Lets gather up the dick sizes of Jow Forums
https //thevisualiser dot net
Post Your Size!
I'm around 4" to 4.5", fuck off. Last thing I need are these threads to remind me how inadequate I am.
Hey hey hey now no need to be such a sour boi, im sure you are not the only one. Just post how you compare m8
Surprised this thread hasnt been B L A C K E D yet
For all my other inadequacies I've been gifted a strong 7.5 incher. I've never measured my girth but I know it's proportional. It's one of those dicks that sort of bulges near the end. The only thing I regret is that I'm circumsized and I didn't have anything to do with that.
>4 replies
>0 images
6.5" checking in
got cheated on by gf and her ex, even though she straight up told me my dick was way bigger than his and I was better at fucking. Size really doesn't matter.
You guys are supposed to post your results from the site not just your size
here it is, I still feel small sometimes even though I'm usually complimented
>tfw painfully average
Thats a big log you got
Its ya boi, s k i n n y p e n i s
>tfw skinny benis
i like when younger guys than me humiliate my tiny dicklet. it's p hot tbqhwyf
> thinks a handful of porn stars is indicative of the overall black population.
Heres the biggest question: is it better to have averge length and above average girth, or above average length and average girth
averge length and above average girth they like girth better which is sad for
Girth. Long dicks usually can't go all the way in anyway.
5.75-6 not much else to say
Short and thick does the trick...
6 x 6.5 chode checking in
big dick virgin spic reporting in
extremely originalolol content
What does it matter if you're bigger than mr. science if you got a pencil dick
...and I don't even care
hello penis twin
Wow you guys all have such huge penises all in the 99% :^)
The only men who are willing to reveal their size are the ones with big dicks.
user no need to be ashamed of your true dick size. The only ones telling the truth here are the small ones
You have to login. Fuck yourself, jew.
>user no need to be ashamed of your true dick size.
Oh don't worry. I'm quite content.
Is the penny test valid?
Basically you line up a few coins on your dick then measure the length of all the coins that could fit on your benis.
Just look at the average one for mine.
I knew I was above average but I didn't know I was this big. Makes me think whoever I lose my virginity too will overlook my skills in awe of my big cock
8" long, 6" girth
A little over 5 inches
It's alright I guess, at least I know my ex wasn't lying about me being the biggest she's been with
>put in measurements
>select a comparison
>tick the female desire option
>select womens perfect penis
Theres no escape
i dont have a dick but I can say that my labia is 0.5 inches long
Why user??
Why did you even mention that?
I was so happy not even knowing about that option.
I would but I don't have a penis
>(You) on the right
>Female ideal on the left
Meh, I'm above average and I don't have insecurities about my dick size. It actually could get bigger if I'm very excited, but the usual size is pic related.
>women ideal
It's bullshit. It's just a bunch of dumb whores who pull some measurements out of their asses.
uhh... my penis is 16 cm, so like 6.3 inches. and girls tell me regularly its one of the biggest they saw. why are the guys on that site lying about their size?
Women don't have any clue about size, some chick I fuck said I have a big dick, it is average as fuck, little over 6 inches. Women are terrible with size comparisons and distance measurements which is why they suck at fucking driving and navigating.
basically what this user said, its bullshit numbers.
6.7x5.5". Not like i'll ever use it or anything
It wasn't until I started showing girls that i realized my cock wasn't normal
Circumference is also important when talking about size. Also 16cm is above average, something like top 20% so it's not surprising it could be longer than some woman's exes.
Also, and this is quite important, most women say that to everyone.
What circumference is that? You could kill someone with that dick.
Also yeah, basically your penis is the only one you really see in your life. The ones in porn are not really real because of movie trick and the fact you don't know how tall the performers are, so you can't really judge their real sizes. So you grow up with the idea that yours is the norm.
>all these robots with 7-8 inch dicks
What's the point of lying on a Korean basket-weaving forum?
Im 6.5 x 6 user, dunno what to tell you m8
Here's my benis, mister dataminer
6.5 girth
Porn definitely screwed up my perspective. Also Im 6'3 and 300 pounds so it has always looked proportional to my body than porn stars.
This is the best I could do as it only goes to 12 inches.
is it that hard to believe? we exist
Jesus your head looks terrible
ah yes... the good ol penis threads where every virgin loser on the internet has an 8"x 6".
Absolutely true. Women have no concept of measurement. They probably fuck 5"-6" cocks and think they are getting 8"
thats 6 inches so yeah it is hard to believe
how can wh*te boys compete
> I don't know where the base of a penis is
>some chick I fuck said I have a big dick
She was trying to make you feel better about yourself, lunkhead.
actually try measuring standing up, erect, and not sitting down, jabbing yourself and tilting your dick to add 3 in, mr. average
No, she just doesn't fucking know. She doesn't need to make me feel better about myself, we are fuck buddies and she goes out of her way to fuck me cause I am a good lay. Hell, my ex went and married some dude and would drive an hour and a half just so i could fuck her in the ass, send her home with a load of cum in her butt. I suck at a lot of shit but I fuck well.
>women's perfect penis is in the top 1%
Yeah makes sense
>Hell, my ex went and married some dude and would drive an hour and a half just so i could fuck her in the ass, send her home with a load of cum in her butt
Sir, this is a dick measuring thread, not a black pill thread.
None of these things make a significant difference. Bone pressed is the proper measurement. "Average" is bone-pressed
Best advice I can give anyone, learn to kiss and fuck well, a chick will be begging to keep you around. Foreplay is important, so many dudes are just so terrible at it, it doesn't take much.
im mike penis, as they say
This is my honest peepee size, non exaggeration like 90% of the cringe cucks on the internet.
>t. Half nigger
OH no! I'm so sorry buddy. Lmao
Hello dick twin!
Kill yourself then.
Sex is indeed what makes them attached. Giving good sex, then give them terrible sex or take it away, then great sex. This will make them addicted to you like a drug and you have complete and total submission.
That's just...