Does anyone have experience having a six pack and how girls react or being on tinder? is it worth it...

Does anyone have experience having a six pack and how girls react or being on tinder? is it worth it? how thirsty do girls get over it?

I'm at 15% right now and I need motivation

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face > any sort of muscle including abs

Consider the scent

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I have a fairly defined six pack because I am working towards ottermode. The only compliments I have gotten are from guys.

Wouldn't it be great if she just leg locked your face?

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yeah but have girls seen it?

Face > Height > Frame > Muscles

that smell bro

post more muscle tomboys

Wouldn’t it be gross if she made you clean her dirty stinky shitter with your tongue haha so gross who would want that?

Yeah, been to the beach and everything. It was just my friends asking me what to do and what to eat to lose weight. I just told them SS+GOMAD.

are you a big guy though?

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This is it, this is peak perfection

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For you

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Her sex tape was so bad. Yesjulz on kikehub.

im 5'8 with ok abs and whenever i go to the pool with my 6'4 gym buddy, the girls stare at me and ignore him. guys always compliment me but i havent had a girl tell me anything yet

They'll give you looks, but any chick who actually compliments you is really into you.

Girls don't compliment guys, that's an invitation for a come-on right there. They're not that clueless and stupid.

Fuck no, I also don't have a great face.

bad as in she's bad in bed or bad as in she picked some dude who was shit at laying pipe?

jesus I though she was fucking a black guy for a second because of the lighting

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it's because you're at least 5'6 because 5'6-5'10 is the best height range for the domination of social situations.
This is because of the "subtle alpha" aesthetics the shorter man always gives off. The shorter man will always dominate through his "style", his "sleekness" and most usually through his intellectual power. Taller men can not pull this off, so they have to dominate in a much "in your face" and "raw" way

based and painful truth pilled

she shot the whole thing with her camera while being fucked from behind.

>bad angle
>ugly dude
>not nude
>camera shaking like crazy

just heroically bad all around.

based and manletpilled

>virgin manlet

>"laying pipe"

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and the lighting is shit. I thought the dude was black for a second. She also moans kind of weird, would honestly turn me off

to bad its photoshoped to hell

BS aside my last four gfs and fwb have all loved them and referred back to the time they first saw them and I wouldn't even say they are that good. So anything at 12 to 14 percent is completely adequate.

how do you maintain them so constantly? Is it just easier to get them after you've done it once?

It's a lot easier to maintain a weight than to change it.

it was just a joke fren

just watched it. very dissapointing

theres similar I bet that aren't photoshoped

her ass looks way worse in her sex tape

If you're lean enough for abs you get face gains. Face is the most important.

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I've had a 6/8 pack since puberty. You get a lot of comments but they're not all positive.
Most comments are from guys who mire, ask you for advice or want you to make them a plan.
Surprisingly older people are the second biggest group that you get comments from lol. Old women are generally super flirty and old men are complementary about it (almost invariably followed by "wait till your metabolism slows down" or "I used to look like that").
Girls say a lot too but its mostly once you've already gone on a date or smashed. It's way more common for a girl to mention my abs during or after sex than at the beach although that happens sometimes.
Finally, the last group you get a lot of comments from is fat women diminishing the work you've put in and calling it genetics, metabolism, or undereating. Super often fat girls will say stuff like "do you ever eat" or "I don't get how you don't gain weight" - somehow forgetting that they eat like shit and put in work than they do.

Overall, definitely worth it. It sounds really narcissistic but you just feel better when you're the visual representation of what people wish they were.

What's her name and how do I get that body type?

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I'd eat that woman's shit straight out of her asshole and lick it clean. What's her name?

>she doesn't reply until 7 hours later
user I...

Did you read the thread?

Is Yesjulz a name? smartass

What's her routine and diet?
I need to know

You're a dumbass if you can't find someone's real name from a social media handle. Stop being a fucking retard.

when they mention it is not that important, just the fact that they feel the need to mention it.
i mean it's pretty fucking obvious that a sixpack is the equivalent of really nice tits for a guy.
I am happy with good tits, I will take alright tits, but damn me if a pair of REALLY nice tits doesn't get me going.

that doesn't even look like her on instagram