Femanons, how were the vagina and anus inspections at your school?

Femanons, how were the vagina and anus inspections at your school?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Those dont happen dude

kinda weird he started rubbing my nipples

Is that Kernel Sanders?

Real talk.
>be me
>teenaged girl
>having troubles getting a tampon in
>weird spasms
>think maybe somethings wrong
>go to gyno
>want a woman
>mom is anti feminist and goes off about how female doctors are distracted by their babies and stuff
>k cool I still want a woman
>my mom screams and says I won't get any doctor unless it's hers and he's a man
>tell him I have a hard time inserting even very small objects like q tips into my vagina
>"Yes, I'm sure this is very distressing, I'm sure your boyfriends are bugging you, worried about ki-"
>"I don't have a boyfriend, I want to masturbate and not use pads anymore."
>"Uh, well, uh, okay."
>puts me in stirrups
>"Uh, well, you definitely have a hole there."
>thanks jackass
>without telling me he suddenly starts feeling around my taint
>"Hey, what, stop!"
>he stops
>"Sorry, I wanted to check to see if your hymen is imperforate."
>"No, that's not the issue, I have periods an-"
>he jams his finger in me
>I kick my leg and swing at his face
>jump off stirrips
>grab my shit and leave
>storm out
>kick out his trash can because edgy teen
>see my mom
>tell her
>rather than being angry an elderly man distracted her daughter and poked her cunt she accuses me of "screeching like a retard"
>move out that fucking year
>on my own
>go to female doctor I got through school
>she doesn't poke me, explains vaginismus, gives me some literature, explains dilation, redirects me to a therapist
>I'm slowly getting better and while I can't penetrate myself Inhave regular clitorial orgasms and am a lot happier

So, uh, yeah. It sucked.


one word: anal

you're literally paying him to touch you you absolute fucking sperg, if this isn't a larp and honestly the way it's written makes me think it isn't you're completely insane and your "anti feminist" mother probably is just a normal person that doesnt subscribe to your insane ideology

It's Colonel Sanders

Eh, I think anal's gross. I've definitely joked about this with my friends, though.

>paying a doctor
Settle down, burger.

>to touch you
No, I'm paying for medical treatment that I consent to. I would have been totally okay with being examined, but I expected I would be informed of every single step. Distracting me and then jamming his finger aside was not only medically unnecessary, it was a crime because it was unsolicited. I had already said "stop" a moment before.

It honestky sounds like you are more motivated by ideology than me and are more than willing to excuse the most obvious examples of malpractice to maintain your POV. Hope you keep that in mind when you're getting your colon examined and the doctor grabs your dick.

>was not only medically unnecessary
how do you know that?
are you a doctor?

>most obvious examples of malpractice
Why did you even go to a doctor at all. Seems like you know your way around medicine pretty well.

My first girlfriend had vaginismus. I was alright with it, loved her and changed my life for her. Then she left me, objectively in a cruel way.

My life is sorted out now. I have a chance to live a great one, but I have fears. I think I'm a faulty person that is incompatible with life, but somehow I manage to live and lack the courage to kill myself.

meant to this post

You would be fun to rape

Can girls with vaginismus be raped?

Did he put his finger in your coochie or your ass? Also, he didnt distract you, its not like he asked you a question and then penetrated while you were replying, he explained what he was doing, you decided you correct the doctor (?), and then he penetrated you

that's not how you pose for vaginal exam

>Be me
>Be Pussy Doctor
>Go to 12 years of medical school and residency to learn about pussy
>Regular patient brings her daughter in to see me
>Fat teenage girl, seems pissed off for no reason
>Likely due to pussy issues
>Says her pussy is too tight
>Says she wants to masturbate like a thot
>Not sure how to respond, say "Uh, well, uh, okay..."
>Get her on the exam table, hope it doesn't break
>Begin visual exam
>Her labia are so fat I can barely see the hole
>Joke that she definitely has one, even though I'm just guessing at this point
>That's fine, I'm a Pussy Doctor, not a comedian
>Begin to palpate her perineum
>She gets pissed off again, tells me to stop
>I stop
>Getting frustrated. Why did you even come to the Pussy Doctor?
>She's bitching at me about whatever, decide to carry on with exam, insert fingertip into her pussy canal
>She tries to kick me in the face, misses due to being fat and uncoordinated
>Storms out of my exam room, makes floor shake on the way out, medical diagrams of pussy fall off the walls
>Her mom tells her she's screeching like a retard
>Laugh, go back to being a Pussy Doctor

Thats pretty fucked up, sorry that happened to you.

i actually had the legit one, but i never had sex so they didnt do it. whew. i dislike my own genitals


Based pussy doctor

Where are you from? Afghanistan?


this reminds me of the plague doctore threads

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doctor check up, not at school. they said they were gonna do the test but since im a virgin they weren't gonna do it. im banned from sex because Im diagnosised with serous depression.
and that's my full experience with my vulva experience, and also im trans boy

Well, I have since talked to several doctors and the conclusion was that I have vaginismus, and attempting to force objects into my vagina is generally seen as a very bad idea.

Because I wanted treatment. I didn't want a doctor to not inform me of what je was doing before he did it, ignore me, and then keep doing it anyway.

Do you actually think that, in cases not dealing with psychosis, doctors really have the right to just grab and start examining and performing on patients regardless of whether or not the patient knows or agrees?

Because every doctor I have spoken to since about this expressed nothing less than shock, contempt, and revulsion.

Yikes. I am really sorry about your girlfriend. All of my boyfriends have been really understanding and helped me make a lot of progress (with the exception of one, who was very demeaning) and I am really grateful.

It's a medical condition and has nothing to do with you, so please don't internalise her problem as indicative of yourself. It's not that you're undesireable, it's just that our cunts don't work, haha.

I know what you mean at having a chance to live a great life but still feeling bogged down. Don't see your reluctance to hurt yourself as indicative of cowardicd, see it as a demonstration of your will to live.

Best of luck, user.

You must be the coolest Minecraft fan in your middle school.

He poked me very sharply in my vagina, yes.

>it's not like he oenetrated you while you were replying
That...is...exactly what he did? He asked me about having an imperforate hymen - which makes no sense considering I said earlier I had regular periods - and then penetrated me while I was mid-sentence.

>explained what he was doing
He absolutely did not. He said he was going to look at me, but he never said he was going to touch me or where. I was expecting to be touched, but assumed a doctor would let me know. That's why it was repugnant.

>my vulva experience

that sounds like a band name

>I'm banned from sex because I'm diagnosed with serious depression

Damn... did your Pussy Doctor tell you that?

>Because every doctor I have spoken to since about this expressed nothing less than shock, contempt, and revulsion.
How did they attest that your hymen has a normal openning?

no, i just honestly can't connect with people. it was related to the doctor check up.

thats my experience with the exam, everything i said was true. im still happy to this day my vulva wasn't inspected

I was just kidding man. Hope you find ways to be comfortable in your body. Good luck out there.

>you're a woman who doesn't like being raped so obviously you're fat and also a roastie despite never having sex
Jeepers, you really have some issues with women. I saw a therapist, I swear it helps.

>I have periods, so I have to have a normal hymen.
That doesn't necessarily mean you have a normal opening.

>To check for other problems, I asked one to physically examine me, she asked to spread my labia, I said she could, and she did. I'm 100% physically normal.

So basically the whole problem is that he was doing his job without checking for a smile and a nod from you.

>You made fun of me, you must be a misogynist.


> I would have been totally okay with being examined,
lol wtf did you think examined meant? So retarded.

What would a colonel have to do with popcorn?

>normal opening
Oh, sorry, thought you were using thatbterm synonymously with hymen.

>he did his job without checking
For consent when touching a teenaged girl's genitals, yes. I know, I'm terribly needy and that's why every single doctor since him has always gotten my consent even without me explicitly saying so before.

What, do your doctors just start stabbing you in the arm for blood samples?

Believe me, there's tons of stuff to mock me for - but the fact you mock the fact I was a teenaged and a doctor mistreated me...yeah... that does seem like you're a misogynist or a sadist.

>what did you think "examined" meant
A doctor looking at me, taking samples, and performing tests on me with my informed consent.

You really are retarded lol
>goes to gyno
don't touch me you can only look! b-b-baka!

>a bunch of robots think that people have a right to start stabbing at women's genitals even when they say no
>wonder why girls dislike them

Where specifically did I say that?

And I don't mind touching, but considering my issue is extreme physical pain when touched in certain ways, I'd like to be told first.

Explain how this is unreasonable.

You have nipples on your ass?

>>paying a doctor
>Settle down, burger.
You pay through forced taxes instead of direct payments, it's still paying just way less efficient
and you people wonder why the NHS is a joke

And if you wanted everything to be explained step by step you should have told him that. You are the problem, it's stupidly obvious here.
Go complain to reddit. You are so clearly a reddit poster it isn't even funny.

>being raped
it was a medical examination you insane freak

this is why i'd rather die than see a gyno

You sound like such a fucking bitch. He was just doing his job. I might've given you the benefit of the doubt if you hadn't whined about your mom being "anti-feminist" and been so crude about masturbating. The guy did nothing wrong, and there's a reason your mom didn't side with you.

PS: Male doctors > female doctors, unless you're a little kid who needs to be mommy'd.

i am not a femanon but I remember when I was younger i had to go to a doctor and it was an old woman and she started touching me down there it felt weird i don't know why

Doctors check to see if your balls have dropped, if you have pubic hair to see your hormone development, check for hernias. It's a normal process.

>The level of feminist victim complex in this post....

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The level of dubs in this post...

Why are woman allowed to do medicine?

Jesus you sound evil. I hope he sues the shit out of you and your mom acts as a witness for him. Poor bastard was just doing his job with you screaming like a fucking sperg you could've cost him his career.

>less efficient
>getting more bang for my buck
Literally. I got fingerpopped.

>the onus is on the patient to ask for consent
Thanks user! This weekend on my date I'll tell the guy first thing in the restaurant to ask before he fucks me. I'll go through a list of sex acts just so he doesn't get confused. God forbid he have to ask me!

No no no no! Please do not take this single bad incident as indicative of gynocologists.

All of my other experiences with doctors, male and female, have been amazing. If you're worried, see a woman and maybe ask a friend to come. I have definitely come alongside friends during complicated medical procedures and examinations and held their hand.

Jow Forums is full of misogynists who hate women and think that men are always right. They are an extreme outlier. Every boyfriend I've had, every friend I've discussed this with, and every doctor I jokes about this with was horrified.

The world is a pretty nice place and most people have evolved enough to respect women. This doctor and website are extreme outliers.

Take care of your vagina! Stay safe and happy!

>he was doing his job by ignoring your pleas to stop

>I would have thought assualt was wrong, but you used bad words!
My inner Kantian is screaming.

Anyway dude, I don't take your post seriously for a moment. You would have never sided with me because you're a misogynist. You literally puncuated your post with "hurrr wimmin no good docter".

>I hope an elderly doctor sues a teenaged girl he assualted because she screamed no after he ignored her once
>yeah but you sound evil
Honestly if that happened to me now, as an adult woman, you bet your ass I would have lawyered up.

This reminds of of the family guy prostate exam episode

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Kek has happened here.

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It's not more bang for your buck unless you're fucking poor, it's less bang for everyone's collective buck. You probably just don't have a job or make no money so you're one of the leeches that the actual working middle class has to pay for the healthcare of.

>vagina thread
>pap smear horror story
every time, without fail. i seriosuly wonder why my female relatives are so bewildered that i never that to see a gyno despite being 23.

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Going to the gyno checkup is consent to be given a check up you retard. They are medical professionals they are there to help you. You are such a mental fuck up, how do you even operate?

yeah but why did it have to be an old woman I didn't like that

>real talk
>so yeah, it sucked
this post sounds too much like a thot to be a larp

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That doesn't matter to a mindless female who has allowed herself to be convinced that every single living man is a rapist and likely pedo by screeching, pink-haired, unshaved feminists.
>bet you now that bitch is grown up she herself is a screeching, pink-haired, unsaved feminist

original good times

lol, if you could read you'd realise I've had a job since I left home and am a graduate student. But yeah, stay mad at my delicious healthcare while other people have to file for bankruptcy in the States.

Really, it's okay. Don't be scared. Find a nice doctor, talk to HER a bit beforehand, ask her to run the instruments under warm water - bring a friend if you're scared! I literally drove my friend to CAMH in Toronto yesterday and waited outside for him. Friends are happy to do it.

Take care of yourself!

>because I walked into a room that means a doctor can do whatever he wants, however he wants, without letting the patient know
Just admit you hate women. I'd respect you more if you left the Hippocratic Oath out of this.

Got me.

>i was raped!
lol no
dumb roastie

>lol, if you could read you'd realise I've had a job since I left home and am a graduate student. But yeah, stay mad at my delicious healthcare while other people have to file for bankruptcy in the States.
You didn't have a job when you went to see the gyno though did you retard? It's fine that you like your healthcare system though. I'll be over here paying like 20% income tax maximum and never having to pay for the doctor because I get insurance through work and never get sick anyway. I don't need the government to decide how and when I can get healthcare or charge me half my income for it.

>Not understanding that at a check up you get a basic check up
It's not like you walked into a hospital and they just forced a fucking surgery on you.
You went for a fucking check up, seriously what did you fucking expect, for them to just stare at you? You honestly must have a double digit IQ.

You're right! Was assualted, though.

>a sixteen year old girl is bad for not having a job to pay for healthcare
Jesus, dude.

I expected I would be asked.

Look, if you went to the dentist and he started, I don't know, working away a cavity and you felt pain, you could ask him to stop and he should. If that doctor then distracted you, and out his tools back in your mouth and it hurt you, how is that okay?

So if the dentist can't keep performing on you when it hurts until you either are frozen up properly or you agree to the pain, why is my vagina any different?

And the answer is that you don't disagree with my position on doctors, you disagree with me because I'm a woman and you're mad about us not letting you have access to our bodies.

>Look, if you went to the dentist and he started, I don't know, working away a cavity and you felt pain, you could ask him to stop and he should. If that doctor then distracted you, and out his tools back in your mouth and it hurt you, how is that okay?
>So if the dentist can't keep performing on you when it hurts until you either are frozen up properly or you agree to the pain, why is my vagina any different?
>And the answer is that you don't disagree with my position on doctors, you disagree with me because I'm a woman and you're mad about us not letting you have access to our bodies.
Are you that fucking retarted with your feminist agenda? If you went to the dentist to get a cavity filled, that's what the dentist would fucking do. Same thing you did when you went to the cunt doctor, your analogy makes no sense

Do you think men should go to weiner doctor one in a while or is it not that important ?

>>a sixteen year old girl is bad for not having a job to pay for healthcare
>Jesus, dude.
If that's really what you took from my post I can't imagine you're a grad student in any program with merit.

less than it does about operating systems

You're Canadian? you know our hc barely rates higher than the US? that most people don't get what they pay in? that it doesn't cover prescriptions, home care, long term care, or dental? that just like the US private insurance covers?

Best larp ever or complete retard, bravo.

>>a sixteen year old girl is bad for not having a job to pay for healthcare
>Jesus, dude.
Your reading comprehension is also bad. He explains how your healthcare is costly in ways you clearly don't understand. You are very narrow minded, like I said before probably double digit IQ.

Kernal Sanders wasn't alive when computers were around. What would he have to do with operating systems? He invented popcorn chicken, you Eurotard. That's like basic education here in the States.

>if I went to get a cavity filled at no point could I stop the procedure even if just to get extra freezing
Holy shit dude. You are so deluded by your hatred of women you basically just threw the patients-rights-baby out with the bathwater.

There's no point in talking to you. I'm really sorry about whatever made you like this. Have a nice night.

>you are bad at science because you pointed out how silly it to expect kids to go without healthcare because they are unemployed or their parents are fuck ups

Well, right now I live in London, but yeah I was born in Canada.

Yeah, I'd love to see the system expanded. Alas, alack, it's better than nothing.

Imagine having to waiting 4 weeks for a basic CT scan (my sister needed one and got one the day she needed it) 7 weeks to see a specialist, and 11 weeks for an MRI scan.
Canada has shit healthcare.

>>you are bad at science because you pointed out how silly it to expect kids to go without healthcare because they are unemployed or their parents are fuck ups
No, I'm saying that you have poor reading comprehension or critical thinking if you thought that was the only thing I was saying in that post. Also if your parents are fuck ups you're born with worthless genes anyway so the government should let you die.

Your healthcare sucks lol

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too much talk blah blah

Dude, I understand taxes. I just think the notion of humans deserving healthcare is such a basic ethical notion that arguing over it's funding is essentially a non-sequiter.

I don't disagree. My boyfriend basically gets his brother in law to do all his medical stuff to avoid waiting.

>"Hey man I just think humans shouldn't have to pay to live."
>blah blah blah taxes also children should be left to die
You basically conceded to me and proved me right by demonstrating such profound failures in empathy.

Night dude. Sorry poor kids like me got to live. We're dicks that way, maintaining the surplus population and hobbling around on crutches.

>I just think the notion of humans deserving healthcare is such a basic ethical notion that arguing over it's funding is essentially a non-sequiter.
You are honestly retarded.
Do you think that if you can't pay in the United States that they just deny you?
If you can't pay they write up a bill and then throw it out.

>>"Hey man I just think humans shouldn't have to pay to live."
That's literally how the world works. If you don't put in effort to survive, you fucking die. Should everyone in society who actually DOES work be forced to support the people who are too lazy or incapable to support themselves? Idiotic policies like this are why giving women the vote was such a bad idea.
>You basically conceded to me and proved me right by demonstrating such profound failures in empathy.
It's not a failure in empathy. It's an expectation that people do the bare fucking minimum to keep themselves alive instead of relying on everyone else to give them money and free labour. If you don't have the guts to live on your own then I don't respect you at all.

this thread has turned to a retarded arguement

....and that's why people have their whole lives ruined by healthcare debt. Mmkay. Anyway, night dude.

>he doesn't post a link
>doesn't post the whole article
The actual webpage actually dunks on your position but nice try m8

t. everyone in every thread on Jow Forums dot com

Healthcare in the UK does suck.

I have something wrong with my heart. I booked an appointment with a cardiologist which was meant to be on 20/12 which would have been a six week wait, now it's been delayed to 14/02/19.

For all I know I might just die waiting for my appointment.

>Jow Forums dot com
Tumblr user detected, that's like their favourite fucking phrase. Not that we couldn't tell already. God I feel awful for your boyfriend if you weren't lying about having one.

>1.) I have periods, so I have to have a normal hymen
Uhhhh those 2 things are not linear at all.

>Jow Forums dot com
>doesn't post the whole article
They explain why. You are so pathetic, it's almost sad.
>poorer cancer survival
>longer waiting lists
>lower patient input, with only a small proportion of hospital complaints formally investigated
>lower GP out-of-hours on-call service
>lower rates of services, including lower use of diagnostic procedures such as MRI, heart surgery, and lower immunisation rates
>a lower number of doctors per bed and per 1,000 population
>a lower number of acute beds per 1,000 population
Get fukt

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>Thanks user! This weekend on my date I'll tell the guy first thing in the restaurant to ask before he fucks me. I'll go through a list of sex acts just so he doesn't get confused. God forbid he have to ask me!
>complains about not getting a step to step guide in the procedure
>wants a step to step guide in the procedure
>doesn't ask for it and want the doctor to do it
nigga what're you on about? it's not his job to explain the shit he's doing

Sorry user. They're forcefully triaging an entire population there.

>What, do your doctors just start stabbing you in the arm for blood samples?
No, but the moment i put my arm in the support, it's their cue to start looking for a vein to draw my blood.

In your greentext you didnt' tell him it hurts.

>I'm really confident about beating this.
I'm happy for you user :,)
You sound like someone I would have liked to be friends with, if that makes any sense lol.
A positive influence.

Well, anyways, Merry Christmas user. Spend it well! :^)

Originally i had shimp for barmitzhabd

This dumb girl doesnt know there are multiple types of imperforate hymens??? You can have periods and also have a fully intact or mostly intact hymen?????

Feminism was a mistake. Back in my day you'd be given a lobotomy for acting like this

>It's really easy to not assualt women.

No, it's more like if you went to a dentist for a checkup and he started looking for cavities and you started screaming don't touch my teeth. Stop with the whole victim shit, he was doing his job and you flipped your shit for no reason.

Love how this was likely meant to be like a sex link thread and it was ruined by a roastie and her ruined hymen
Hope she gets raped
Ya I do hate women flat out, Im gay, women are boring and gross, cant change my mind.

>woman says she wants someone to ask before touching her vagina
>97 posts later
You people are amazing.

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