithole contries in the world, in South America.

kek you're a literal shitskin dude. The fact that you are this super mad about white women fucked by blacks speaks volumes about the state of you. You must look like a typical 56%er goblino.

Sooner or later you losers are going to be thrown out like the furries. Your shit fetish will be kept to containment boards and forums.

>a Will Demps poster that isnt me


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>meanwhile in reality

originalio stinky commento

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sauce though

t. falseflagging white "robot", yesterday he made multiple threads insulting asian men and now he's using blacks to do it
Fuckiing monster these people are, what do white "robots" want from us?

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Is there a video on youtube?

Calm down nigcel

> meanwhile in reality
based, whites can't be robots

>what do white "robots" want from us?
Your women

There was actually a new youtube vid last wek where they ask jap girls what kind of foreign guy they want and for like the thousandth vid in a row none said a nigger once.

You guys do know that all asian hate niggers right? In highschool I went to taiwan on exchange and literally everyone used the english word nigger to describe black people cause they thought it was hilarious

Dog fucking got outlawed around 2008 or so and it was a pretty big niche market in japan. This is all they have left.

The thing about niggers is they will be a nigger wherever they go. As long as the keep doing stupid shit like this everyone will always hate them.

No I will not, I will not allow Jow Forums to turn into /racebait9k/
Fuck your own, and that doesn't really explain why white "robots" make Blacked threads, only Bleached.

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It was me who made it, calm down

Why are you ban evading again?

Actually, in South America whiter men are desired because they are usually wealthier. However, in North America darker men are preferred because most people here are way wealthier than the average South American.

That means women who have careers can dabble in the BBC, because they can afford it. Also it's very popular to have mixed-race kids; it's considered hip cool and progressive. Here in California I saw 5 BM/WF couples last night alone. It's insane how popular its got in the last 3-5 years. I blame the Jenners/Kardashians.

you mad originally mad white boi?

Shut up ooga booga

No source provided*

what a fuckwit, giving the japanese even more reason to dislike foreigners and ruining it for the rest of us
i fucking hate idiots like that. just like that youtuber who did that meme fight awhile ago with the whole suicide forest shit, stop fucking ruining it for the rest of us i don't want to go to japan and have everyone think "great another gaijin about to do something stupid"

1 out of every 3 white woman under age 25 has fucked a black man. It's getting so common now that it's getting boring. I'd love to see BBC take on some asian pussy