first time doing this, idk why but here we go!
>be me
>be 18
>7/10 not too bad, very shy and half autist, 6^2
>Meet this stacy
>stacy is 9/10, very nice
>grade under me, sometimes look at each other nothing special
>if i would ask her at the bus stop like 20 dudes and grills would watch me get humiliated
>have her snap but im to scared
what do i do? help me
pic related
How to ask a Girl for her number?
Go for a conversation with her at the bus stop. Dont ask her for her number, just pleasant conversation. Get to know her, let her know you're interested in her and not just her tits. Bitches love that. If the conversation goes well, I'd ask for her number the next day in front of everyone. Show some confidence and you'll hook her. Ez clap
r u sure, im to scared to get humilated in front of like 100 people
Life is too short to not take this chance to score some teen punani in your prime. You gonna sissy out of every interaction with a women just because theres some people around? Fuck those other guys OP, you wont ever see most of them again after high school.
I have the same question. Except we don't know each other and I dmed her on insta and she wants to go out sometime. Do I ask her for her number or just wait for her to initiate a time to go out? If I do get her number do I call or text to set up the date?
Tell her your availability, she tells you her availability, set up a day and time for the date, go to said date, and if you charm her, she will give you her number or ask her for it, whichever way the conversation flows.
Okay that makes sense, thanks
Or if she's a thot she'll fuck you
>what's your number?
>what's your number?
>why? / why you want it?
>why not? (smile)
>hey wanna hang out on (day of the week)?
She has got like 1300 followers on Instagram and her mom is a realtor I think. Her posts are just a bunch of selfies, she is a butterface kindof, and no male in any pictures. I can't tell if she is a Thot honestly
This is such a horrible advice might as well go "h-h-hi I d-don't know how to say this b-b-but I think I like you"
Get to know her before asking for her number. Give her a reason to give it to you, instead of just asking
if you have her snap thats the fucking equivalent lmfao
you only have one way to find out, jsut fucking go for it don't be a fucking pussy
just snapchat her text
or something
just be like 'hey i tihnk you're absolutely beautiful i'd love to get to know you, lets grab dinner on x at x time' etc
well i do have her snap and insta, but do i just write her or what? t she doesnt know that thats actually me? i just added and she accepted me
She probably has a boyfriend. I doubt shes interested at you.
Gee, thanks for the encouragement
While in class just snap her.
She will definetly ask what you're doing. That's when you make your move and start a conversation up.
>How to ask a Girl for her number?
Talk to them for any length of time then say
>You seem pretty cool/You are pretty cute, we should hang out sometime, what is your number?
Then they give it to you. They basically do anything if you just be direct.
This is terrible advice
You message her saying
'Yea let's hook something up what's your #'
Then once you have her number you message her a couple of times then set up the date. Then the day before the date you message her again about the date then on the day of the date you message her again saying looking forward to seeing you later, this stops her from flaking. Then you have the date then you FUCK her user!
>Walk up
>Introduce yourself
>Ask for her name
>Ask if she's single then say it's because you think she looks like a pretty interesting and nice person
>Ask if she'd like to go out sometime because you'd really like to get to know her
>Then YOU give her YOUR number
See if she was truly interested even a little bit she'll agree, accept your phone number, and text you later
Chad does this because he knows if he knows nothing about the girl then he'll feel absolute zero pain from rejection it's genius really.
Unless you're in California or a cuck state then you get me too'd
>Then YOU give her YOUR number
>See if she was truly interested even a little bit she'll agree, accept your phone number, and text you later
Girls never message first though.
While thinking of a reply I remembered a time where I did get a girls number.
>Secoend year at uni
>At a small lunch ceremony the school put together to honor those who made it on the dean's list
>Sit at the college of science table because I am computer science
>8/10 girl sits next to me
>I know no one at the table, but we exchange small talk throughout the lunch
>Twards the end I start talking to the girl, she seemed interested in what I study
>When everyone starts to leave I ask her for her number
>The other girls at the table pause their conversation
>I got the number, said it was a pleasure talking to you and leave
>I never talked or seen her since
Sometimes user, you just have to say YOLO and just do it. I had no reason to fear when I asked. Would it have been awkward if she said no? Sure, but what is the worst that could happen? I never talk to her again? Anyways, you have everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Just get out there and do it dude!
I wish i wasnt ever born.
don't say that you can do it
I believe in you user.
one way is that if you know she's struggling in a subject, give her your number and tell her to text you any questions
Thats what you think because you're too beta to think outside the box