Does anyone else here practice unconventional fitness exercises?
> mfw contemplating joining local HEMA (medieval sword fighting) club
Does anyone else here practice unconventional fitness exercises?
sword fighting is one of the most autistic hobbies a modern """male""" can have
sword fighting is autis-
Don't listen to this retard OP It sounds like fun and is probably good way to make friends with other spergs like yourself.
Having a "weird" weapon on your wall is a dead giveaway you're autistic. +50 for some reptilian pet, +5000 for some anime cardboard cutout
God I wish I had something to wield a sword for
That is the most virgin thing I have ever heard. Do not join that shit.
*Cleaves thou in twain*
do ju jitsu
Yeah. Unlike 97% of this board I actually lift.
Why is she wearing gloves while hanlding a toy sword?
>Guy standing by himself fighting invisible monsters
>Not autistic
Pick 1.
Also remember if a few people can do it and not be autistic that doesn't make the activity non-autistic. See Harrison Ford with a fedora
My uni actually offers a course in "european sword fighting" this semester. I am kind of temped to try it but I have a feeling the guys attending will mostly be larpers, not people actually interested in combat sports.
>hemafags unironically think tapping plastic swords against each other is "fighting"
Kys hema nerd. You hema nerds get btfo by bohurt fighters
>He thinks woman give a fuck about hobbies
You could have a nazi flag in a lib shit town and still get tons of puss as long as you talk smooth and look/act decent.
literally no one mentioned women in this thread lol
There are people on this board that do their hobbies for the sake of attracting women
Probably yeah, but its so damn fucking cool who cares
what you think you look like:
vs what you actually look like:
indeed user
@3:00 oh shit niggas got a KEYBLADE
what is this? it looks like a bunch of slavs trying to kill each other in a post warzone ruin
Both are cringey desu. The fact that the first one was professionally filmed and choreographed makes it even worse.
Did HEMA for a few year till new uni started. But it is fun, I did it for the competitive fighting instead of the historical stuff. It is still interesting the historical part of the sport. Lots of autists and weebs there but fights are intense and require strength and stamina. Especially if wrestling is allowed.
Be careful tough. Even with full protection you are still smacking each other with metal sticks, so injuries are common and they might hinder lifts. Friend lost 20kg in his bench due to his wrist and shoulder being fucked after some good ass whooping.
Came to ask the same.
fucking lost kek
She can practice with my sword, if you know what I mean
His form is sloppy desu, probably showing off for the normiebook video post
>vs what you actually look like:
they look like they're having fun. why is that a bad thing besides not wearing protection
Yeah right Troy is badass
Even if it is autistic by the thorough set of standards you've laid out, why isn't it worthwhile?
It's something that requires some level of physical exertion and social interaction, and the historical aspect of it means that there's an intellectually stimulating element for those who are interested in research and history.
Compared to long-practiced hobbies like woodworking or model trains, how is HEMA autistic, effeminate, or any less fulfilling?
She's a curator of Saxon weaponry on the Met, on this video she was handling some 7th century swords before pulling the prop, thus the gloves, to show why the swords had some pieces more worn off than others (friction with the torso and the hand resting on the hilt like she shows)
so when u gonna be fighting blokes on the street with ur stabber?
same bro
honestly looks pretty fun
just like boxing, footwork and distance look really important. I guess HEMA could make you like a 5% better unarmed fighter too
Here's an actual duel
It's not slavs, it's subhuman g*rmans
Nothing close to HEMA exists in my region, but they do sound like a bunch a pussies. I'd say avoid.
I myself used to be active in a historical reenactment club and did plenty bohurt stuff. Best FUCKING moments of my life, I'll never forget. I had to quit due to certain metabolic issues eventually making me extremely susceptible to hyperthermia (not to be confused with hypothermia) from as little as standing wearing armor for a while.
Also, despite using fucking steel weapons that'd kill an unarmored person easily, It's a lot safer than it looks if the armor is properly manufactured.
But keep in mind that this is a VERY expensive hobby, but money and time wise and if you can't commit to it, you're effectively wasting a lot of money and time very fast.
same bro
It's probably filled with weird neckbeards
Pro: lots of autistic cuties at my local club
Con: I bugger all my friends with my sword autism
dick twitched at 0:09
>non-functional sperging around
spear & shield isnt "cool" enough i guess
LARP =/= HEMA =/= Battle of Nations
>peaking at 40
how did he do it?
>expecting roiding retards to know the difference
it's no use to educate them