I got rejected

Finally had the courage to ask a girl out, I went up to her and asked if she wanted to go to the movies with me. She replied with "I am sorry but I am not interested in anybody"

I call bullshit because when I was studying at the library today she came and sat close by with her friends and orbiters. I am 90% sure she was talking about guys and "the guy I am seeing..", could barely make out the conversation but I am pretty sure she mentioned the word boyfriend a couple of times.

How did you robots deal with rejection?

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just try and try again. with different girls.

daily reminder that "anybody" is a clever way to say "you" without sounding rude

But she was the one I liked, she was perfect... I guess my standards where too high

Yeah, this was prob what she meant. I feel like a loser...

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It might be bullshit, but she probably felt it was rude to straight up say she wasn't interested in you specically. Don't worry, rejection is normal, and it will probably happen a few more times. There will be more girls, you'll be fine. At least you have the guts to ask a girl out, most people here don't even manage that.

just remember that the world doesn't owe you anything. once you accept this, you will start dealing with shit much better. and then you will soon realize you're supposed to take things like a man instead of "asking".

Yeah, you wont even believe the mental preparation I had to go through, but I appreciate your comment. Either ways I knew it was a longshot and I knew if had not asked her out that shit would always be on my mind.

You're an idiot. There's no way to tell is a girl is "perfect" until you've dated her for an extended period of time. All she did was speed this process up for you by not turning you into an orbiting cuck. Keep trying and best of luck.

Yeah, i will learn from this... By perfect i meant that she liked a lot of the stuff i was into and whenever i talked to her or made jokes she laughed... I guess i let my virginity get the best of me

I had a 10/10 girl I had a crush on ask me to dance in primary school, but I panicked and told her to fuck off for some reason. That shit is still on my mind.

What was this girl like btw? And how did you ask her out?

>How did you robots deal with rejection?

Not asking in the first place.

>How did you robots deal with rejection?
By never asking again.

ok, so:
1. you don't "approach a girl" and expect it to work. you go for a girl that keeps looking at you from a distance and makes signals such as swinging or doing stuff with her hair when you look/pass by her.
2.when you approach her, make it look like it was an accident. bump into her, drop your pencil on her feet, and always say "sorry, didn't see you. are you fine? i'm user, how about you?"

now if you really are meant for each other, conversations will be a breeze. that is, if you like the same things and can discuss about the same topics. that's my way of doing it, do whatever works for you.

Don't feel like a loser. Even the chaddest of chads get rejected and if you think otherwise, get out of your opression fantasy.

user, how are we meant to "take things like a man" when it comes to social situations? It's not like when you're by yourself and you can deal with the tough shit through sheer grit and determination.

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This, you could have been a 10/10, she could have rejected you for any reason, many of which would have nothing to do with you. Lots of women have very reasonable trust issues these days and I promise you, it's only going to get worse as time passes.

Not entirely. If you have decent looks just approach with confidence. If you show a lack of that, you're pretty much fucked.

you don't ask, you propose. you don't say "could we go to the movies?" you say "we're going to the movies next weekend. i'll let you know when i'm picking you up" if she says "i'm not free", you say "too bad, i'm inviting someone else then" and so on.

>back to facebook

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Just don't care about it. Something happened, the outcome wasn't ideal but there's nothing you can do about it now

if you have decent looks, some girls will look at you and subconsciously make signals for you to approach them. then, be subtle, make it look natural (hence the pencil/bump setup). that's why you improve yourself by the best version you can be by looksmaxing.

i dont have to deal with rejection, i deal with the voices in my head but what can i do except bang my head until they go away?

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She was an above average white girl (i am white too just so you know), she had a nerdy personality and was always soo happy and had this infectious laugh like an aura of happiness.

She was hella of cute too, she gave me some signs that she might have liked me like glances at me, laughs at my jokes ect. I was once sitting down eating a burger and she sat on the table infront of me with her back towards me. She started glancing back at me and making some sexy poses like bending over and stretching. I ended getting a boner and had to move away.

I finally ended up having the courage to ask her out and i went up to her where she was sitting alone and asked "Hey user, mind if i ask you a question". She said yes and then i asked "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me to the movies". She then rejected me and i said "Ok i will see you around then" and left the area out of shame. I told myself that no matter what happens i can at least say i tried, she can fuck how many niggers she wants but at least I TRIED.

Past a certain age you just stop giving a shit about women. Don't worry, your time will come as well.

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There's this 9-10/10 qt that sits by herself all the time that I noticed often sits down near me and who I noticed doing some cute stuff with her hands during a part of a presentation I was giving, and then when others did their part of the presentation she stopped. Idk if it means anything but I'm gonna try to talk to her. Knowing my social skills it's gonna be a trainwreck but I'll at least make sure it's a confident trainwreck.

does she often look at you for no reason? because that's a clear green light. not sure about the signals you're describing, though. give it more time, see if you can notice something else.

How tf do you think relationships start?

Sounds like a cute girl. The moving away when she started posing might not have been a smart move though, it could have made it seem like you weren't interested.

You actually did pretty good, it sounds like you may not have been confident enough, but then again, that takes practice, which you'll never get if you don't try. The only time I ever asked a girl out to the movies we did go to the movies but I was the only one who thought it was a date.

Nah m8, I'm an athlete. Well at least I was until I fucked up my shoulder, I'll be fine. Worst case scenario she isn't actually into me and tells me to piss off.

Nah dude, thats almost like threatening her. Even if what you say is true i dont ever see myself saying that

what the hell, of course not. you don't say like you're asking for her approval, you speak as if you are giving her somewhat of a golden opportunity to be with you, and if she turns it down, someone else will gladly take your offer. the key is placing yourself in higher value than her always, because that's how it's actually supposed to be.

Yeah don't do this. There's a thin line between arrogance and confidence, and this guy is far beyond the line of arrogance, unless it's a clear joke.

Rehearse that shit man, dont go in there unprepared. Figure out what are you gonna ask and study any possible responses

Yes I know, I hated myself for that. I should have taken my chance and talked to her right there and then. The semester is about to end and I wish I would have tried something before it was too late, she prob has a bf now.

Don't hate yourself, you did fine. You'll never get anywhere without failing at it a few times. I know she seems perfect right now but you'll be over her in a week or so from now. Just keep an eye out for other cute girls and try again next time.

what would you do/say instead? i'm curious to see how does it sound a few inches before the line of arrogance.

"Hey, wanna go out to the movies?"

But you say it with confidence. And if they say no just say okay and don't care about it.

Yeah i guess you're right, its gonna take time but i will eventually move on. I would just like to add that this was my first time asking a girl out and i have to say i am surprised i actually went through with it.

i'll only say that if i am 100% sure that she will say yes. i will not say that to a random girl, i'll say that to a girl that's been checking me out for a few moments at least, and we will have a conversation beforehand to feel comfortable with each other, with no second intentions, just as friends so we can see if we connect or not

Ah I thought that was the setting we were in. You can say it like a command in case you're just picking up a random girl but it's sort of semi-joking then.

Hold on to that feeling of just doing something, it's a great ability to have.

So you were 90% sure she had a boyfriend and you asked her out anyways? And you're mad that she may have lied about having a boyfriend even though you thought she had one? Are you retarded? How were you not going to be rejected in either scenario?

>you'll be over her in a week or so from now
tfw it's been a year and I'm still not over her

The point was that i was not sure if she had one or not, this was my way of letting all suspicions to rest. I guess i was wrong about her and i hope to do better next time.