Who /evil fembot/ here
I love leading guys on and playing with there feelings I always make them cry and I always laugh whenever I do!!!
Who /evil fembot/ here
I love leading guys on and playing with there feelings I always make them cry and I always laugh whenever I do!!!
my type of girl but cringe at your english skills
You're basically every attention whore from gradeschool who thought your orbiters liked you for who you were when in reality they just wanted to fuck you.
Almost Satan trips, kind of pathetic that you can only do that to robots (assumption). Btw is this bait user?
Same but I'm also a guy pretending to be a girl.
Are you so evil you would post your tits on Jow Forums?
>Evil girl post her evil tits
>get angry
>day ruined
dont do it
By the 99 names of Allah, OP, I beg you, please don't do it. I would be so mad and I would probably start crying.
oh gosh this would make me furious!
Psssh it's gonna be okay, everything will be alright. I you cook me something nice, you MAY even lay your face on me shoulder to cry on
I think this would put me over the edge and I would break down and cry. Please don't do it, I've been on a 2 week non-crying streak
too evil bruh
but /evil fembot/, what if they were all pretending too and really YOU were the one getting played?
keep on larping fella
More like insecure fembot
Why are all homosexuals mentally ill? Is it because homosexuality itself is a mental illness
I used to do this in Middle School and now later feel pretty bad about it, although i think i was also just being a autist and not understanding other peoples emotions.
What do you gain from it you gastly human truth is i can care less if youre hurting people im just very curios as to what you get out of it are you satasified do you feel superior what?
this is me but i got e-bullied and people wanted me offline instead and yet..
Sorry kiddo no tits here
Time stamp bitch
Look at the filename, tard
You are cute. Do you have a kik?
Does marking them cry get you off, user?
I'm not the sadistic for no reason type of evil. More like vengeful evil. If you don't bother me or support policies that impede on my liberty to do things that harm no one other than myself I will do whatever dirty deeds I must. I try to be good, but people will absolutely fuck with you for no reason if they think you won't make an example out of them.
Define "policies that impede on my liberty to do things that harm no one other than myself"
I made a guy I loved cry once and I started crying too. That was the last thing I ever wanted to see.
Im a crossdressing guy and loved leading idiots off because their attention made my dick hard, but I wasn't even remotely attracted to them due to my asexuality.
Like smoking weed, or even drinking which is legal, yet I am trying to quit.
You're the kind of bitch who'd beg to suck on my dick after I beat the crap out of her. What a disgusting sack of human waste.
Oh you're the feminist larper
don't you have Drumpf protest to go to?
oh yea I thought you meant something like right to abortion
I was going to say "that's not really not affecting someone else". Not to say I don't believe in right to choose, I do. I think women are the Goddesses of Life and have the right to kill all babies if you want to. But I still think you should call abortion what it is - killing babies.
Yeah, but it's also doing the world a favor.
Yea because you cant stand seeing men cry.
>implying feminists use this board and aren't all on lolcow
sorry user, i'm pretty blackpilled, to be a feminist implies hope for humanity.
i dont know about favors or not, i just believe women deserve to own all males and babies and do with us what you want
That's an awful lost of pills right there. You're a cutie, you don't look to happy though. Do you really think bullying makes you permanently happy? Wouldn't you rather have a reliable partner, in which arms you could fall every day when you're depressed?
Why would I want to own something I wouldn't take for free? Do what you want, other than bother me about whether or not I'm killing myself, or trying not to let my autism become more of a burden on society than it already is through having any doomed as fuck kids.
Dial it back a notch buddy, I don't think I could handle that. I think my entire day would be ruined.
i dont know what the fuck you'r tlaking about
what does this have to do with what I said? i already said i dont disagree with you there
That posture is horrible.
I think the pills keep her from killing herself. Sure it's clearly not happy if she had to make others miserable to get amusement.
She was probably bullied or abused but someone.
lmao if this is you you must live in some eastern european shithole or your grandparents' house
You said you think women should "own" men which is preposterous. We are already basically slaves, seeing as labor is nearly useless even in first world countries, nobody needs to own a human any more than they need to own a pet orangutan or a cat.
w-who is sleeping on the other bed?
people dont need to own cats but they still do dont they?
so you dont think women should own men even though you're the life givers and we're just the lowly sperm makers?
People think there are two separate concepts of value, the material and immaterial, yet only the material applies to people in the third world.
Whelp i guess you just dont agree with me philosophically. I think us males are the lower sex and dont deserve rights or to be considered equal to you women who are the superior life giving sex. It has nothing to do with economic standing or need for labor or materialism.
It's pretty normal. Not sure where you live where everyone stands as straight and erect as Superman.
I am saying how can you think human life has any intrinsic value when there are entire continents of people living in huts and favelas, why would you think people would even be good as property?
OP here, this isn't me. There just trolling and trying to high jack my thread.
What's special about the automatic filename?
I never said anything about intrinsic value, we don't need that for what I'm saying. Relatively, you are superior to me because you are a woman and im a lowly male, and so you deserve to be higher than me and i deserve only what you want to give me.
If in the end you want to give me and males equal rights then that's your decision.
I dont see how people in third world countries have anything to do with what im saying, or even as a judgement of value in the way you're attempting to draw.
The very fact that a sizable majority of people would rather invite literal animals into their homes, house and feed them until they die at 10-20 years old, before doing this for another human being, should signal to you that with or without rights, it wouldn't matter, few women or people in general would choose a pet human over anything else. That was my only point.
yea I mean I personally would never want a slave/pet human, that seems really fucked up to me. But im jsut a male so what i want doesnt matter really.
I also think it's cultural. In the past it was no big deal to have slaves or pet humans. So that's just something to think about.
I dunno if you're memeing or what but just please know that in a species that is as worthless and destructive as humans, your role in reproduction is not important. We do nothing good for ourselves or anything around us.
no im not memeing I understand my place in biology and life and the species. it makes me sad but i cant do anything about it so its my cross to bear.
also its not humans, its males. if we all went away the world and the women would be saved. i understand that too
The world would just be a bunch of plants and fungi though. Life just exists to consume itself. The whole fucking thing sucks.
but plants benefit from life eating them and spreading thier seeds, unlike animals which suffer from being eaten from other animals. But they actually also benefit because if there are too many grass eaters they'll overrun the place and die. You sound like Schopenhauer a little bit.
but what of a world of only women who only eat plants? No suffering there. but us males mess everything up because we're subumans
>s o y world
Even that sounds horrible.
you can't have it both ways... you sound like you just arent happy with anything then.
What about this, a world like i described where men have no rights and are property for women? we could like be kept in breeding farms like horse studs so women can have sex with us under completely controlled environments where we can't escape from and threaten womens rule. so you get dick but also no male subhumans like me ruining everything
Only a world of freezing lifeless rocks and minerals makes sense. It's how every other planet is except this one. This one particular planet is just full of energy trying to eat itself and fuck itself. I feel like life isn't natural.
I must be insane, but if I'm aware of it, then that doesn't make sense, either.
>every other
I realize now this was just plain stupid but still. They aren't Earth.
oh yes i see what youre saying. but you think life is unnatrual whereas i just thing the natural order has been perverted by males like me and we need to be put back in our place.
Read this, it's by a feminist and she talks about how men control women and how we need to be put in our place
Thats part five, the most important part, but there are other parts too
If I'm not falling for the meme that is life, why would a feminist blogpost somehow convince me that a certain system of life eating and fucking itself is correct?
but women are the life givers youre not supposed to think that way
Well it happened and now we're here
well at least youre not a male subhuman like me
At least you're "supposed" to want everything that isn't you to die
Nice strawmanning, e-girl.
>It's pretty normal.
If your idea of "normal" posture is one that is unflattering, unstable, and unhealthy, sure. You look like a weakling.
>Not sure where you live where
What? Make better sentences, please.
>Not sure where you live where everyone stands as straight and erect as Superman
Why are you trying to use Superman as a negative example?
user look closely.
That's a dude.
why would I want that?
why would you play with someone's feelings so cruel
Oh? I figured he was a she with an unfortunate body. Thanks educating me. Either way, my reply still applies.
posture is bad, but can be fixed
No clue, but doesn't make sense to want life to exist if you have problems with death and suffering. Even you have to kill to survive, even if it's just beans and rice that can't think or feel. I do understand there is supposed to be a natural order and we are not incapable of respecting it, but we're not supposed to understand it or be aware of ourselves like this and just game the system until the planet is one big dumpster.
I'm a different user, and my sentence wasn't that poorly-constructed.
"Where you live where," is redundant. Your writing is objectively poor. Is my critique of your writing the only thing you're going to address?
I mean, I guess I could have changed the second 'where' to a 'that' for aesthetic purposes, but I don't think the phrasing was redundant or that the sentence was objectively poorly-written. Both instances of the word were necessary, and the sentence wouldn't read properly if you snipped out either one.
>Not sure you live where everyone stands as straight and erect as Superman
>Not sure where you live everyone stands as straight and erect as Superman
Not knowing where I live, and not believing that people should stand up straight are separate and unrelated clauses. Please, don't discount the importance of creating sentences that read well; aesthetics are important, in writing.
>play the evil fembot
>not even a girl
sometimes it hurts being so devilish
Are grammar nazis really going to come back? Do we need to go through this again?
>Not knowing where I live, and not believing that people should stand up straight are separate and unrelated clauses.
They were not separated and unrelated clauses, the two things were very much connected. And even if they were, it was just a single sentence, you condescending, self-righteous asshole. Don't lecture me like I'm a five year old child over a single god damn sentence.
i wouldn't even care if a fembot led me on i just want to talk to a girl
I appreciate the value of writing well. I don't believe we're in the position to have a civil discussion, at this point; so, I will desist.
>I don't believe we're in the position to have a civil discussion
Because you're a patronizing dick. Who the hell are you to decide, based off one single sentence (which I wrote while at work and somewhat distracted), that my writing in general isn't 'good'?
Lol where the fuck do you think you are, faggot?