im so tired guys
tired of lifting for nothing
Im so tired guys
Let me guess, lifting for girls and approval from other dudes that are fit but don't receive compliments? How are you user? Never gonna make it user. Quit being a scoob
I lift to get better at lifting
Gotten pretty good now looking forward to getting better
its not that.
my parents died last year, 1 month before christmas.
I got depressed and pretty much fucked up my relatioship with my girl so she left me.
Meanwhile the only thing that I've kept doing consistently is lifting weights.
Problem is, there is no one I can share my gains with, its like I'm living in a shell.
Go out more dude. Join a fitness club, go hiking or do some other fitness related hobbies. Most of these hobbies consist of lax ass dudes and beautiful fit girls
What do you do for work
Your parents wouldn't of wanted you to feel like this user. Keep your head down user, keep giving it an honest effort things will get better
Guys, how do you fall out of love?
I can't handle it anymore
You fucking youth grow up
Honestly, by getting more bitches. The feels will always be there, but more girls help decrease the amount of feels for the oneitits
Lift to save other people.
>Meanwhile the only thing that I've kept doing consistently is lifting weights.
>Problem is, there is no one I can share my gains with, its like I'm living in a shell.
Do not despair user, you will always have us. And always remember Swolehalla awaits.
Can't I have just a loving and caring gf to found a family with?
Even better, can't I just make it stop? I don't want this anymore, please
You are lifting for YOURSELF motherfucker dumb faggot
I feel you, user
I lost my dad 2 years ago, and my mom 6 months ago. Im 28, and i still have so many fucking questions, and i still feel like i need them. Coping has gotten easier, but youll never-not miss them.
Honestly, staying consistent with my lifting has been one of the few things keeping me sane. Dont give up man, when you start to give up on yourself physically, youll fall in a deeper pit.
that nice place you see yourself (just you, not you + a wife kids etc). lift for that place, and take steps each day to get there
for me its a snowy log cabin, i''ve never even been to the wilderness but its cozy, and I dont picture myself a fat fuck by the time i get there. also read stoicism
Jesus fuck your life sounds pathetic. Just off yourself already
Sad to hear. I don't understand, but lifting and running. Has done me alot of good. I look great and feel great. Also I enjoy it, and sleep well when exhausted. It affects your life in alot of ways positively. Being in good health and shape makes you more fit to handle anything. Gl brah
Not OP but fuck off faggot. Imagine if your parents died. I hope you get AIDS. You're probably a kike. Into the ovens with you
Become Batman.
Unironically lift for God.
You shit, parents ought to die, it's the nature of things. Tragedy is when children die before their parents.
I lift for my future robot GF.
agreed, amen brother
God is so good
and He has really helped me so much throughout my life, you can never be disconnected from Him which is wonderful! Unless you choose for it to be so
read some of His teachings, Jesus's in the OT & NT trust me you'll love it friends
but He'll never leave you nor forsake you
Fuck you cunt
yeah I have to admit that as an agnostic, just praying to someone has helped my mental state.
im not a christian tho, I found my save haven in buddha.
>Problem is, there is no one I can share my gains with, its like I'm living in a shell
I feel you brother. I'm proud of you, keep on going.
I lift because if I stop lifting I will come to the realisation that I wasted 19 years on the gym
fake youre confidence until you make it, just bee yourself brah
I'm proud of you user! The fact that you keep going, even though you have gone through a lot says a lot about your character. Maybe it's time to visit your doctor and get some help for that depression.
I'm 30
yeah i do boxing and swimming but kinda hard to make friends there as most people in my boxing gym are retards.
any other idea to what i can do with other people?
student with a part time job
thanks mate
nice to see someone else here with similiar experience, thanks mate
for me its also some cabin I've build with my own hands, away from the city with my own animals and food
yeah sure, if I havnet been lifting and doing active shit I would be way worse off.
thanks mate