Found out about Tumblr shooting itself in the head earlier. Thoughts, Jow Forums?
Found out about Tumblr shooting itself in the head earlier. Thoughts, Jow Forums?
how to ruin your business 101. look at the verizon stock chart right now everyone knows this is dumb as fuck.
I don't use tumblr or look at porn, but it still seems like a shitty business decision.
What is tumblr even for if not porn?
welp, there goes my sock fetish blog
What if weird niche fetishes survive like cockroaches after the nukes and that's just what tumblr is now
can you monetize tumblr blogs? how many people are about to loose their livelihood cause some retards doesn't like porn on their website.
Ironically, hardcore censor fetish porn will still be acceptable to post there. WHO'S LAIGHING NOW NORMIE SCUM? >:D
Apparently they're doing this because the staff found child porn on there somewhere, and now they're banning all porn so they don't have to be accountable for it.
Pretty fucking stupid, if you ask me.
>censor fetish
Solid colors must give you a rager
the fuck?
isnt that all tumblr is there for?
like its the weird porn artist side
are they trying to change their image?
Uhh sorry pleb, but there's actually multiple styles of censorship. I prefer it when two or more are used simultaneously.
I'd say the majority of Tumblr is weird fetish shit and porn blogs. I'm not even aware of what else is on there. It's the equivalent of r9k for females so there was always lots of lesbian porn and fetishism of homosexuality so I don't know where else they'll go.
The original idea is to kill off SJWs.
>kill net neutrality
>kill tumblr
>sjws lose their 'autistic screeching' power
>if they try to regroup on some other sites
>kill other sites
>save america from butthurt dykes secretly triggered by Russians
The same goes for Jow Forums. This is why they separate blue boards. Someone at the top finally realized the HUGE mistake that they made a decade ago by mixing hardcore fetish porn with normal stuff where kiddies go to play and letting the plebs to unite in huge multimillion member butthurt groups.
Welp, I had an account where I just hoarded porn I liked and stayed away from faggot drama but I guess I'll have to stay with /d/
Maybe 2020 is finally gonna be a nice decade we all been waiting for like the 90s. I hope they also assasinate Katy Perry too. She shouldn't have kissed a girl and like it in 2008 that started this degeneracy revolution.
Well, Tumblr ended up killing itself without Net Neutrality also dying.
This is the best timeline.
>can you monetize tumblr blogs?
yeah I always get spammed by blogs asking me to buy shirts and shit
At least we still have nude yoga on youtube.
Fucking cucktard go back to your cage you nigger
They also like to promote the shit out of their Patreons, if they have them.
Really? That's... interesting, serkku.
I like thinking about big piece of pizza in dreams, is very tasty.
That's the claim.
I suspect it's for that sweet sweet advertising revenue
>just like how Jow Forums and 4channel got a split
But that's where all the good cuck captions come from
There is literally no reason to even use tumblr now
shit is so sad they had the best porn on the internet
Based Fatbot.
I haven't used tumblr in years but it's kinda nice to know that a really bad part of my high school years is going to die for good.
Pedofags literally ruin every fucking thing on the internet
welp, there goes my hapa nympho blog
sad desu, found a lot of obscure good amateur shit on random tumblr blogs. gave me a lot of good faps
Annoyed because all of the shortstack artists I follow have decided to fuck off elsewhere so I gotta make twitter and pixv accounts now. Fuck tumblr and fuck apple for kickstarting this shit.