Who here /spartan handshake/?

>meet new person at party/work/etc
>go to shake their hand
>slide past their hand and grab where their forearm meets their elbow
>squeeze the shit out of their tiny forearm while they squeeze me juicy ass forearm(do a wrist circuit at the end of every arm day
>look them dead in the eye and can see their face change as they realized they’re getting the shit mogged out of
>everyone I’ve done this to shows me an immediate amount of respect even if they’re a superiors at work
why the fuck aren’t you spartan handshaking Jow Forums?

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Because the people you think are showing you "immediate respect" just think you're mega autistic and are placating you so you don't murder them

fine line between fear and respect, pussy boi. I’m trying to mog people not win homecoming queen

Sorry I don't feel the need to go around scaring random people to make up for my manlet insecurity lmfao

I’d say the same thing if I was a forearmlet, don’t worry anonette we’ll all get their soon

lol ok manlet post your forearms then

okay, now this is based

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People aren't afraid of you because you "mog" them, user. They just think you're retarded.

Nice muffintop fatty

Yeah yeah i can take pictures off the internet too, why dont you just snap a pic of your forearm right now?

that is right now

Hi Bane

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I second this but OP is a fagg and wont deliver

you’re a big guy

cmon user, this is sad.

user i have bad news for you.
I know you think you look cool and intimidating like ancient greeks and romans or something.
Pic related is how normal people see (you).

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Kek, this

I only do it to people I like. I'm not gonna waste a spartan handshake on any old retard, only for bros I would die with

No ones scared user, you just look like a sperg who’s to stupid to do anormal handshake. Fucks sake the Dow is kids in my highschool could do one

fucking hell the autism

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you're fat as fuck lol

What a fucking IDIOT.

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everytime i see a post thinking it`s the cringiest something like this pops up.


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I hope you're trolling but I literally know manlets who do shit like this and think they're mogging everyone while their gfs/wives smirk and eye fuck me on the side. Nobody's impressed with autistic handshakes except other dudes who have something to prove

What's the proper greeting when giving a roman handshake? Ave? Hail?

Attached: blessed romans.jpg (554x592, 71K)

Factual and based response

might as well stick your tongue down their throat while your at it

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Fear is a form of respect. Your future is guaranteed if you terrify and menace your employers.