How about a nice, comfy letter thread! it's a sad and rainy day for me so this will keep me warm

how about a nice, comfy letter thread! it's a sad and rainy day for me so this will keep me warm.
try to leave initials, but we respect your privacy otherwise

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dear OP,

So I gave him the sipp and he suddenly wanted the succ, I told him "Fuck that shit, boyo, you're gonna have to finger me first", and he was like "Sure", the absolute madman hahaha



Hey anons, hope everyone is having a nice day!!
I've had a mundane normal day and it's been ok, going to sleep soon because i am very sleepy.
Hope the rest of your week also goes well!

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Hi OP you did it!!!!


dear B

if you are - you shouldnt be reading this, you should not be here, you should be somewhere else. but if youre not here anymore, im glad.

i really hope i broke your heart in two. i was never a good person, i told you, and it wasnt good for you to even talk to me. all i could do was to hurt and i dont think it will ever gonna change. i am sorry for what i did to you, for gaining your trust, for talking to you in a way that could make you like me. i feel sorry for you and for myself. i lied so many times, i broke our promises, i did everything i could wrong. but now its all dead, we are dead, i do not exist in your world anymore. but you do in mine - i think about you every day. its just a little tiny thoughts, but its painful enough. i miss you. i still love you in a way i cant even describe.

i hope, i really really hope you found yourself s nice girlfriend, a job and moved out from the basement. i hope your music stuff is doing just fine and your skin is in a better shape. i hope youre doing your best. i hope you wont ever forget me, that would make me so fucking lonely, but thats kinda selfish of me, dont you think?

please stay safe. i will always always always remember you and your chubby cute face. i love you still. its been almost two years now, did you know that?

yours faithfully

i lied about having a husband. i lied.

winter here sounds just like this song. its about winter.

:o whoa!!!

My old man could use one of those pills, very relatable.

Dear A,

This will be a short letter. Though we rarely see each other, what do you think when you do see me? Do you view me as a friend, or do you hate my guts?


You need to do this kinda things with pictures of diary and a pen.

sorry :'( i thought it was starting to get boring just with that

hey cale,
i got a "new" camera recently, i think it's a thai knockoff of canon lol. i tested some film with it and they came out really weird with a lot of light leaks, but i think it's something you'd like a lot. i'll post them on my tumblr since i'm sure you'd like to see them.
also, don't think i haven't noticed you reblogging my stuff lol.

I like this new style. Dont change.

i'm glad you like it! i think the letter threads are a cute tradition

Fuck you OP everyone's been busy every single god damn time I ask so fuck you faggot

my life feels empty without you. i wish i had you here to tell me what to do, to have a smoke with, just to talk. our friends barely talk anymore. it feels different without you. i hope you know that i still think about you every day.

been busy to do what? im sorry if this thread is an inconvenience :(

Ok lads, get comfy because it's story time. We have a long history so I'll try to keep this one short.

>tfw found out an old friend in high school was getting married
>at one point in my life she meant a lot to me. we used to talk all day every day
>at one point she was my only friend, the only person in the world i could trust
>eventually we drifted for reasons
>wondering if i should send them gifts through their amazon registry
>think to myself that it's weird that i know she moved to another state and is getting married even though we haven't spoke in years
>want to send gifts but i don't know if it's a good idea
>go on fucking omegle of all places to ask for advice because i can't trust my real friends
>finally find an user who talks me into it
>send the gifts
>customize the receipts with a note
>press order
>a few days later i got confirmation they were delivered
>nervous.tiff turns into hehimindanger.png
>didn't hear anything for a few days, remember i didn't leave my phone number for some reason
>decide that im going to text her old number
>>hey, is this user?
>immediately get a reply back
>>yeah, who's this?
>>this is user, did you get the stuff i sent?
>>user who?
>fuck. she doesn't remember me.
>ive gotten this far so i may as well keep going
>>this is user anon
>>holy shit no way
>have an emotional conversation about how our lives have been after all these years and how things are going
>tell her if she's ever in town to come visit
>she said it's unlikely but if im ever in (redacted) im more than welcome to stay with them
>tfw don't think she realizes how much that meant to me
>say our goodbyes, tells me to not be a stranger and keep in touch
>tfw tearing up just thinking about it
>don't want to feel these feels but i can confidently say i played my cards flawlessly

That's my story. I still haven't had the courage to go back into our texts and re read the conversation. It's just too many emotions for me to handle.

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there is 24 hours in a day and nobody is important despite what they like to think of themselves
if you can't find half a fucking hour in a week to come and have one fucking beer with me and just talk then yes you are making up excuses to appear (busy) and are intentionally avoiding me

Please stop being lesbian and start being my gf. Thanks,

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Hey, we didn't knew each other for that long... But i'd never make that an excuse.

It's just that we have so many barriers between us, i don't think i have the strength to overcome them. I could be in the same way i am in a few years. There's even the chance i won't be here anymore... But i don't want to talk about that, i don't want to worry you.

I just want to enjoy our time together. If we didn't had those barriers, know i'd confess on the spot back at you. You're amazing. The best person i ever met, and you actually understand and reciprocates my neverending care and love so... Know it goes both ways. There's just too much in my life right now. I hope you understood today.

Either way, i'll always support you, no matter what, and i thank God that you are here. Let's keep going, shall we?

I love you... I wish it was easier for me to be with you and make you happy all the time.

you're a piece of shit and a coward for posting this here and not telling her that you like her. playing people isn't cool

If you meant it when you said you liked my name, my voice, my handwriting, my drawings, why did you walk out of my life? I'm sorry I fucked this up so much for the both of us, but you didn't even fucking try. You've spoiled compliments for me - they'll never measure up to your sickly sweet affirmations. Your eyes are the most exquisite thing on Earth, but I genuinely hope never to see them again, knowing they won't ever shine for me again, if not the shit personality you have discovered I possess, but for the fact not even the EN in real life can realistically measure up to the EN in my head. I wish you the best however, as anything less is completely unacceptable.

please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me please dont get tired of me plea

who is this for? could you give initial?

his initial is a. unlikely for you.

Please just leave me alone and stop harassing me

Hey Brian, you are a complete dickhead and stole my gf and friends that I introduced to you. Hope you burn in hell desu

Nope. I think ill jerk off to your photos some more user...

I hope I die soon. I hate everybody and everything so fucking much, especially you, Klaudia, you fucking worthless wart. I am a very good person and deserved better. I wish the entire world nothing but pain and agony. I wish there was a button I could press to kill all life on Earth.

Maybe, maybe not.

h i wish i could talk to you about this buzzing in my head. all these thoughts. they're consuming me. i cant focus and im constantly tired. i feel so uncomfortable.

tell me about yourself? my a does visit this board occasionally

Im not him. But i dont think he will get tired of you.

Dear J,

I want to make love to every single stab wound I give you, all 666 of them. And I'm not going to stop until my dick is raw and your carcass is infested with rats and maggots.

Then I'm going to pour every last drop of your blood and guts all over my naked body.

-Love SS

P.S. See you soon ;)

Jesus Christ user holy oregano

The sick man dying
Not because disease
Because of weakness
Weakness of humanity
Grant him not health
Grant him strength
Strength to annihilate
Strength to dominate
I've seen through the lies
I've seen the disease spreading
Your fire shall be the cure

thank you, user. i appreciate that. i hope he never does.

Phew, good thing my name doesn't have any Js in it

i wish i had someone who felt this way about me and would do this to me

That picture is true unless the person is in the hospital, in jail, or an old folks home, and you NEVER visit.

He wont. I promise.

user was right, I haven't got tired of you and I doubt I will considering how long I have been after you. It's just that I'm thinking about reaching out to you by another medium since I think letter threads are bad for both of us


I tried. Fuck you. That's it.



Why did I ever trust you? You even told me not to. I was so vulnerable, I did so anyway. You made me feel like it was my choice. I'm glad I never went through with it. We talked like close friends for hours every day, slowly we talked less, I should say YOU talked less when you found out I don't give myself away easily. You aren't any different than any man I have met. You were right though, I deserve better.

PS. I threw away everything you sent me.

I hope you smile when you see this, because if you smile, I smile.

I did. I feel lucky for having you in my life.

I don't value any relationships I've ever had and I've been cutting off connection with anyone I don't see on a regular basis without a word. I don't dwell on them because I never think about individuals or myself so I always feel like a body less entity with no presence. I get surprised when people say my name or acknowledge my existence, which hardly happens. I forget that I'm a human being a lot. When I remember that I'm me, I get depressed, so I stop thinking about it, but life will catch up to me eventually and I will either have to work on myself or sodoku.

i can assure you, it gave me a huge, dorky smile. thank you, it was a comfy way to wake up

lulz. if someone wants to hang with you, theyre never busy. and if they are, they immediately suggest a time that they arent. that picture is idealistic bs

Dear E,
I hope your wife and dog are doing well. I know you'll never read this as I completely cut contact with everyone but I miss our drunk bar days. I hope everyone understood why I left and I'm a better man because of it. You were my best friend.


Good! I've got a dorky smile now too.

i hope i get to kiss you and your dorky smile one day

I couldn't think of anyone better for a first kiss.

i feel really bad for what happened? i know, technically, i shouldn't because you're being a bit overly sensitive about this, but i still feel shit. i think you were my best friend and we both know how rare it is for me to even be able to call someone a friend. you told me once that if i ever dated him you wouldn't be able to talk to me ever again and so i lied to you and avoided the truth because i didn't want to lose you. when the truth came out you got mad at me and haven't spoken to me since. i feel shit for lying to you and i cry almost every day thinking about it and how much i miss you. i could never say any of this to your face obviously because im a stupid moron who can't deal with confrontation so im even opting to post this here instead of where i usually would.
i want to talk to you and i want to try to explain myself to you but i know things are never going to be the same again and you will always hate me no matter what. and i know, it's fair enough. but i wish you could understand how much this is eating me up inside. i don't like to bother people with my stupid messes so i internalize until im literally vomiting in exchange for a feeling of relief.
even if you hate me now and never want to speak to me again, you will always be my best friend and i miss our conversations. thank you for putting up with me as long as you did.

Letters plz. This sounds eerily familiar right now.

this is to an L from an A. i don't think he browses this board? otherwise this is really embarrassing

Never mind. Something similar recently happened with a girl I know is all. Jealousy is a monster.

that's okay. i hope everything comes out okay for you. you should talk to her if you cut her out over something like this. i would message my L but I'm a coward so i prefer it to destroy me.

Shouldn't he be the one apologizing?

if he wants to. i feel bad still and i know he won't talk to me again if i don't apologise but im too scared.

What are you scared of?

confrontation i think. i guess right now it's in a state of limbo where he won't talk to me but he also wont remove me? but if i talk to him and try to apologise he might hate me and block me or he might talk to me again. im terrified of the chances that i could lose him.

J here
Fuck off Sarah

Extend the olive branch. But at the same time don't go too far out of your way to apologise because it doesn't seem like its your fault. He needs to accept your decision and stop being jealous or the friendship will never work.

how do i do this? do i ask to talk in person or should i do my initial apology through message?

You've already lost him. Just message him.

Whichever you'll be most articulate with.

ouf i sent a message. i guess it's time to wait and see how much of an embarrassment i am to myself. sorry for being useless

It might be easier to do over message. Less confrontation and you'll be able to carefully select what you say.

You're not useless. Don't you dare blame yourself. It's not your fault at all. It's his fault and if he can't accept what you want because of his selfishness then he clearly isn't a very good friend.

I would be upset and have done the same in his position. It is her fault if he had feelings for her and he him.

>It is her fault if he had feelings for her and he him.
I had meant to say and her him.*

That means you're just selfish too lol. Not surprised you're on r9k.

>Being upset about getting rejected/unrequited love/being used as a backup is being selfish.

Yes. If you were a real friend you'd be supportive.

he prefers to talk in person so I guess that's the best option. ill just have to prepare myself a script of some sort?
it is true L and i had dated in the past but we ended it mutually. there was no obligation for me to stay single or go back to him. i can understand he is mad with me but i dont think it is fair

We've talked a bit since things went down but I feel really shit about it. I hadn't eaten or slept in about 3 days since we fought and was a little delirious when we met up. Nothing came out how I wanted it to and instead of all the things I wanted to say I acted like a spoiled child talking about how I still wanted her and was demeaning as fuck focused on the physical aspect and feel like I was basically objectifying her. I was jealous, angry, and horny and let myself be ruled by my instincts rather than that which had substance. I'm not ashamed of my desires themself but I'm terribly ashamed and guilty about how I treated her becuase I allowed them to rule me.

I have an apology written but even if she forgives me for being a dick about things we'll probably go our separate ways. I do love her. She is one of my two dearest friends and my life will be far emptier without her but I can't make myself not want her and do away with the longing and jealousy or the pain in brings me anymore than she can make magically make herself want me. We'd just find ourselves back her again and it would bring us both more pain. Saying goodbye is the wiser option. I just hope we can do it on good terms.
Expecting a guy who's feelings you don't reciprocate to endure the hurt for you and stick around is kind of selfish. Especially since love is self sacrificing and if you asked and they really love you they probably would until the hurt grows so much they start to hate and resent you for it and it destroys even the friendship.

Best of luck. Just don't let him act like a victim. It's not fair at all.

thank you, i guess i never thought to consider it in this way. i used to see him almost every single day so i think it is just hard for me to consider the fact that it might become something that never happens again?
he had told me that he was moving on and his feelings weren't the same anymore but i guess it was just a lie. it was my fault for not thinking more of it maybe. i guess i can only wait to see what happens.
thank you but it likely will end up that way. i'm not strong enough to have my own voice.

You can't let yourself get run over. Stick up for yourself! You deserve better. This is why it might be better to do it over message, so that you can gain the courage to defend yourself. Emotionally manipulative friendships are unhealthy.

he was a good friend outside of this i think. he was just jealous over this person and that is what made it seem unhealthy? my perception of the situation is probably skewed though.
can i talk to you elsewhere perhaps? i think it would be nice to have an outsiders opinion of the full situation maybe.

Theyll get over it eventually if bridges haven't been too burned. It takes time though. It's a good feeling caring about someone in that way, open and honest and so full of warmth. It's a hard thing to let go.

Even if its a specific person its still unhealthy. And sorry, no, I like to keep my privacy, especially on Jow Forums. I wish I could help more in depth, sorry. I'll stay here and keep watching out in future threads for updates. Call me advice user.

i guess if our talk doesn't go well and he shows more unhealthy signs, i will cut him from my life?
i understand completely the want for privacy so don't fret. i really appreciate your kindness though, thank you, advice user. haha made myself cry

Haha you sound like a girl a know. Cries a lot.

crying is good most of the time, i don't think it is a bad trait ):

Definitely isn't. Much better than the other extreme of repressing emotions. I just hope for your dignity you don't end up crying in your talk.

thank you very much, kind user. i hope so too. it is 12 30 am here so i think i am going to get ready for bed now. i hope you have a lovely day or night.
best wishes,

Thank you, my night has been lovely. Been talking to the aforementioned crying girl on and off and she's great. Best wishes for you too.


I'm dying everyday because you're not in my life, all I want is to talk to you again and not being angry with each other, if you ever read this please let me know.



It's so sweet to be loved by you. It feels warm and like soft fluff pillows hugging me.
My favorite image is you smiling. I never want to see you upset again. Please stay safe, precious.

I love you


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Dear OP

I like how you made this thread. It's cute.
>If you're D
I'm sorry I haven't been active. Especially not in DMs. I haven't been feeling well amd I'm also busy so I thought just talking in the group I can at least talk to everyone at once since holding a conversation drains my energy rn.
Thank you for being so sweet. Thank yoh for being you! And thank for being patiwnt uwu.


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It's your birthday in 30 minutes and I'm so excited! I hope you have a joyful day. I don't know what I am to you, perhaps just an annoying little sister. But that's okay as long as you know that you're appreciated.

Happy birthday G

Love, S

i'm glad you like this thread! i'm hoping to keep them going in future.
stay well

going to bump this thread before i go to sleep o: i hope all you anons have a great day or night! love you all

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You guys are so cute, made me smile aw (I never smile lol)

i don't think i want to talk anymore. these screenshots tell me you're not a very nice person and that you are two faced.


I really wish I didn't agree to chat with you today. I'm not in the fucking mood for your ruminations, and I'm way too fucked up lately to care about other people's shit. Especially from someone I never even met with irl. Constantly having to walk on eggshells when talking to you so that you don't take offense over some imagined slight doesn't feel that great on a good day either, let alone when I'm at the end of my rope.


sorry for not talking to you, i got busy and shutdown for a few days and now i feel guilty and can't bring myself to continue our conversation. i know you probably don't care, you seem fairly well adjusted, but i'm sorry nonetheless. I've got issues and I'm ashamed for trying to be friends when I'm so obviously incapable. vv

I wish you could admit you have depression. It would make me tolerate your terrible attitude and poor treatment of me a lot easier. I guess I shouldnt accept your disrespect either way. When I feel bad I dont treat you this way. I wish I could help you. I love you so much but i think you never cared about me at all.