>Be me
>Love fucking white women
>Could see myself marrying one
>But hate mulattos and dread having a white child
What do I do with this contradiction?
>Be me
>Love fucking white women
>Could see myself marrying one
>But hate mulattos and dread having a white child
What do I do with this contradiction?
kill yourself, tyrone
You first, Pablo
>hate mulattos
If you're american the you're probably a mulatto yourself.
Keep fucking white women? You're not going to get a non biased answer here
dude im white, like actually white, as far as i know noone within 6 generations is a nigger or a cigan in my family tree
Take the asian pill my brother. They are white women without the bullshit that comes with it and your children will turn out fine.
Adopt a white child. Simple. There's enough unhappy children out there.
Sure thing, spic
whats wrong with nigger women? no other race wants em, you niggers are stealing valuable women from other races and offering ugly niggers in return.
you couldhave at least shat on me for being almost a slav
how do I bag a whyte wimmen myself?
I could never love a white child.
Please Tyrone, go for a gook - or you will not be allowed to flee to Africa during the Purge
You can stop denying it now, Connor. We all know you crackas love our women.
The real quedtion is what isnt wrong with black women.
If you took a black kid and gave him a white mom he would turn out 100x better. Nigger women are a lot more abusive and suck as parents. Thats why I dont have any problems with black dudes scoring whitey it'll reduce crime rates
I wouldn't be so disgusted if literally 70+% weren't overweight/obese.
>Be chocolate to light skin complexion
>Act white to get the 25-30+ ones who want to settle down
>Act like a hood nigga to get the hot ones who just want to try a black guy
>Hit the gym just enough to have definition
>Talk to white women
White women are so carefree that they will like you know real quick if they fuck with niggas or not.
Connor is a chad name, i WISH i had a sexy name like that. but i dont, cus im a gook. BungChu is my name.
thats what im saying, nigger women are shit. and niggers with non nigger women just shit up other races.
why cant you niggers just stick to nigger women yeesh.
and this goes for all shitskins and non-whites too. dont shit up the women of the better race by race-mixing. meaning White women are off limits to all non-whites.
Black women are gorgeous and I would love to sire a black child with one. However black women only have two preferences: Non-Black dudes and Hood niggas. No love for a Donald Glover breh like myself.
Plus they play too many games. Ive only had sex with one black chick because of this and even she was hard to bag.
nonsense. nobody takes issue with niggers dating nigger women.
>meaning White women are off limits to all non-whites.
Nah Im still going to sleep with white women. Theres this white gurl at my job that Im so close to seducing.
Tell that to Hollywood. Its damn near impossible to see a black couple outside black created media.
i suspect youre a larping nsa agent who is White and has 3 beautiful White children with his Christian wife.
1488 WPWW, sir
nonsense. niggers date niggers and nobody has an issue.
lul, kys bro. donald glover is a massive faggot... and if you call yourself a donald glover type... i feel bad for you. I'm black and I lost my virginity to a black girl, and im the furthest thing away from a hood dude if Im being honest. had several other black girls on my dick back when I was in 'the game'.
ya. no worries, i shall hate niggers on your behalf. NIGGERS ARE UGLY why are niggers so ugly
Theres still plenty of white women left for you son. White vagina is too good to give up.
I dont care what you think
lul, white pussy is the same as any other pussy you massive faggot. the only reason non white dudes say white pussy is too good is because white pussy literally validates their existences. its pathetic. lul.
not for me, im a gook im banned from dating White women. if im lucky i can hire an expensive White escort once in awhile.
only niggers are so ugly that race mixing with them is this gigantic, turbo nigger turd problem.
This is facts. Women want Tyrone and Chad. not Theo and Steve
Theres something special about the skin contrast. And white chicks are more liberal in bed.
sure, those might be more minor reasons, but the main reason is that white pussy makes non white men feel like 'they made it'. fucking cringe lmfao
then what makes you think non nigger women will want you? niggers are disgusting.
I will fuck white chicks if I want and you will do nothing about it cuz you a bitch
I guess there is something hot about fucking Massas daughter
are you a nigger? a big black nigger, user?
come to terms with the truth, faggot. its not about 'fucking massas daughter', you massive faggot. its about you non white faggots subconsciously seeing whites as 'high society', and you having access to white pussy makes you feel like a part of that. fucking delusional faggot.
Xd you said nigger
Now this is epic
You nerds know nothing of how white women behave when you're not around. Sure there are those that don't like blacks
but there is always that "free spirit" white chick that's all about like saving the world man and the trees man
those hippy chicks are easy lays
>i fucking love white women
You are disgusting
Whites are the definition of high society. White pussy is just magical, as a shitskin its a cornerstone to book a White escort for an hour.
I dont care about your psychoanalysis. As long as white pussy pleasures my dick, Im happy
Indeed brevrin. I plan to lay my seed in the rose pink pussy of the beautiful white girls. Creamping white girl is on the bucketlist
lol ok my nigger. i guess i forgot about hippies.
you big black NIGGER
shut up faggot
thats cool. I'm just saying.. that's most likely the reason. i might be wrong about you specifically, but for most non white men, thats the truth.
>racemixing is good
fuck off kike
Never reproduce and adopt kidss
You realize that you too are a nogger right? Humanity started and spread from africa. There is only one race: the Human race.
White pussy is MAGICAL. oh wait youve never had? you nigger.
even if shes tatted up and did time in the joint, that pussy is magic.
im a rice nigger, im not a black nigger.
not for me. im above that cringe shit where dudes put white girls on a pedestal, even after fucking multiple white women. the best pussy I had was a black chick. im not even trying to hail black chicks, it was just the best pussy I had.
HAAAHAHAHA i cant even get it up for a nigger woman.
White women are the best, theyre pedestalized for a reason, and that goes back to the beginning of humanity.
no fucks given. thats just my take on it. and youre free to have yours. peace breh
AHAHAHAHA youve never done it, only with niggers.
lul, fucking a white chick isnt that big of a deal my man.
Do what god intended and find the best black girlfriend you can.
Yes and we should all just ignore all the evolution that has happened after that
confirmed for only fucking shitskins
that's cool with me broski. enjoy your le epic magical white pussy. lul.