Internet being tamed and censored and flooded by normies

>Internet being tamed and censored and flooded by normies
>Video games being homogenised, chopped up and shilled to lowest common denominator
>Every time I turn on the tv I'm being told I'm evil for being white and that stronk women of colour can do everything a man can
>Every young woman is a whore, mothers think every adult male is a pedo

And people have the absolute gall to lecture me about living vicariously through fantasy media pre-2005.

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>Every time I turn on the tv I'm being told I'm evil for being white and that stronk women of colour can do everything a man can

is this an actual thing in the US or is OP just pic related

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It's worse on BBC

I'm in the UK retard. The BBC mandates a certain % of women on gameshow panels, for example. They're clearly pushing an agenda, take Bodyguard for example. It's a recently popular BBC show, within the first 10 minutes:

>Female swat leader (literally doesn't exist anywhere in the world)
>Female sniper (Again, not a thing anywhere)
>Female bomb disposal officer (Yet again, not a thing anywhere)
>Female suicide bomber (spoilers, she's actually a bomb maker and is responsible for the deaths of multiple politicians and important figures)

I mean, fine I can handle a female bodyguard because those exist but ALL THOSE WOMEN in ALL THOSE ROLES in a span of 10 minutes? Fuck off.

Six of one, half-dozen of the other. There's definitely a noticeable trend towards deliberate appeals to minorities, but OP is exaggerating how bad it is.

>mothers think every adult male is a pedo

I'm 34 and have literally never experienced this once. This is far less common than you're making it out to be.

>Video games being homogenised, chopped up and shilled to lowest common denominator

Major games pretty much have to be homogenized and shilled to the lowest common denominator due to how much they cost to produce. If you want more unique, interesting, less homogenized games play indie stuff.

>If you want more unique, interesting, less homogenized games play indie stuff.
This is how I know you're a shit taste retard with no opinions worth listening to.

>The free market is turning against me, help :(
Strange, I don't feel any sympathy.

Anime hasn't been hijacked to push an agenda (yet), so there's that at least.

Just wait for it. It started with EVE which was shit on the Japanese market, but a huge international success. Today they are studios that focus exclusively on the international market. Give it 20 years. We're already at the point, that no sane studio would fund Sailor Moon today.

He's kinda right, every AAA game is the same bullshit done over again or more third person action game/open world garbage.

Indie games have to take more risks to sell, AAA games have to take less risks. Most of the games in my Steam library are AA or indie because AAA stuff is so boring.

It was always genderbending degeneracy faggot.

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>Female sniper (Again, not a thing anywhere)

But they do

All those things you mentioned exist. They aren't as common as guys doing it but they still exist

>tfw no sniper qt gf

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>Indie games have to take more risks to sell, AAA games have to take less risks. Most of the games in my Steam library are AA or indie because AAA stuff is so boring.
Both AAA and Indie's are equally trash.

The only worthwhile video games were made before 2005.

Dumb nostalgiafag.

Fuck off commie retard.

You won't be singing the praises of communism when you're wearing a potato sack and starving to death.

What's that?

Did you go to a public school, user?
How about you improve your reading comprehension?
But I guess it's a hard redpill, if you are an objective looser. :)

Why don't you stop being a passive aggressive faggot and state your opinions plainly like a man.

yeah but it's at least cute, fun fantasy.

>Expecting people to humour you for free

>This is how I know you're a shit taste retard with no opinions worth listening to.

I'm not saying that all Indie games are good. There's a lot of shit to wade through to find a handful of decent games.

But if you want anything that's not formulaic and genericized Indie games are the only place to find that.

AAA games simply cost too fucking much to take any risks with. It's the same reason that mainstream big-budget movies are just a series of remakes and sequels. When you're spending $300 million to make a movie/game, you can't risk making something you aren't already certain people will like.

Then get off my fucking lawn faggot

Well, well, well. You can't force me. xD
But it's funny how angry you are.

I'm drunk not angry you faggot.

If you were here I'd punch you in your weak jawline.

>Government funded
>Free market
Commies in a nutshell.

better question, what country are you in where you don't get this propaganda?

>Every time I turn on the tv I'm being told I'm evil for being white
But that's true. Kys.

The darker the night the brighter the stars.

>Internet being tamed and censored and flooded by normies
Start your own website that offers anonymity and freedom, fight back and educate the "normies" on what the internet COULD be.
>Video games being homogenised, chopped up and shilled to lowest common denominator
Learn to code in your spare time, start experminenting with stories/characters and make your own indie game, low IQ leftists are making indie games, if they can do it so can you
>Every time I turn on the tv I'm being told I'm evil for being white and that stronk women of colour can do everything a man can
Stop turning on the TV, never touch the news, you know what you like so search for it, I watched a fucking Romanian black/white film about Vlad and fucking loved every second of it, even with the lack of colour and special effects, plenty of shit existed before 2010.
>Every young woman is a whore, mothers think every adult male is a pedo
Women have been whores for thousands of years, fucking Augustus himself was calling out thots for their degenracy, this is nothing new

People have the right to lecture you for living vicariously through the media, you should be using that bitterness and disgust to get Jow Forums or create some new art, use your passion you faggot.

Or I could just walk around to the corner shop, mumble at the pakistani guy that I want whiskey, go home and drink more and just watch anime all night until I fall asleep.

>watching anime
>interacting with shitskins
you're beyond salvation

It is every news organization says this the only mainstream ones are fox and that's about it you need to go online and every media source says fox, infowars,breitbart are all racist and they don't check facts when really its the other way around America is the best but not for much longer

Or you could drink some green tea and watch manly anime shit like Ippo or M.D Geist.

You will need to embrace that artistic side though, depressed fucks are usually highly passionate people that just aren't embracing that side of themselves.

Culture Marxism is cancer on liberalism .

Sorry you feel this way user however most minorities don't dislike you and most of those girls who claim to hate you will end up with you instead of tyrone so don't take it to heart .