What is your guys opinion on pic related.
Tldr: Companies are actively starting to avoid hiring women for fear of a me too scandal.
What is your guys opinion on pic related.
Tldr: Companies are actively starting to avoid hiring women for fear of a me too scandal.
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just desserts
Any fembots want to chime in on this one?
It seems the me too movement is hurting women a lot more then its actually helping any of them, how ironic.
>Companies are actively starting to avoid hiring women for fear of a me too scandal.
good. Mike Pence is a whacko but based as fuck on this issue.
This really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, a few 'career' women tried to use politics to elevate themselves even higher than they already were, giving them ultimate power to end someones carer over a single accusation, and even if its proven false, it would be to late and make the guy unable to find work.
Which meant that the only winning move was to not play, or in this case never interact with women alone, whilst keeping it as PC as possible so that nothing said could be twisted into a possible accusation.
GG stonk empowered career womyn you played yourselves.
>hiring women is a risk
Fucking kek
How many of the metoo allegations have been proven false out of curiosity? Also this anecdotal bullshit is almost never actually representative of the real world. Wait for stats coming out on womens employment in finance next year. This is just a lame attempt to rile up twitter users into sharing this and getting mad.
>channeling pence
I haven't paid attention, I personally just assume it's all foul play since harvey weinstein, sleeping with your superiors to get ahead should be considered an ethical lapse on the actresses part not fucking abuse. Ridiculous.
>Tfw the social justice cycle comes full circle and we return to the gilded age
Thank you, feminism
you assume they're ALL false reports? why? Is there any evidence of this? I wouldn't auto assume they're all true, but most reporters haven't really gained a whole lot seems like a waste of time to me.
>How many of the metoo allegations have been proven false out of curiosity?
not sure but she is full of shit and probably did it for attention. no man would touch this ugly nigger goblin with a ten foot pool. I am throwing up just looking at her picture.
I've seen people here fap to murders idk man someone might be fucked enough to put a bag on that and stick their dick in it.
She is the ugliest person I have ever seen.
>stick their dick in it.
that is fucking disgusting. I would rather kill myself then to ever come in contact with her.
Fucking good, the me too movement is a cancer. While it's good to promote coming forward when sexual harassment happens, the way these fucking clowns are making allegations that havent been handled yet is a joke.
No one wants to respect the processes and systems in place and fucking wonder why people do shit like this. Just like how cops will do what seems like irrational shit, but in reality they would rather go home alive than let some scumbag go home alive while they are dead.
Because it started as feminism bullshit. given the nature of his job it was an abuse of power that he let hoes fuck him to get roles and he should definitely be removed from his position for that internal company dispute if they're smart but acting like it was an attack on women? No, women sucking dick to get ahead is not an attack on them, if anything the actresses involved should be as ashamed as weinstein and also out of their careers. I assume all the rest is the same because frankly fuck women if this is the shit they pull.
>be a feminist
>shit the bed with all these false rape claims
>now I have to sleep on the floor
>complain about not liking the floor
All you had to do was not shit the bed, feminists.
Finally things might become normal again
>What is your guys opinion on pic related.
My opinion is that it's 100% warranted given the climate. The one statement in there that really shows you how shit is would be the one that says you beat the harassment complaint by shirking the women - but then some cunt files a sexual discrimination complaint because you actively avoid her.
It's indicative of the lose-lose situation that Feminism creates.
Funny part is in the end, I'll keep my money. The rest of them can burn for all I care. There's nothing redeemable about a woman - literally nothing. From a values standpoint: they're not taught respect, honor, duty, work ethic, or anything that could be considered a virtue.
The genetic dice rolled and gave them a cunt, a womb, and beauty with an expiration date around 30. For that, they think they're owed the world. They're treated like children and given children's responsibilities. Meanwhile 95% of men have to work for it.
more proof feminists ruins everything they come into contact with, even their own lives
>could be considered
Nice choice of words there
Don't invite them here. There are no such thing as """fembots"""
>What is your guys opinion on pic related.
Nothing more than predictable. No smart guy want to put his hand on hellfire for a quick and small company of a woman and things will only get worse
Why is it worrying? How dare they protect themselves?
Really stupid move
They've just opened themselves up to lawsuits regarding sex discrimination in hiring
It's not that hard to not sexually harass people
This is basically men throwing a shit fit because they don't know how to act around women in a world where they face consequences for sexual harassment
>It's not that hard to not sexually harass people
But it's very very easy to lie about being harassed when someone wears a red hat to work.
False sexual harassment claims aren't at all common, given that they generally require supporting evidence or witnesses
Just don't make sexual comments about any of your employees and you'll have nothing to worry about
Why are women so entitled?
They bitch and moan about equality in the great jobs yet say jack shit about the dirty jobs that men do.
Except they would have to prove it in each case. You just say they weren't a good culture fit or something and move on. I have had directors tell me they don't hire black people or women cause of the bad experiences they had in the past, so they just ignored them.
It's actually really fucking hard to prove hiring discrimination, even though it's technically illegal the company can just say they didn't like something about your application or interview and it's extremely difficult to get solid evidence that its for an illegal reason
Of course they're common, they just get dropped.
Women just lie about it because they have an ingroup bias towards other women.
>In Experiment 1, only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem (A. G. Greenwald et al., 2002), revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference
>citation needed: the post
How would you come to this conclusion? Didn't they say that plenty of people on death row were guilty only to have tons of them get exonerated later on due to DNA evidence? They would do it for the same reason any scumbag would, to get money from a company.
women will pretend they aren't vindictive, blood thirsty whores who will hold life long grudges over perceived plights on their "kind", not actually them, but the fact of the matter is we can see it coming from a mile away.
I think there's some validity to their concerns, there are a lot of deceitful dishonest women involved with this movement, but also it seems like the company owners are saying "fuck it" to their public image and lashing out at #metoo and women out of pure spite. While it's an asshole move, I'm not surprised considering some of the people involved with #metoo who try to take advantage of anything and anyone they can while dragging down competition. Among the actual victims are thousands of women who are the same people who made the allegations that Michael Jackson molested their kids when they were never in the same state as Neverland Ranch.
Another victory for men lmao
just replace everyone will robot works and automation problem solved.
>False sexual harassment claims aren't at all common
I must just meet a lot of crazy ass women then.
The problem is that you can't openly have a policy against women except in specific cases, and you can't have a secret policy that's too obvious either, that's what the EEOC is for.
You know, normally I would tell you that equal opportunity hiring laws and other forms of affirmative action are never going anywhere, but if financial giants find that it's a problem there's a real solid chance that they'll go away. The law is very malleable for those with wealth.
What goes around comes around. No fucking sympathy.
>How many of the metoo allegations have been proven false out of curiosity?
That's not how it works. The burden is on the accuser. How many of the allegations have been proven true?
The problem is the burden of proof on them is so low, anyone can get hit. It can literally be just she said and you could get hit.
>Of course they're common, they just get dropped.
Then what's the issue here? It doesn't sound like anyone is being punished for anything they didn't do.
>Didn't they say that plenty of people on death row were guilty only to have tons of them get exonerated later on due to DNA evidence?
A murder has definitively occurred, and there can be circumstantial/forensic evidence or witness testimony that points toward the wrongly accused.
There is no forensic evidence or witness testimony to an incident of harassment that didn't occur.
Feel free to prove me wrong and supply examples of people facing false sexual harassment suits.
I'm not saying we should convict people based on accusation. I'm just curious if any of the claims are blatantly false to see what the general percentage rate of these false claims are. Btw plenty of the accused have admitted to it.
Blatantly false =/= the percentage of false claims as a whole. If you only go by accusations PROVEN false youre going to wildly underestimate how deep the problem is.
>How many of the allegations have been proven true?
Roger Ailes, Harvey Weinstein, John Lasseter, etc....
>There is no forensic evidence or witness testimony to an incident of harassment that didn't occur.
Isn't that the issue? The burden of proof is retardedly low for the severity of the charge. Someone just saying something happened doesn't mean it did. The problem is they have decided all sexual charges have such a low bar, people get falsely arrested, raked through the mud, then eventually if they are lucky it comes out they found some way to show them innocent. Hell, that one guy in the news was up for 99 years in prison but he happened to have a photo on facebook tagged in another place of when the alleged incident happened, but it took months for him to get out of jail.
>where they face consequences for sexual harassment
This is the whole thing though; who gets to decide what "harassment" is and how severe should the consequences be?
I guess from the article that it's as obvious to men on Wall Street as it is to me; the penalties are huge and the standards nebulous. Well, more specifically, the standards are entirely trusted to the women who stand to profit most from catching you out as a person who crossed the lines that they get to make up without any oversight or controls. Women have been given a blank check on sexual harassment...or if they need to hedge more they can call it "misconduct" instead...and there's just no way to be a sane man and not be terrified.
The problem I think is that this movement is led by women who don't have any skin in the game. The women I know in real life who are most agitated on this are the ones that only have a few male friends and don't have a boyfriend. Often they don't have fathers in their lives either. So for them, there's no loss to pushing this further; it'll never hurt anyone they care about no matter how far it goes. Women who are married or who have brothers or are close with their fathers are a little more reluctant to pitch all men down the trash chute, but they find it difficult to pipe up when they'll get accused of being sex traitors and have an in-group bias anyway.
Again, not how it works. The burden is not on the accused to prove a negative.
That is exactly the issue. user backed into realizing that proving a negative is really difficult, which is exactly why our judicial process presumes innocence instead of guilt.
That's true. However, you're the one making the claim without evidence that there is a plethora of false sexual harassment claims. Why don't you provide evidence for your claim, since you have the burden of proof?
Any sexual harassment claim that cant be proven should be assumed false. That is how the system opetates.
>Any sexual harassment claim that cant be proven should be assumed false. That is how the system opetates.
So you're essentially saying that sexual harassment always leaves behind some sort of evidence?
What if a woman is harassed by her boss when no one else is around, and there are no cameras?
There would be no evidence, but the claim would not be false.
But it should be assumed as such if the accuser has not met the burden. That is how the presumption of innocence works. It is on you to prove that a majority of unproven allegations are as you describe.
>boss repeatedly harasses women
>one woman wises up and secretly sets her phone to record audio and stream it to an external server
>catches boss with evidence
>angry cunt files false charges against man
>evidence is very weak
>whines to college man attends
>college kicks out man without any evidence
>whines to his employer
>employer fires him without any evidence
>charges are eventually dropped because there is not enough evidence
>tee hee well I the charges were just dropped so it wasn't a false claim
This is correct, and the judicial system deviates from this to make exceptions for the women who actually do get harassed in private without proof. These concessions were made with the assumption that there wouldn't be enough people abusing them to actually affect the job market and the livelihood of innocent men.
this is the future they wanted
Irrelevant what is "left behind". To prove something in a court of law, we require the person be assumed innocent of any crime until someone can prove beyond a reasonable doubt it happened. If it is just he said, she said, then the default should be not guilty. If you have some actual evidence, then go from there.
That's true. In that situation though, I would say the accused is innocent but the claim is not necessarily false.
>It is on you to prove that a majority of unproven allegations are as you describe.
I wasn't the one making the initial claim. The initial claim was that sexual harassment suits are often false. Someone needs to provide evidence that many either are proven false or can't be proven true. I.e. you need a source that shows that many accusers fail to meet the burden of proof.
Except even if the courts deem you innocent, an accusation alone is enough to fuck you over.
What if I have a perpetual motion machine in my living room, it just happens to leave whenever you come over? Point is, you can't know; your knowledge is imperfect. The heuristic method is to hear an accusation and consider the odds 50/50 at best (and biased one way depending on which party you like better). The rational method is to accept your limitations and realize that presuming innocence protects people from the malicious actions of others and their government, while still allowing us to prosecute all the crime we can.
It's always easier to manufacture an accusation than it is to manufacture a defense. That's not me trying to be an asshole, it's just true, and we cannot avert our gaze from the truth, no matter how unsettling it may be.
That's not what's being discussed, although I will acknowledge it's true.
Not if the accusation is proven false
Robert Mueller hasn't suffered at all from his false rape accusation, since it was eventually revealed to be fake
>I want to be able to ruin a man's life with a single sentence.
>I want for men to want anything to do me.
Can't have both, sweetheart.
>claim is not necessarily false
But it should be TREATED AS SUCH unless you have evidence to the contrary.
>source that shows that many accusers fail to meet the burden of proof.
It is common knowledge that many, if not most, allegations are not proven. The burden has therefore shifted to you. And I know you cant meet it, so we are done here.
This 1000x why does world star hiphop exist yet these women never happen to record these guys saying dumb sexist shit to them?
Sew the wind, reap the whirlwind.
The Great Relearning is upon us and women are going to be excised from the workplace, because they can't be responsible adults.
By you're retarded logic, anytime somebody prosecutes any person at all in court they should be guilty because "it doesn't always leave behind evidence." We live in an ambiguos world and evidence is the only way to fairly prosecute someone, not somebody's word. Human beings are lying, scheming cunts including but not limited to women, and we should treat them as such. It doesn't matter if 10 women come forward on something because those 10 women could be lying. One of them needs evidence.
Mueller is a special case because the left is still expecting him to impeach Trump any day now. They'll forgive him some trespasses if they think they can get Cheeto Man.
Which in and of itself is revealing about how much this whole "movement" is a power play and not motivated by justice in the least.
Yes, it is you cunt.
That's the primary reason of OP's picture.
Even if you prove yourself innocent it doesn't change Google search results showing you being accused.
>some incredibly powerful person was able to deal with an accusation, so the average Joe can too
Your analogy just proves how out of touch you are.
quoted the wrong post origino:
Yeah but the media bias isn't the cause of this issue about how we approach the harassment situation from a legal standpoint, it's a symptom of it, you giant retard.
>Sew the wind, reap the whirlwind
Please tell me you've been with your scrunched up pig face telling people in your most serious Big Boy voice to "sew" the wind all these years irl, I need a laugh
I don't understand what you're asking me. But I don't doubt you need a laugh.
>It is common knowledge that many, if not most, allegations are not proven.
Nope. That's not common knowledge; that's your opinion and that's you obviously avoiding my request for proof.
>they should be guilty
I never said the person should be considered guilty; I was pointing out that it's possible for a claim to be true but not meet the burden of proof
>Your analogy just proves how out of touch you are.
The average Joe doesn't attract false accusations because no one has anything to gain from accusing him of harassment.
that would only work in one-party consent states tho, otherwise it's illegal to record
>I never said the person should be considered guilty; I was pointing out that it's possible for a claim to be true but not meet the burden of proof
That was accounted for when they decided innocent till proven guilty. They were very clear that they would rather a person get away with a crime than wrongfully imprison someone.
>The average Joe doesn't attract false accusations because no one has anything to gain from accusing him of harassment.
Bullshit, these happen at companies, they don't go after the person they target, they go after the company for large settlements.
>illegal to record
Well shit, we could get rid of that since companies get to do this anyway.
Look up the phrase big guy 4u
Storage is so cheap these days you could actually set it to constantly record with a couple hour buffer, that way you have several hours to save the file and you don't have to worry about whether or not your wire is on. Furthermore, all s modern phones should be powerful enough to record audio in tho background without a performance hit.
I mean, isn't this already a political movement? Fight to change laws. Google told me only 12 states make it illegal.
Nonsense, no judge or prosecution is going to let video evidence of a crime go for something so trivial.
>average Joe doesn't have allegationslevied against him
Absolute horseshit. The only reason you don't hear about it is because said average Joe's don't have enough money for good lawyers.
You mean a world where men are repeatedly accused of sexual harassment and rape and are repeatedly vindicated as having been wrongly accused.
Go away fembot
there was absolutely no reason to move away from all-male office workplaces
This is a reaction by powerful men who are finally being held responsible for their actions. They're trying to reassert their power in the workplace over women by segregating them out of it, eliminating their political and economic power.
False accusations are exceedingly rare and happen most often against black men. To suggest rich and powerful execs get regularly and falsely accused of sexual harassment is pretty hilarious.
Most of the posters in this thread probably have no experience with the actual legal processes around sexual assault. The man, especially the white man, is favored at every step. Few accusations are brought to trial and even fewer result in convictions.
It's a small and entitled minority of men who commit the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults. On average they assault or rape 6-7 women before an accusation comes to light.
MeToo is about justice and ending this pervasive problem, not punishing men for existing. Please, educate yourselves.
They are when illegally obtained evidence is the biggest cause of a mistrial. Even if it's clear evidence of the crime taking place admitting it can cause a nonconviction.
Bullshit, show one example of that happening.
I really wish this one fucking reddit spacing tumblr whore would stop posting
jesus i knew niggers were ugly, but fuck this one takes the cake
>To suggest rich and powerful execs get regularly and falsely accused of sexual harassment is pretty hilarious.
It happens so frequently user and for the very reason that people have money and influence. Often times its for settlements you never hear about, and other times its political slander.
Reminder that 3 of the Kavanaugh accusers admitted to making the story up for tactical reasons.
That's bait user.
Go back you fucking queer. No one cares what your opinions are cause people are allowed to have their own thoughts and as a group, plenty of men realize it doesn't pay to help women. You can't force men to mentor women, you can't force them to associate you can only hope and whine.
That was my first post in this thread. Also, I'm a man.
based user, good eyes and instinct
>in this thread
you post a thousand times a day in every thread even somewhat tangentially related to femoids
>Also, I'm a man.
No you aren't
Why do you guys insist on being fucking retarded. Nobody is that stupid guys, come on it's racebait ffs.
If any part of what he posted is true it's that RICH defendants are favored at every step. There is proof of this in the housing crisis too.
>No one cares what your opinions are
Obviously, you do
You know where you have to go back to.