It's a "favorite sports team has been playing like shit for years" episode

>it's a "favorite sports team has been playing like shit for years" episode

Attached: typical Falcons fan.png (593x424, 71K)

>favorite and home team finally has a good year last year.
>actually makes it to the semi finals
>star player gets injured but they clutch a 3-2 lead
>other fucking faggot star player can't solo the next 2 games and chokes
>will probably never get that close to a championship ever again
I haven't watched a single game this year since, god I hate the fucking meme chuckers

>Watching nigger ball
>Caring about sport's in general

what's with all these newfags pretending to like sports recently

>favorite sports team

Their post has no substance about the team or why it sucks, they know they can't go to /sp/ because their lack of knowledge will show, gonna guess its a girl or a beta fag looking for attention

>muh bread and circuses
Stop it.

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atleast you're not one of those fags who constantly switch teams

good job reading the reddit highlight page of the team you decided to start liking to "get more into sports"

>mfw tottenham hotspurs supporter

Attached: 1xtz8aie.vichan.png (657x527, 25K)

Why are you here and not /sp/? Leave

Are you talking about the Pittsburg Steelers? That was kinda funny how the referees kept trying to let the Chargers win. Like when that guy missed the kick twice and they kept making him try again.
I had money on that game, which is the only reason I cared, but oh well.

Have you ever watched football in your life? The refs interfere constantly. Get used to it

>hey look here is a random trivia about a recent sports game i overheard from some chad at a restaurant

Nope. I just said in that post that the only reason I watched was because I had a little money on the game. Learn to read, you stupid faggot.

babahaha did i strike a nerve

christ i am sick of all the fake sports fans recently

>Its a "favorite sports team won the cup so much that nobody in the state cares about them anymore" episode

Attached: only up by 5.jpg (500x407, 63K)

>it was 25-3
Imagine having no rings

Attached: 1543555413765.jpg (300x360, 8K)

Because the steelers special team was too dumb to not jump offside
The ref was right on all of those 3 calls

No, because I'm not a sports fan. I made sure to establish that I wasn't. I'm just calling you a faggot because you are one, dude.

retard answer for a retard response.

>he watches sportsball
I bet you watch the news too.