Get it off your chest, user. How's your love life going?

Get it off your chest, user. How's your love life going?
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>How's your love life
Dude, come on, quit reminding me it doesn't exist.

Pretty poorly as usual, got another rejection here recently. There's always next year I guess.

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pretty good :) today at work i gave my crush her favorite candy and i think i saw her trying to hide her grin

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I've been going on spontaneous road trips to state parks near my area. Yesterday I found a huge cave on the beach of this lake surrounded my massive rocks. I climbed to a pretty massive altitude; one misstep would've meant my life, but I really have no fear of death at this point. Staring at the endless horizon of the lake, I felt at peace for the first time in a while; she finally left my mind.
However hard it may to be get out of the house, I don't know how your life is, solitude in nature is truly invaluable. I can't recommend it enough, even if just once a month.

Hope things work out for you user, I mean that sincerely.

thanks! hope they do for you as well

I'm a Yooper. Nature is critical to us. You'll find me camping in the Porcs every spring and summer by myself.

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Nonexistant as i try not to bother with the unachievable.
I try to focus on my studies to some day life a comfy life in a decent paying position.
Im 19 btw and most woman are interested in the chads and alphas, wich i will never be able to become, so i don't bother in a game thats rigged from the start for the meger return of sex.

I had a lot of lady friends in high school, and some were interested, but the whole depression, anxiety, bad health and self hate thing made it all go to shit. I was a really different person back then. Life in general has been a downward spiral since then. My only hope is to build a solid income and maybe have a few close friends. I'm not good with relationships in general.

Pretty shitty, I work as a parking ticket cashier so i dont spend a lot of time with people, seeing the occasional pretty woman lights my world up. In high school i almost got laid a handful of times but my autism always got in the way. My only real chance of interacting with women is going to college or something :/

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>I work as a parking ticket cashier

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Lost my virginity on saturday night to a girl from my anxiety management course. We had dinner, watched Netflix for a bit, went to bed with her and had sex. Afterwards we cleaned up and cuddled for 3 hours which was better than the sex.

i'm worried that the thought of getting the girl i like as a gf is better than actually having a her as a gf.

>Get it off your chest, user. How's your love life going?

Pretty good. Having two kids in less than two years caused a very noticeable slump, but things are picking back up now. Both kids are sleeping well at night, so we're not constantly exhausted. And they're old enough to stay overnight with relatives so we get whole nights alone together a few times a year.

Stuff lined up well this morning and we had a quickie before work.

I have never had sex
I have never kissed a girl
I have never hugged a girl outside of my family
I have never taken a girl out on a date
Every time I ask a girl out she ghosts me or straight up rejects me

It's not fucking fair.

Was in a conversation with a friend and he said he was a really honest person, so I asked him why don't I have a gf and he straight up said because you're a weird guy and you need a weird girl. I couldn't thank him more to make me realize that. I'm going to the History Students' bar on Thursday to test my luck.

gl fag

>Having two kids in less than two years
Why the fuck are you here if you have a healthy family like this dude? Get the fuck off this toxic board and go spend time with your wife and kids instead of hanging out with us lonely virgins.

I hope you'll find what you are looking for there.
Don't procreate.
Just had to add that.

Wasn't planning on it but now I'll have 4 kids just to spite you.

What makes you think you have the right to impose life on another beeing?
What makes you think life is worth passing on?

Because without it I would have no impact in life.

What makes an impact on life wirth persuing as 1 you don't life eternally and 2 the universe will end at some point making all gains worthless

Because there are so many fun thing to do, so many joys to be had, so many beautiful places to see. Spit out the blackpill.

The girl from work I like, and that I thought was being flirty with me (she always said she was single) just started talking with her new boyfriend on the phone in front of me. It hurt like hell hearing her say "I love you" to some guy.
Then she just continued her conversation with me like nothing happened. It hurt even more to know she doesn't even register me as a possible interest.

Also my mom is in the hospital and I might get fired from work.

Fuck this life.

It's great. I had a hyper realistic dream a few days ago that my crush and I cuddled in my bed (both of us fully clothed, like I want). I could feel her head resting against me, her breath, her weight, her arms squeezing me and her hands pressing on my chest.
Even though she and I aren't together, I guess I won in the end since I got what I wanted. I always win

My ex tried to call me from her boyfriend's work phone last week and I blocked the number. Felt proud of myself. I'm missing her today, so I stalked her Facebook in incognito. Turns out the day she called me was the day her grandfather died. She called me before she even posted about it. I want to call her to see if she's doing ok, but I know nothing good would come of it.

>Why the fuck are you here if you have a healthy family like this dude?

Just killing time.

>Get the fuck off this toxic board and go spend time with your wife and kids instead of hanging out with us lonely virgins.

I'm working from home today, so pretty much just dicking around while answering the occasional customer e-mail.

It's disturbing how women can write poetry about emotions without actually meaning any word of it.
She already has a bf and sees you as a friend or emotional tampon to cry to. You won't get any play.
They won't.
She has a bf. You're a side thing.
This ain't the place for you normie.
You didn't know that?
You needed some normie to tell you that?
>Fuck this life
Glad to hear.

"everything ever is negative! my life sucks so all your lives suck too!"

Ever wonder whose fault it is you have no friends?

>She has a bf. You're a side thing.
Nope. I'm her bf.

Bad things are bad of their own, good thing are maily palliative as they only reduce pain not negate it.

Pleasure of eating -> pleasure of not starving
Pleasure of security -> pleasure of not beeing unsafe
Pleasure of cleanliness -> pleasure of not beeing dirty

You get the gist.
Life is in the end more negative than positive. All happieness is deduced from reducing pain. A process wich is positive in the short term but remains negative overall.

People don't even like to consider this line of thought because they have a natural positive bias towars life and its sorrows.
Most people don't even think this point to be vaid as a theory and just procreate because babies are cute or their rosties forced them to.

Your potential child will experience the slow decay and death of everyone around him while being trapped in a decaying prison himself and you're the one who put him into that position without having askied him prior.

You don't make the world a better place by procreating so altruism is out of the question. More people = less resources and land per living beeing and more pollution.

You don't hurt anyone by not procreating as there is noone to experience nonexistence but as soon as you're born you're forced to toil untill your body dies.

It is arrogant and i would even say evil to force an innocent being into this hell, and on top of that to expect from that doomed soul to stand up to that and to say "Hell yeah finally some good old suffering" just adds up to that statement.

Or as schoppenhauer put it on page 180 in his forst volume of "the world as will and representation"

" But perhaps at the end of his life, no
man, if he be sincere and at the same time in possession of his facul-
ties, will ever wish to go through it again. Rather than this, he will
much prefer to choose complete non-existence."

I have a bf. We have been dating for almost 8 months now and I love him a lot. I have high standards and I've been lonely a lot, but he was well worth the wait.

3 rejections in 1 month, feels bad

Got a few girls that are highly interested in me so I just keep spinning them around as safety net solution, but the one thing i am going for right now is the one girl I set my eyes on during first day of university. Slowly started talking her up and she's just straight up perfect, watches streams, memes around, plays vidya, and is an all around interesting person. Can't wait to ask her out and be rejected. Fuck my life.

Or in volume 2 on page 183

If we put the two together, the inexpressible ingenuity of
the preparations, the untold abundance of the means, and the in-
adequacy of what is thus aimed at and attained, we are driven to the
view that life is a business whose returns are far from covering the
cost. This becomes most evident in many animals of a particularly
simple mode of life. For example, consider that indefatigable worker
the mole; to dig strenuously with its enormous shovel-paws is the
business of its whole life; permanent night surrounds it; it has its
embryo eyes merely to avoid the light. It alone is a true animal nocturnum,
not cats, owls, and bats which see by night. What does it
attain by this course of life that is full of trouble and devoid of
pleasure? Nourishment and procreation, that is, only the means for
continuing and beginning again in the new individual the same mel-
ancholy course. In such examples it becomes clear that the cares and
troubles of life are out of all proportion to the yield or profit from

I am without a doubt going to fail at least one class in university and my art is worse than it was a month ago

This is the end for me.

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>get on tinder because I'm a KHV but apparently all that gym makes me attractive now
>just looking to get pics of tits, Jow Forums makes it look easy!
>match with some tall shy loser girl oh lawd
>we chat for like two hours over the app oh no
>we exchange numbers and she sends me messages and pictures every day about wanting to meet
>I don't want to meet up but can't stop responding because I'm too polite


Lmaoning@this bitter and jelous cunt's life

>reject girls constantly
>lots of issues stemming from childhood
>legitimately don't understand why or how anyone could love me
>fight depression by lifting
>it works
>get the mentality that nobody can hurt me if I'm strong enough
>get my shit together in all aspects but still can't fix my issues with intimacy
>walking out of lecture one day
>girl runs up to me and asks me out
>flash forward to the weekend
>date goes well
>go back to my dorm
>she asks to cuddle me in my bed
>"ummm sure I guess"
>lay there
>she wraps herself around me
>don't know how to react so I stiffen up like a board
>"user why aren't you holding me back?"
>"I-I don't know"
>she pulls my arms around her
>I pull her into my chest
>"this is how you hold someone user"
>she closes her eyes and smiles
>I start welling up
>tfw the last time I felt affection like this I was 5 years old
>tfw when all of these happy memories I had forgotten about came back
>tfw I'm making baby steps to get better and I might mess up sometimes but there are still people out there who will put up with it

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Takin a break from girls for the foreseeable future

Gave up on feelings, it's not nearly as beautiful as the poets led me to believe.

Yhea I'm not gonna read a whole novel about how muh life sux ;;;;'((((((

Then remain ignorant.
But don't ever think of yourself as a rational beeing.

>went and snooped on ex's social media shit cause i have all the passwords and emails
>she told her friend that she went on my profile the other day and said if she saw me with another girl she should would 100% kill herself

y tho she the one who broke it off. girls man.

I'm so fucking in love with a faggot and he doesn't even text me back.

This all assumes death is negative and that existing by itself is suffering, why? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but isn't that an irrational stance?

how do you tell if a guy likes you (srs)

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they text you back and try to keep the conversation going. if they are doing 1 word answers he doesn't care

Why would the opposite be a rational stance?
Why is death something positive?
Life is suffering because you spend 80-90% of your time MAINTAINING it only to pass that burden on to the next generation in an endless battle against other lifeforms.

>It's disturbing how women can write poetry about emotions without actually meaning any word of it.
It's a relatively modern phenomenon, much like shitty free verse poetry. Consider the work of an OG legit fembot from 1924, who, I'm quite certain, meant every word that she wrote:
>"Love is anterior to life" 917
>Love is anterior to life,
>Posterior to death,
>Initial of creation, and
>The exponent of breath.

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Kill yourself
Whoops forgot this was r9k, no seriously drink bleach

if im still interested in getting back together with her (it has been 5 months) should I talk to her? she doesn't have anyone new

*puts on fake french accent*
And nov we a free specimon of a wild shit e poster forsed into a g'oerner in a fight for dominance.
He, without any arguments and strenght left, returns to the one insult he coueld always trust.
Will he survive?

I'm not saying death is something positive, but all things have to end someday, it's not necessarely negative. I see your point, although it's a narrow view.

Love is fucking weird and hard, man. Almost kissed the girl I loved last Friday, but I stopped myself before going through with it Long story short she got pretty fucked up in a crash a couple months ago, and she's been dealing with some serious depression stemming from her injuries.

That look of rejection on her face when I pulled away was like getting hit by a train. But I explained right there and then how I felt about her and told her I loved her. I also explained how I felt like it would be feel like taking advantage of her if we did anything in her current condition.

She cried for a while, and things were pretty awkward when went home. I couldn't help but feel a bit hollow when I left.

Do you think that when you're 75 that you'll be ready to die?
Your fear of death never decreases, it's always cruel and horrible.

Great video on that topic


With that said, a girl at work and neighbor wanted to hug me yesterday. I allowed. First girl I ever hugged not in my family, let alone one wanting to hug me.
Asked me if I have any profiles on social media right after. I have no Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat. Do have a Twitter for news on videogame homebrew community, but just tell I don't use it often. Followed her on Twitter. Regretting it because she looks like she's having a good time with most of the pics I see.
We're both wagecucks for the largest retailer.

About as stagnant as ever. I just want a qt redhead gf and would do anything for one.

It's all so boring even though I'm a high school senion. I don't have a single friend in real life or online and I'm really not looking forward to the future of sleeping 8 hrs a day, working 8 hrs a day and only being able to live a 1/3rd of my life until retirement

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Show me tonite that you're not a venture
That you can love me with another spirit
Give me the life as you were the nature
What is the reason why you keep me waitin'?
I don't wanna be losing you
Don't you see that
I can't live another day without you
But you're teasing me
You just give an, Express love!
And I cry for you tonite
And I'm dying but you, you give an
Express love!
Stop for a while and think of me
To be part of my life so you can
Express love!

Why can't you see
That my heart is breaking
Tonite I gotta make you feel I love you!
Want me to try dancing in the bedroom?
But I don't wanna be the one night story!

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