Be paramedic

>be paramedic
>seen dozens of suicides in the last 7 years
>the reactions of the loved one are always bad
>none is ever worse than a dad losing his son

There is not a thing in this world that is more depressing sounding than a man sobbing while clutching his sons lifeless body.

I remember one who killed himself by shotgun slug after he came back from afghanistan.
There was nothing left of him and his father got home just as we were getting ready to leave. I couldn't let him see, so i just stood there and just didn't let him through.

He went downstairs to the basement and clutched his sons old baseball glove, rocking back and forth, just saying "papas here, buddy, papas here."

What a stupid faggot.

if you are reading this, kill urself cocksucker

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Will do, paramedic-san.

>tfw my dad was always distant and never paid much interest to me
>he used to verbally abuse his children and wife if he had a bad day at work
>now have no bond or connection with him

The only reason i haven't killed myself yet is because of my mom desu.

lmfao edgy paramedic fag is here to rescue us anons prepare for ultimate glory, tell us more OP plz give us shapes and sizes

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>Tfw my dad resented us growing up
>tfw he was always constantly grumpy
>we just never got along.

Then came the day I left home. He cried like a little baby. Then he spent the next 20 years making sure I knew I was loved.

He was the good guy all along. It's just that the world is filled with so much grief, it's hard to not be miserable.

How fucking old are you...


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when you find me dead i hope you'll fuck my dead body


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Old enough for people to benefit from my presence here.

U mad daddy never loved you? Lmfao

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I hate this place god dammit

thanks phoneposter sama

I cried at that one for like 20 seconds
What am I gay now

> There is not a thing in this world that is more depressing sounding than a man sobbing while clutching his sons lifeless body.

That told me everything I needed to know you were a larper.
You don't let loved ones hold a patients body when they're critical, especially so if the patient is infact dead.

You didnt even read it till the end.

Yes OP, i also saw it on fb an hour or so ago. Where should i deposit my upvotes ?

>it's better to live as a complete failure of a human than end yourself graciously.
if you're not doing this, it means that you're only living for other people sake.

How is blowing your skull apart with a shotgun in your parents house a gracious end?

This is the best and most original thread I've seen today.

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Seen this pasta before


Fuck my dad. It was him who put me on engineering path that stole nine years of my life, and now tells me to buckle up and find a shitty minimum wage job in a factory because I couldn't finish my studies. It's him who allow my toxic mother to constantly bully me. It's him who absolutely doesn't care about me. Fuck him.

It's quick and painless.
Rather this than "live" in hell for next ~60 years

Nigga don't act slick I saw this on pol an hour ago

what a pussy, he should have punched that paramedic and get through he already lost his son its not like he has anything else to lose

Good stuff OP. That was an awesome twist.

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sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. he likely just wants to see you become capable of fending for yourself.
either get that job or go back to school. make your dad proud

>tfw dad died from cancer when I was 11

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Lol at this edited repost

My dad is a selfish, violent alcoholic, very glad I've only met him a handful of times. Having a good bond with your mum is always important though, glad mine is ok even though she might not be the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes